December 10, 2014, 08:31:55 PM |
You all missed the point. Its easy to tear someone down...
I think you missed something too. When Reddit\Bitcointalk\Litecointalk\LTCGeartalk are all saying GAW is a scam and paycoin is going to cause a lot of people to lose a lot of money there is a problem. Only HT talks about how great paycoin is, well that's because GAW owns it and operates it and if you say anything bad about GAW you get banned and have your post deleted. If HT was a book it would be 1984.
Full Member
Activity: 770
Merit: 100 | Decentralized Finance on Tron
December 10, 2014, 08:33:33 PM |
Scott, did you get an email asking for your phone number from the SEC? Someone else who I know who made a report recently got a phone call. I sent them back an email with my phone number and I immediately got a call from them.
I talked to a 'senior counsel' employee for about 30 minutes, it was mainly about gawminers and I was told to send them all the info I have via email. I sent him all the TOS revisions I had copied and other info I won't state but I guess GAW didn't cover themselves from the SEC from the beginning, they only protected themselves about a month ago. He knew all about cryptocurrencies surprisingly, I thought I would have to explain everything.
Anyways, did you talk to them yet Scott?
Yes. I have been in contact via phone and email with multiple agencies including the SEC, but cannot get in to too much detail about specifics just yet. Scott- So it seems like they're actually doing some investigating at least, I hope they find some other dirt on them depending on what others reported. I gave them as much info as possible, I kept logs of hashtalk/zencloud/gawminers from June since I noticed they try to delete data constantly.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 08:33:57 PM |
You all missed the point. Its easy to tear someone down...
Even easier to scam idiots. No doubt. I struggle with if I should feel sorry for those who ignored all the warning signs when it all comes crashing down. I dont want anyone to lose their money and if/when this all goes bad its going to be another black eye on crypto but the warning signs have been there for quite some time now and are getting more and more obvious as the days go on. Sadly for some the only way they learn not to play with fire is when they get burned. Hopefully it doesnt come to that.
December 10, 2014, 08:37:40 PM |
Scott, did you get an email asking for your phone number from the SEC? Someone else who I know who made a report recently got a phone call. I sent them back an email with my phone number and I immediately got a call from them.
I talked to a 'senior counsel' employee for about 30 minutes, it was mainly about gawminers and I was told to send them all the info I have via email. I sent him all the TOS revisions I had copied and other info I won't state but I guess GAW didn't cover themselves from the SEC from the beginning, they only protected themselves about a month ago. He knew all about cryptocurrencies surprisingly, I thought I would have to explain everything.
Anyways, did you talk to them yet Scott?
Yes. I have been in contact via phone and email with multiple agencies including the SEC, but cannot get in to too much detail about specifics just yet. Scott- So it seems like they're actually doing some investigating at least, I hope they find some other dirt on them depending on what others reported. I gave them as much info as possible, I kept logs of hashtalk/zencloud/gawminers from June since I noticed they try to delete data constantly. This is a very hot issue with the SEC. I expect they are looking for headline cases to establish precedent for regulation. Good and bad. Probably bad for any large, overhyped, overpromised, cloud operator located in the U.S. (whether or not a ponzi).
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Full Member
Activity: 770
Merit: 100 | Decentralized Finance on Tron
December 10, 2014, 08:39:22 PM |
You all missed the point. Its easy to tear someone down...
I think you missed something too. When Reddit\Bitcointalk\Litecointalk\LTCGeartalk are all saying GAW is a scam and paycoin is going to cause a lot of people to lose a lot of money there is a problem. Only HT talks about how great paycoin is, well that's because GAW owns it and operates it and if you say anything bad about GAW you get banned and have your post deleted. If HT was a book it would be 1984. Yes, has to be the most hated company on Bitcointalk\Litecointalk\LTCGeartalk and Reddit\r\bitcoin, you'd think people would take a hint. It also seems like hashtalk's post numbers have been dwindling and I'm sure GAW has noticed that sales have slowed. He made enough money that his Grand Kids will be driving Ferraris, He figured out a way to funnel every idiot into investing in Paycoin.. and he can wash his hands with Paycoin without owing anyone shit and walking away with 25,000 bitcoins.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 08:42:29 PM |
just curious... do any of you people have jobs? all i have seen on this site is a bunch of bullbutter since i got involved in january. its starting to look like this site and sites like it are more the problem with crypto than anything. what did you all do while satoshi was making his statement in the world? bad mouthing gold? or the euro?
instead of complaining and misquoting someone trying to make his mark like a bunch of liberal democrats, go make yours. or is that too hard for simple trolls?
Okay there Josh Garza, stop making accounts. We all know you own multiple reddit/bitcointalk/hashtalk accounts that praise you and you're known for that. Why don't you just post here under your main GAW_CEO account instead? I know some individuals are dumb but I don't think there is anyone dumb enough to openly support a scam for no profit to them. We are trying to help people realize that Gaw is a terrible investment and they should either save their money or invest it elsewhere. Buy gold/silver, that is definitely a wiser investment than gaw scam. Its funny you make these remarks while your add banner says "become a bitcoin millonaire"....
December 10, 2014, 08:47:48 PM |
Why not just answer the question? I don't work for GAW, so I don't have any information on that question. Sorry. Or another one: How much actual hashpower does GAW have and what will they do with it now when many opted for cashtakers, freeing their "hashing"?
How much actual hashpower do they have? Considering they will not outright say, people have tried to make educated guesses based upon how many hashlets are believed to be out there. Josh did say that they have 100% hashpower to the amounts that the customers hold. What are they going to do with it? The same thing they have been doing all along. Renting it out to other companies. I'd speculate that this is where a lot of these newer cloud mining outfits magically get all this hashing power, but the total network hashing power doesn't seem to be increasing that much. They rent hashing power at a discount then resell it as virtual miners for a higher competitive price.
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
December 10, 2014, 08:49:39 PM |
Its funny you make these remarks while your add banner says "become a bitcoin millonaire"....
You seem to be confused. At one point this site had a hashlet ad across the page showing in this thread, it was amusingly ironic but has nothing to do with posters' opinions.
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
December 10, 2014, 08:58:00 PM |
Why not just answer the question? I don't work for GAW, so I don't have any information on that question. Sorry. Or another one: How much actual hashpower does GAW have and what will they do with it now when many opted for cashtakers, freeing their "hashing"?
How much actual hashpower do they have? Considering they will not outright say, people have tried to make educated guesses based upon how many hashlets are believed to be out there. Josh did say that they have 100% hashpower to the amounts that the customers hold. What are they going to do with it? The same thing they have been doing all along. Renting it out to other companies. I'd speculate that this is where a lot of these newer cloud mining outfits magically get all this hashing power, but the total network hashing power doesn't seem to be increasing that much. They rent hashing power at a discount then resell it as virtual miners for a higher competitive price. So in your opinion GAW's business model involves renting out "hashing power" at below market value so that others could make money off it? How does that make sense? And why the CEO would be saying he'll sell those miners, are you suggesting he's lying? also have way more hashing power then we need now. Stay tuned to one miner (that's where they sell hardware)
December 10, 2014, 09:06:23 PM |
So they have way more hashing power than they need, and super cheap electricity, yet they still cannot afford to lower maintenance fees? If they have 10W/MH hardware and $0.05/kwh electricity, they would be paying $0.012/day/MH.
December 10, 2014, 09:07:33 PM |
Also, could you explain the dynamics of Paycoin? How does it work that everybody can stake 400% per year in cashtakers and the money supply is unlimited. Where does all the cash come from and why?
... explain the dynamics of paycoin?... You'd have to be more specific. I'm not going to write a dissertation on the paycoin economy. How can everyone stake at 400% per year? It's easy... that's the way the algorithm is setup to do so. You have to remember, they are not giving you USD... but paycoins. So they aren't giving you real money, just fake internet money that could be exchanged for USD or BTC at whatever the rate is for that moment. It's their belief that the value of this exchange should be kept from tanking due to their cash reserve, where they can buy all the dumped coins at $20 to keep the value stable. Where does all the cash come from? It came from the customers themselves! People buying hashlets directly, their 10% cut of market sales, hashstaker sales, etc. How many coins will there be after PoW? 12.5 million according to the whitepaper. What about after 1 year of PoS? Unknown, because coins are released in paycoin's POS scheme based on demand. It's not a steady flow like in other coin's POS schemes. The more demand there is for the coins, the more coins will be minted by the prime controllers via their staked coins. When will PoW start? Where can it be mined? At the end of what would have been round 3 of the ICO. The details of where it can be mined have not been released yet. When will the wallets be released? Standard wallet software will be released when the coin goes live. All this is standard stuff for a coin release. Where can we exchange Paycoin on the exchanges? On which exchanges? TBA
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 09:08:07 PM |
Its funny you make these remarks while your add banner says "become a bitcoin millonaire"....
You seem to be confused. At one point this site had a hashlet ad across the page showing in this thread, it was amusingly ironic but has nothing to do with posters' opinions. So your absolved of any responsibility for their content? Why arent you bashing them, Where is that thread??? IT LITERALLY SAYS YOU CAN GET RICH! With a small amount of bitcoin. Hmmm Every hear of "cherry picking"? I would seriously like some sort of proof that GAW has done wrong. Can anyone show some sort of proof? I'm genuinely asking. Not to make fun. I make fun because every company hypes their product. And if they dont they get bashed for having cheap products. I own $190 worth of hashstakers and can refund it any time. That tells me the company is at least somewhat legit. No scammer offers a money back guarantee with a grace period that has been so long. They make you feel stupid with no real information if you try to cancel. All I have seen here is ridicule, that typical scammers would provide. I have looked through some links on here as I just found this thread. Sadly since issues with pump N dumpers on here in the early part of the year I wrote this forum off as "like all the rest". I want to refund my money if I see information that is legitiment. But im not here to drink your koolaid either...
December 10, 2014, 09:09:23 PM |
So they have way more hashing power than they need, and super cheap electricity, yet they still cannot afford to lower maintenance fees? If they have 10W/MH hardware and $0.05/kwh electricity, they would be paying $0.012/day/MH. Yep what a joke.
December 10, 2014, 09:09:50 PM |
Its funny you make these remarks while your add banner says "become a bitcoin millonaire"....
You seem to be confused. At one point this site had a hashlet ad across the page showing in this thread, it was amusingly ironic but has nothing to do with posters' opinions. So your absolved of any responsibility for their content? Why arent you bashing them, Where is that thread??? IT LITERALLY SAYS YOU CAN GET RICH! With a small amount of bitcoin. Hmmm Every hear of "cherry picking"? I would seriously like some sort of proof that GAW has done wrong. Can anyone show some sort of proof? I'm genuinely asking. Not to make fun. I make fun because every company hypes their product. And if they dont they get bashed for having cheap products. I own $190 worth of hashstakers and can refund it any time. That tells me the company is at least somewhat legit. No scammer offers a money back guarantee with a grace period that has been so long. They make you feel stupid with no real information if you try to cancel. All I have seen here is ridicule, that typical scammers would provide. I have looked through some links on here as I just found this thread. Sadly since issues with pump N dumpers on here in the early part of the year I wrote this forum off as "like all the rest". I want to refund my money if I see information that is legitiment. But im not here to drink your koolaid either... annnnnnnnnnnd ignore.
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
December 10, 2014, 09:13:02 PM |
How can everyone stake at 400% per year? It's easy... that's the way the algorithm is setup to do so. You have to remember, they are not giving you USD... but paycoins. So they aren't giving you real money, just fake internet money that could be exchanged for USD or BTC at whatever the rate is for that moment.
It's their belief that the value of this exchange should be kept from tanking due to their cash reserve, where they can buy all the dumped coins at $20 to keep the value stable.
Where does all the cash come from? It came from the customers themselves! People buying hashlets directly, their 10% cut of market sales, hashstaker sales, etc.
Sounds like some kind of perpetual money machine. I'm now starting to believe that you're just winding us up.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 09:15:26 PM |
Its funny you make these remarks while your add banner says "become a bitcoin millonaire"....
You seem to be confused. At one point this site had a hashlet ad across the page showing in this thread, it was amusingly ironic but has nothing to do with posters' opinions. So your absolved of any responsibility for their content? Why arent you bashing them, Where is that thread??? IT LITERALLY SAYS YOU CAN GET RICH! With a small amount of bitcoin. Hmmm Every hear of "cherry picking"? I would seriously like some sort of proof that GAW has done wrong. Can anyone show some sort of proof? I'm genuinely asking. Not to make fun. I make fun because every company hypes their product. And if they dont they get bashed for having cheap products. I own $190 worth of hashstakers and can refund it any time. That tells me the company is at least somewhat legit. No scammer offers a money back guarantee with a grace period that has been so long. They make you feel stupid with no real information if you try to cancel. All I have seen here is ridicule, that typical scammers would provide. I have looked through some links on here as I just found this thread. Sadly since issues with pump N dumpers on here in the early part of the year I wrote this forum off as "like all the rest". I want to refund my money if I see information that is legitiment. But im not here to drink your koolaid either... annnnnnnnnnnd ignore. annnnnnnnnnnd ignorant... Why dont you just delete it "josh garza ceo"
December 10, 2014, 09:17:08 PM |
I have a couple of questions. What is your take on the lack of miners shown in the video. Don't you find it the least bit suspicious that there was no sound (to possibly hide the number of miners running), the camera was angled at a certain position... and there was no walk through. Do you not think that if its so easy to provide evidence in a walk through that they shouldn't have overlooked it? Sorry, I haven't seen the video. This has never concerned me. Based on just this alone can you see where peoples suspicions lay? The video walkthrough stated people could tell him where to walk and then it becomes an orchestrated controlled video. Should GAW not at least address that to prove 5 PH at least? I'm guessing that they didn't do it the way that you wanted it done. Satisfying hundreds of different requests was probably not feasible, and he was probably ordered to do it that way. On another note do you find it unreasonable that a person investing ask for said proof of their investment? If so why not? Why should a CEO's word rival proof.
You won't get that kind of proof from any other company that I can think of. GAW has bent over backwards to try and satisfy their critics, but the boo-birds and naysayers will never be satisfied.
Full Member
Activity: 770
Merit: 100 | Decentralized Finance on Tron
December 10, 2014, 09:17:13 PM |
Once the coin is released and thousands upon thousands paycoins are dumped and the wall becomes thinner and thinner and people mine the hell out of the coin just to dump it, where it the wall then? No one will want to buy paycoins in the future, it offers nothing innovative and its completely useless. You won't get that kind of proof from any other company that I can think of. GAW has bent over backwards to try and satisfy their critics, but the boo-birds and naysayers will never be satisfied. GAW HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS TO TRY AND SATISFY THEIR CRITICS? They have done nothing at all to satisfy us, and he keeps on mentioning that everything is hidden for 'competitive' reason... It has to be hidden because he doesn't want to go to jail for lying/scamming individuals. You don't need to hide the amount of miners you have or mining addresses, what are competitors going to do with that.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
December 10, 2014, 09:21:07 PM |
just curious... do any of you people have jobs? all i have seen on this site is a bunch of bullbutter since i got involved in january. its starting to look like this site and sites like it are more the problem with crypto than anything. what did you all do while satoshi was making his statement in the world? bad mouthing gold? or the euro?
instead of complaining and misquoting someone trying to make his mark like a bunch of liberal democrats, go make yours. or is that too hard for simple trolls?
No i don't! Retired four years ago