Выложили сегодня майнинг на Windows 7 (рабочая версия)
Download and install Geth installer here:
http://www.github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum (the automated development build)
Download and install Ethereum here:
https://build.ethdev.com/builds/Windows C++ develop branch/ (the latest Windows c++ build is a .exe file at the bottom)
Then download the genesis JSON file (
http://jev.io/genesis_block.json) and save it somewhere (it's easiest to save it in the same folder as Geth actually)
Start Geth and open a new account from the DOS CMD line: "geth account new" (save the account name and password you use). Exit that (CRTL+C)
Start Geth with the genesis JSON "geth --genesis [path_to_genesis_JSON_filename] and let it catch up to whatever the current block is on
http://stats.ethdev.com. Exit that (CRTL+C)
Start GETH again with the RPC API: "geth --rpc". Now we are ready to start mining.
Open another DOS terminal and start the miner "ethminer -G --opencl-device 0" and if everything goes right you should be mining away
One more thing, the Geth terminal is super clunky and buggy. If you want to actually use it as a terminal you have to open another instance of the DOS terminal and type "geth attach". This gives you another Geth window into which you can actually type the javascript API commands.