Lets look at the source code.
No hybrid flex to be found, it's just another nasty PeerCoin fork with not notable changes whatsoever. Still even has
little bits of PeerCoin hanging around. Unbelievably it's such an old fork of Bitcoin that it retains IRC support, except it will
join the #bitcoin channels because their find and replace didn't quite get everything.
The pre-mine is predictable, the first block makes an insane number of coins for GAW. Interestingly if anybody wanted they could have forked the network right back from the genesis block and taken the 12M coins for themselves, the difficulty is a bit high to do that now though unless you have 1Ph/s in your pocket. Up until 20 hours the PoW miners actually
got a lot more block reward, but this was changed down for some reason.
int64 GetProofOfWorkReward(int nHeight, unsigned int nTime)
int64 nSubsidy = 0;
if(nHeight == 1){
nSubsidy = 12000000 * COIN;
}else if(nTime <= POW_START_TIME){
nSubsidy = 0 * COIN;
}else if(nTime < POW_END_TIME){
nSubsidy = 49 * COIN;
return nSubsidy;
There's no months of work here, they just picked a random altcoin developer a week ago to make another poor fork of PeerCoin, tweak some values, add a logo and some fresh paint from the hardware store, and sell it as gold. We weren't expecting much better though, were we
Looks like they
were planning to move from hashtalk.org to paycointalk.org as well.