So after downloading the latest bootstrap provided, my wallet is stuck on May 7th, 2016 at block 387890. Wallet version is Bitcredit Core version v0.30.19.10-33f2960-dirty (64-bit).
I just don't understand why this coin always needs bootstraps downloaded and transferred to wallet directory in order to function. Seems like the blockchain is very unstable. For me it raises the question to the accuracy and efficiency of this coins network. I get that it is still in development and restructuring of features are being implemented, but this is no excuse for the need to provide a working chain database to the community in order for peoples wallets to function properly.
Not to mention that I believe this to be unsecure method for the community to get a functioning wallet.
I hope v 2.0 will fix these wallet issues with getting the blockchain information from the network and avoid the need to download a bootstrap file in order to function properly.
Another question I have is clarification on the total supply reduction. Does this mean that the coins I currently have residing in my wallet will be reduced proportionately as well, or do they remain as the total supply that they presently represent.
All things to all people.
I think that was the main issue.
P2P lending is taking off in the real world, right now. As we speak, it is a sector that was worth a few million a year a few years ago and is now doubling each year into the billions per year category.
Do we need assets right now? No. There are asset projects all over the place.
Few if any are in the p2p lending space and none have managed to go from crypto coin project to being recognised in ordinary finance circles for being the only true peer to peer lender. All the others in the fiat world that do p2p loans and talk about peer to peer, well they run off an old school centralised system.
I've set out a path to get officially recognised, but you can't force people into knowing your right. You need time and hindsight so they can figure out your solution for themselves.