So i was talking in the trollbox with dominikherzog about the listing of the obvious scam YEScoin.
Its beyond retarded to state this in the addcoin section if its totally ignored.
New "rules":
- bitcointalk topic only (!)
- max premine - 20%- not accepted coins with newbie topic
- not accepted coins with text only topics
- no wallet builders
- nodes should be included in source code
- request can be declined if we don’t like your coin.
YEScoin has a 99,99% premine and nothing left to miners.
Even on launchday coin supply was
41 469 894 705 coins... STAKED AT 88%.
Not much of a brain is needed to figure out what will happen here..
frostminer: Its such an obvious scam its not even funny
frostminer: Premine: 41456281977.75278473 Reward for miners: 00000000000.00000010
WirdNix: zavianuk, Who is the owner of all YES coins you can buy?
frostminer: WirdNix, the dev
frostminer: miners got nothing.. its all premined.. and staking
WirdNix: frostminer, I see you use your brain, not like the other´s
dominikherzog: frostminer, what about USD?frostminer: dominikherzog, really?
frostminer: ok... we are that level. Nice to know.
dominikherzog, its nice to know yobits response to an obvious scam... their excuse "what about USD?"
results in: -->> frostminer: i'm spammer [AUTOBAN]
So then i guess we have to conclude that you support scams, as rumored.
I mean.. even your "rules" are a scam.
You thought adding those "rules" would help your reputation while you continue to add scams and cloned shitcoins for dumping?
Unbanned. I hope/guess it was the "..." that triggered a banfilter.
(still think YEScoin is a shame to list)