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Question: Will you use Android or Apple devices for the upcoming WildBeastBitcoin mobile app
Android - 180 (62.3%)
Apple - 52 (18%)
Using other - 4 (1.4%)
None - 53 (18.3%)
Total Voters: 289

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Author Topic: [ANN] Wild Beast Block [WBB] on, no PREMINE, Honest ! - the wild one  (Read 546442 times)
Hero Member
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Activity: 924
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March 12, 2016, 12:33:45 PM

Would be also cool if you had a special edition coin for the release of WBBOS Smiley

A coin with a metaphorically visualized version of the WBBOS.

Anything like this possible?

Would be great for the community and to spread the word about WBB.


we will not create a crypto coin for WBBOS as WBB will be in the end deep in the OS Smiley
WBB is WBBOS Smiley



Yeah Unless your talking about a silver coin I think your missing the whole point of WBB    Roll Eyes lol
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Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000


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March 12, 2016, 12:34:39 PM

What is ether coin supply vs wbb? Sorry to lazy to look it up lol

Ether has no limit, they will keep creating them, much like FIAT  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Well I don't no if that's a good or bad thing  Huh
WildBeastBitcoin (OP)
Hero Member
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Activity: 798
Merit: 1000

WBB - Wild Beast Block - The future is coming

View Profile WWW
March 12, 2016, 12:48:01 PM

Would be also cool if you had a special edition coin for the release of WBBOS Smiley

A coin with a metaphorically visualized version of the WBBOS.

Anything like this possible?

Would be great for the community and to spread the word about WBB.


we will not create a crypto coin for WBBOS as WBB will be in the end deep in the OS Smiley
WBB is WBBOS Smiley




Yes and a series of silver coin is about 10000 EUR if you create 100 units , from design to making the stamp and mint this is an expensive process.
However what we have is we have taken a few from the S01 silver coin and have the serial number hand engraved these are on top of the rare limited edition extreme rare and for these we will create a special auction. They want be cheap and you can not compare the silver coins.
Quality wise there are a few lucky persons out there which already have theses coins from first auction. The coins these persons have are the only one in circulations so take good care of them.


WBB & 1EX Dev  

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  with New Wallet & Smart Message Insertion
  with Smart Doc Insertion
  WBB Chat Free | Fully Secure and Private
Hero Member
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Activity: 924
Merit: 1000


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March 12, 2016, 01:12:49 PM

Would be also cool if you had a special edition coin for the release of WBBOS Smiley

A coin with a metaphorically visualized version of the WBBOS.

Anything like this possible?

Would be great for the community and to spread the word about WBB.


we will not create a crypto coin for WBBOS as WBB will be in the end deep in the OS Smiley
WBB is WBBOS Smiley




Yes and a series of silver coin is about 10000 EUR if you create 100 units , from design to making the stamp and mint this is an expensive process.
However what we have is we have taken a few from the S01 silver coin and have the serial number hand engraved these are on top of the rare limited edition extreme rare and for these we will create a special auction. They want be cheap and you can not compare the silver coins.
Quality wise there are a few lucky persons out there which already have theses coins from first auction. The coins these persons have are the only one in circulations so take good care of them.


WBB & 1EX Dev  

You know, that is expensive, I know guys in Australia that do runs of coins at a low premium rate for sale, might have to be more than 100 ozs but thats no biggy, It's A Good quality finish to. I have bought many bars off them, bars being cheaper to produce I suppose.

I gave up on rare low mint coins, many of them get milk spots and makes it low prem

1kg WBB bars is what I wanna see
Offline Offline

Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000


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March 12, 2016, 01:31:54 PM

How cool would that be, 1kg wbb bars or 1Oz wbb bars Smiley
Hero Member
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Activity: 924
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March 12, 2016, 01:38:33 PM

How cool would that be, 1kg wbb bars or 1Oz wbb bars Smiley

Yeah that is what I wanna see, 1 oz coins are small change.

Big matte finish stacker bars with WBB pressed into them... Sweet.....
Piston Honda
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Activity: 2758
Merit: 1070

Juicin' crypto

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March 12, 2016, 01:44:11 PM

best coin and brand
best dev and releases, hardest working
soon to be best price (watch when ETH dumps)

$ADK ~ watch & learn...
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Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000

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March 12, 2016, 01:48:20 PM

What is ether coin supply vs wbb? Sorry to lazy to look it up lol

Ether has no limit, they will keep creating them, much like FIAT  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Well I don't no if that's a good or bad thing  Huh

At the moment there are 77,703,395 Ethereum units around, approx. 56x more coins than WBB (1,394,060 coins).
Nea Sandu
Sr. Member
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Activity: 478
Merit: 285

Crypto Way is the only Way!

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March 12, 2016, 04:39:50 PM

weired sales on bittrex Huh
looks like some1 is acumulate...

Goana dupa Bitcoin

..DMEX ..

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Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000

cryptojunk bag holder

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March 12, 2016, 04:48:26 PM

weired sales on bittrex Huh
looks like some1 is acumulate...
short-term traders taking profits. It is expected that there will be some weak hands dropping a bit after recent rises.
I wouldn't make a big deal out of that, there is still quite  a lot of support.

this space is intentionally left blank
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Activity: 1232
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★YoBit.Net★ 1400+ Coins Exchange

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March 12, 2016, 04:50:28 PM

It's accumulation too, but @ this price selling is profit too for a lot of people

I know why your pray will never be answered!
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Activity: 1274
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March 12, 2016, 07:19:40 PM

weired sales on bittrex Huh
looks like some1 is acumulate...
short-term traders taking profits. It is expected that there will be some weak hands dropping a bit after recent rises.
I wouldn't make a big deal out of that, there is still quite  a lot of support.

This is very good for distribution, as people with weak hands sell out, the buyers will benefit in the long run, wbb hasn't even taken off yet, it's more like a warm up. Just wait for the OS to be fully operational, then we pop our champagne  Grin
Offline Offline

Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000

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March 12, 2016, 07:44:58 PM

weired sales on bittrex Huh
looks like some1 is acumulate...
short-term traders taking profits. It is expected that there will be some weak hands dropping a bit after recent rises.
I wouldn't make a big deal out of that, there is still quite  a lot of support.

This is very good for distribution, as people with weak hands sell out, the buyers will benefit in the long run, wbb hasn't even taken off yet, it's more like a warm up. Just wait for the OS to be fully operational, then we pop our champagne  Grin

A real beginning for take off will be 0.005 BTC price, imho.
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Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000


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March 12, 2016, 07:53:10 PM

No reason it can't get to that price Smiley
Offline Offline

Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000

cryptojunk bag holder

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March 12, 2016, 08:06:28 PM

weired sales on bittrex Huh
looks like some1 is acumulate...
short-term traders taking profits. It is expected that there will be some weak hands dropping a bit after recent rises.
I wouldn't make a big deal out of that, there is still quite  a lot of support.

This is very good for distribution, as people with weak hands sell out, the buyers will benefit in the long run, wbb hasn't even taken off yet, it's more like a warm up. Just wait for the OS to be fully operational, then we pop our champagne  Grin

A real beginning for take off will be 0.005 BTC price, imho.
let's don't get excited too early. Step by step. it is important that the first step was made and we finally left sub-10k territory for good.
Patience is the key. Plus great WBB developer Grin

this space is intentionally left blank
Offline Offline

Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000

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March 12, 2016, 08:30:54 PM

weired sales on bittrex Huh
looks like some1 is acumulate...
short-term traders taking profits. It is expected that there will be some weak hands dropping a bit after recent rises.
I wouldn't make a big deal out of that, there is still quite  a lot of support.

This is very good for distribution, as people with weak hands sell out, the buyers will benefit in the long run, wbb hasn't even taken off yet, it's more like a warm up. Just wait for the OS to be fully operational, then we pop our champagne  Grin

A real beginning for take off will be 0.005 BTC price, imho.
let's don't get excited too early. Step by step. it is important that the first step was made and we finally left sub-10k territory for good.
Patience is the key. Plus great WBB developer Grin

Not as much of excitement, just a plain prediction.

Anyway, for me price is less interesting than announced OS development. Waiting a moment when it will be available for trial.
Oil man
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Activity: 114
Merit: 10

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March 13, 2016, 03:16:12 AM

What is ether coin supply vs wbb? Sorry to lazy to look it up lol

Ether has no limit, they will keep creating them, much like FIAT  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Well I don't no if that's a good or bad thing  Huh

At the moment there are 77,703,395 Ethereum units around, approx. 56x more coins than WBB (1,394,060 coins).

because they have more capital usd 18m
to match ethereum, WBB should have as much capital it

my friends said:
Don't agree with their tactics and hyping and most Eth supporters don't really understand it, burned 18 million dollars in a few months, squeezing market, and don't see a need for decentralized apps that cost Eth to run when apps work just fine as they are. Weak code and architecture EVM is only as powerful as a 1990's cellphone

nyari jodoh
Piston Honda
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Activity: 2758
Merit: 1070

Juicin' crypto

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March 13, 2016, 04:31:09 AM

What is ether coin supply vs wbb? Sorry to lazy to look it up lol

Ether has no limit, they will keep creating them, much like FIAT  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Well I don't no if that's a good or bad thing  Huh

At the moment there are 77,703,395 Ethereum units around, approx. 56x more coins than WBB (1,394,060 coins).

because they have more capital usd 18m
to match ethereum, WBB should have as much capital it

my friends said:
Don't agree with their tactics and hyping and most Eth supporters don't really understand it, burned 18 million dollars in a few months, squeezing market, and don't see a need for decentralized apps that cost Eth to run when apps work just fine as they are. Weak code and architecture EVM is only as powerful as a 1990's cellphone

100% correct

$ADK ~ watch & learn...
Hero Member
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Activity: 1106
Merit: 502

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March 13, 2016, 04:44:24 AM

because they have more capital usd 18m
to match ethereum, WBB should have as much capital it

my friends said:
Don't agree with their tactics and hyping and most Eth supporters don't really understand it, burned 18 million dollars in a few months, squeezing market, and don't see a need for decentralized apps that cost Eth to run when apps work just fine as they are. Weak code and architecture EVM is only as powerful as a 1990's cellphone

Eth really does not make sense and does not create any clear function.
As altcoin should make it easy to use and also in the transaction but not with eth that can only be used by experts only
WBB very nice with its brilliant project and start from nil.
Who's your friend?

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The Infrastructure for the
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─ Token ─
Oil man
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Activity: 114
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March 13, 2016, 04:48:35 AM

because they have more capital usd 18m
to match ethereum, WBB should have as much capital it

my friends said:
Don't agree with their tactics and hyping and most Eth supporters don't really understand it, burned 18 million dollars in a few months, squeezing market, and don't see a need for decentralized apps that cost Eth to run when apps work just fine as they are. Weak code and architecture EVM is only as powerful as a 1990's cellphone

Eth really does not make sense and does not create any clear function.
As altcoin should make it easy to use and also in the transaction but not with eth that can only be used by experts only
WBB very nice with its brilliant project and start from nil.
Who's your friend?

yeah you're right

my friend is dev. nexus niro a.k.a viz a.k.a videlicet a.k.a colin cantrell a.k.a the real satoshi nakamoto.. lol

nyari jodoh
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