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2081  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 08, 2022, 12:57:52 PM
Russia does not have Tochka-U missiles in service

C+ for hitting the correct talking points, solid F for using easily disprovable bullshit.

New batch of Tochka-U tactical ballistic missiles was brought to Belarus.

Let me guess, they were not planning to use them, just flying them to Belarus for no reason at all because they have nothing better to do during a war.
You are right, Tochka-U missiles are in service with the armed forces of Belarus. Russia removed Tochka-U from service several years ago, they were completely replaced by Iskanders, which are better in all respects.

Ukraine breaks another bottom in its fakes. Arestovich first stated that the blow was delivered by Iskander, but the tail section was preserved and it became clear from the plumage that this was the Ukrainian Tochka-U, which had flown in from the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It's a shame for Ukraine to fire cluster munitions at civilians.
2082  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 08, 2022, 12:33:58 PM
Ukraine has not even really been bombed yet. I think the blow in the Donbass will not be the last, but rather the first really strong one.

If only the glorious Russian army could man up and fight the real Ukrainian forces instead of killing unarmed civilians:

More than 1,000 people were crowded into a railway station in eastern Ukraine when it was hit by rockets on Friday, an eyewitness has told the BBC.

At least 39 people died and dozens more were wounded when missiles exploded at Kramatorsk station as civilians were queuing to evacuate, according to the regional governor.

Images from the scene show bodies and abandoned bags lying on the platform.

Ukraine said Russia targeted civilians. Russia has denied the attack.
I think this is another provocation by Ukraine under a false flag, shortly after Bucha. Russia does not have Tochka-U missiles in service, and in the direction of the wreckage, it flew in from the southwest, from the territory controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
I think Russia plans to conduct this operation with limited personnel, emphasizing the dominant superiority in military equipment.

Ukraines army is about 240,000.  Russia already has 160,000 in Ukraine and they're rotating in new conscripts.

They have had to scale down their priorities and retreat from the west after losing several times more soldiers in just a month than the last Chechen war, which lasted 10 years.

Maybe Putin wasn't paying attention in "How to invade a country" class when they covered overwhelming force.  Russia is really good at fucking up and making what should be a quick invasion and turning it into a long drawn out blood bath.
The operation had a chance to become fast, but very small. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe, after Russia, it is much larger than Germany or France. When 200 Russian paratroopers, supported by a tank battalion, landed in Gostomel and captured the airport 25 km from Kyiv, which, by the way, was guarded by an elite regiment of Ukraine, trained and equipped to the best NATO standards, with the support of armored vehicles, artillery and aircraft, this could become strong for Ukraine a demotivating factor and a reminder that Russians fight not by numbers, but by skill. But in general, even now events in Ukraine are developing quite quickly.
2083  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: Аналитика, анализ, прогнозы. on: April 08, 2022, 12:29:58 PM
Момент пуска двух ракет тоже засняли, теперь они оправдываются типа на вооружении РФ нет точек "У". Оказывается есть.
Это белорусские ракеты в репортаже про учения "Союзная решимость". У России щас таких на вооружении нету. Grin
В окружении леса на окраине поля белорусские ракетчики находят подходящую точку для старта. В каждой из пусковых установок по две тонны разрушительной силы. Словно близнецы, по одинаковым траекториям ракеты синхронно уходят в небо и ложатся на курс. Их общая цель в 70 километрах. Две с половиной минуты полета - и позиции условного противника под групповым ракетным ударом.
2084  Local / Трейдеры / Re: Последний вагон на север on: April 08, 2022, 07:42:55 AM
В отношении национализации газовых хранилищ Газпрома - это как я понял производится в стремлении стран ЕС создать единого оператора по работе с газом (в том числе и тем российским, который в Европу поступает).

То есть логика тут в следуещем. Весь газ который будет получать Европа будет под контролем единого европейского оператора.

А дальше уже будут смотреть какая страна замерзает, где наоборот излишки газа и тепло, и можно все это ловко перераспределять.

То есть это логистика. Вполне разумная вещь.

Европа с удовольствием покупала российский, а ранее советский газ.

Это РФ в своем безумии, своим гопническим поведением заставляет ее от него отказываться.

Но не только страны не хотят иметь дело с РФ.

Крупные компании тоже активно уходят из РФ. Особенно катастрофичен уход крупных контейнерных перевозчиков, которые возили нам оборудование.

Можно конечно со злорадством кричать - эти европейцы замерзнут без нашего газа !
Да не успеют они замёрзнуть даже, Европе без российского газа просто пиздец. Это почти мгновенный промышленный коллапс в Германии и Италии, всё энергоёмкое производство сразу встанет, в безветренные пасмурные дни начнутся веерные отключения электричества, плюс нет удобрений. Европа быстро превратится в резервацию беженцев и безработных, с разгулом бандитизма и острыми вспышками социальной напряжённости. Европа это типа мировой офис, а щас модно работать на удалёнке без посредников и по прямым контрактам. Вся респектабельная европейская бухгалтерия после заморозки средств Центробанка России сосёт хуй по причине своей полной дискредитации в глазах России и теперь евро полетит в ад, думаю будет серьёзная девальвация и скачок гиперинфляции в Европе.
2085  Local / Политика / Re: Путин должен остановиться сейчас. on: April 08, 2022, 04:37:35 AM
а чё там сейчас в Мариуполе?
Говорят в Мариуполе сплошные страсти. Дескать под Азовсталью в подземных казематах есть биолаборатория "Яма", которой пугали заключённых мариупольской тюрьмы "Библиотека", и там в натурную величину застенки гестапо имени четвёртого Салорейха с расчленёнкой и опытами над живыми людьми и прочие этнические эко-вирусы. Короче лютая фашистская хрень и вокруг толпа генералов НАТО в больших фуражках собственной персоной. Похоже там назревает большой политический скандал с Нюрнбергским процессом два по итогу. Вот такая вот хуйня сейчас в Мариуполе, это если вкратце. Grin
2086  Local / Трейдеры / Re: Последний вагон на север on: April 08, 2022, 04:10:10 AM
Вообще с точки зрения запада самоубийственный шаг. Сами им все за копейки отдавали, всю номенклатуру от газа до зерна, в обмен на фантики, которые в итоге они сами же и заморозили.
Там одних яхт в год строили как бюджет какой-нибудь небедной страны. Не считая чистого оттока в 100-200 млрд в год.
Зачем таких дурачков было "наказывать" непонятно. Сами же "шли в руки" и делали все что скажут, а тут вдруг такое. Понятно что все равно как мотыльки летят на свет, так и элита полетит на "возможную отмену санкций" и ничему их жизнь не научит, но все равно со стороны европы движения непонятные.  

В Европе с бухгалтерией все Ок, а вот у вас не очень  Wink
Вы перечислили плюсы для Европы, а про минусы прям совсем забыли. Пока бухгалтерский баланс был положителен можно было терпеть разные неприятные, сопутствующие с сотрудничеством с дикарями, явления такие как: щедрое финансирование внутриевропейской коррупции, эксцессы вроде Литвиненко, разнообразные нестабильности и даже маленькие войны (2008, 2014) и т.д.
Но с учетом большой войны которая идет прямо сейчас, оказалось, что "ах какой дешевый газ" вовсе не дешевый а пиздец какой дорогой, соответственно бухгалтерия просто проект закрывает и дикари идут лесом вместе со своим "дешевым газом".
Значительное количество активов отжали (про мелочевки вроде яхт можно даже не упоминать), теперь идет уход от энергозависимости и далее рфия будет просто изолирована как чумной барак. Причем тут ничего личного - это чисто бухгалтерия.
Пынька и ко могут нагадить ускорив процесс разрыва экономических связей перестав поставлять энергоресурсы прям сейчас, но стратегически это не меняет ничего, а даже приближает цель которую бухгалтерия поставила. (не ну есть конечно дураки которые мечтают о том что перекрыв вентиль можно услышать "вернись я все прощу" но те совсем необучаемые с рфоцентричной картиной мира).
Европа в этой ситуации в роли жертвы, и график евро к доллару на это явно указывает. Поэтому такие истерики и странные решения в стиле национализации Германией газовых хранилищ Газпром-Германия, а щас готовится закон о их обязательном 80% заполнении. Это пиздец какой-то и проявление карго-культа, дескать щас заберём хранилища и издадим закон - а потом по всем признакам в хранилищах сразу появится газ. И все там в галстуках вполне на серьёзных щах.
2087  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 08, 2022, 03:25:24 AM
why aren't the Russians deploying some of the capabilities they have but so appeared to have held back?

Sounds like a rhetorical question... obviously they don't "have" any such super-capabilities. The retreat from Kyiv, mobilization in DNR/LNR, and a few thousand troops from Karabakh and Osetia is all they can afford to throw at one last push in Donbas.
I think Russia plans to conduct this operation with limited personnel, emphasizing the dominant superiority in military equipment. For the Russian army, there are no problems with logistics, military plants are operating normally, the state defense order has been 100% stable for many years, Russia is well prepared not only for economic sanctions, but also for military operations on the territory of Ukraine. It is naive to believe that Russia will run out of money when Europe alone buys gas from Russia for a billion dollars a day. It is even more naive to believe that Russia will run out of food and weapons. Ukraine has not even really been bombed yet. I think the blow in the Donbass will not be the last, but rather the first really strong one.

Other than that there's just nukes.
Putin has an unlimited mandate for this operation, including the ability to make the entire territory of Ukraine west of the Dnieper uninhabitable for the next hundred years. The people of Russia will not forgive him only for abandoning his originally declared goals, and Putin knows this. But the mass genocide of Ukrainians due to a nuclear strike is not consistent with the current strategy of minimizing civilian casualties, so this alignment will be a technical victory for Russia, but an actual defeat for Putin, with long-term reputational losses in the eyes of history.
I see. Look, you have to put "tactical" before saying that type of stuff but it sound better. For example "Putin's army made a tactical retreat from Kyiv". See... that does not sound like a defeat now.
There is a saying in Russia, "war is bullshit, maneuvers are the main thing." The Ukrainian army is actually immobilized by the lack of fuel and air control, and is deprived of the ability to freely maneuver, while the Russian army is mobile and can create a local numerical advantage in different parts of the front. I think the tactics of the Russian generals is to deprive the army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of general coordination and divide it into separate groups, this elephant needs to be eaten in parts.
Ukraine will be rebuilt. Who will rebuild Putin's Russia prestige and stance in the world?
Your concern for the prestige of Russia is very touching, thank you. Grin
2088  Economy / Economics / Re: Pay in rubles or have your gas shut off by April on: April 07, 2022, 08:28:07 AM
There are different, even opposing, analyses as regards Germany's fate should it decide to wean itself completely from Russia's gas and oil and even coal. But the numbers don't lie and that Germany is in fact heavily reliant on Russia with regard to these goods. This must be the reason why Germany was more careful in their steps when Russia started to invade Ukraine. But eventually it seemed Germany had to take that bold step. It is either they will remain hostage by Russia or they will contribute pressure for Putin to stop his madness. And Germany chose the latter. It is now their responsibility to urgently find alternatives.
I think Germany's problem is that there is no alternative to Russian pipeline gas right now and even in the next year or two. There is not enough gas supply on the market to replace the volumes that fell in the event of an embargo and will not be in the near future, there are not so many tankers and so many terminals for liquefied gas, and it takes time to build them. Under Merkel, Germany fell under the political influence of the Greens and closed its nuclear power industry, from 01/01/2022 three of the six German reactors were shut down, and from 01/01/2023 the other three will also stop. Cheap Russian pipeline gas is needed for German industry and as a raw material for fertilizers, even if it can be replaced with liquefied gas, it will be noticeably more expensive and this will make production in Germany simply uncompetitive. And in the absence of wind and generation on windmills, the embargo on Russian gas can even de-energize Germany.
2089  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Economic sanctions are not a war declaration on: April 07, 2022, 07:55:17 AM
If any economy could come close to coping with being cut off from the world, it would be Russia’s.
In short, it looks like the Russians пoxyй about sanctions.

You have exchanged all your roubles to US or bitcoin haven't you?
Fiat money is not the best option for long-term investments due to inflation, I use rubles for current expenses and also I like bitcoin.
2090  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 07, 2022, 07:42:27 AM
That requires Ukraine to win on battlefield
Work in progress.
You are feeding a dangerous and destructive illusion. Ukraine did not have and does not have a chance to defeat Russia. The only question is the number of victims and the scale of destruction. According to NATO estimates, 400 thousand soldiers are needed to take control over Ukraine only east of the Dnieper, Russia, together with the people's militia of Donbass, used almost half as many. Almost 600,000 people were mobilized and armed from the Ukrainian side along with the defense units. Numerical superiority should not be misleading when the military infrastructure is badly destroyed, airfields, weapons depots, fuel depots, military equipment - everywhere there are heavy losses from missile strikes by Caliber and other high-precision weapons. The army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is now actually deprived of the ability to maneuver in a coordinated manner, it is divided into separate formations under the control of field commanders, and all supply logistics east of the Dnieper is seriously disrupted. This anarchist resistance of Ukraine on naked patriotism, I think, will quickly dry up due to its complete hopelessness and senselessness.
2091  Economy / Economics / Re: Russia Was Prepared to Withstand Sanctions. Why Wasn't Europe Prepared to Impose on: April 07, 2022, 07:12:46 AM
Where is the greatness of Russia? In territory? I'll tell you a secret - 70% + of this territory IS NOT INVOLVED AT ALL, and ARE NOT OPENED !!! You didn't know? These territories are not suitable for life, there is nothing useful or strategically important there! So greatness is very "inflated"
Russia has a huge excess of natural resources and the most combat-ready army in the world against the backdrop of food security and no problems with fresh water. It is foolish to deny or doubt the greatness of Russia. The United States is trying in every possible way to quarrel Russia with Europe in order to eliminate Europe as a competitor and to solve its internal problems at their expense. At the same time, pushing Russia into a strategic alliance with China and India, which have huge human resources and which such an alliance with Russia is also beneficial. Europe in this situation is in the unenviable role of a trophy and a victim, the influence over which is apparently shared by the United States and Russia. I think this is what Putin and Biden agreed on when they met in December 2021.
2092  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold-backed ruble could be a game-changer on: April 07, 2022, 06:36:55 AM
I am skeptical of claims russia will back the ruble with gold.
I think you are right in your doubts, especially since this is not a peg of the ruble to gold, but an obligation to buy gold at a fixed price in rubles, that is, support for the ruble from below.

I think a full return to the gold standard in a single country is impossible and impractical. Partly because the price of gold is determined by a consortium of several banks and this mechanism is not entirely market driven, not 100% determined by the current balance of supply and demand (therefore, spreads between the prices of "paper" and "physical" gold are regularly observed).

Pegging the ruble to gas is a more interesting phenomenon, because money in itself is a kind of life force equivalent and tying a specific currency to a specific energy resource does not look too artificial, and therefore the "gas_ruble" can be successful and viable, like the "oil_dollar" for example.

Venezuela based their economy on oil prices so it was almost as if their currency was pegged to oil. They mismanaged their economy and when oil prices crashed, so did the Venezuelan economy. If Russia were interested in stabilizing their currency, I suppose a gold standard would help, but it would make sense just to adopt a Bitcoin as a currency at that point and ditch ruble all together (I understand for obvious reasons why Russia would not do this, more of just a hypothetical).

Perhaps the discussion Russia should be having would be one geared towards saving their economy and not ruble.
Russia and Venezuela are still in different weight categories. In the foreseeable future, gas prices do not show prerequisites for a decline, plus a protective barrier of gold protects the ruble from possible drawdowns from below. The price of the ruble has stabilized and returned to the level of early February, why should Russia abandon the national currency, which is controlled by the Central Bank? In terms of bitcoin mining, Russia is in the top 3 in the world, after the USA and Kazakhstan, although the position of the Central Bank of Russia is more likely to reject cryptocurrencies than vice versa. At the same time, Putin spoke out in favor of mining for the disposal of excess electricity and the development of IT.

The Russian economy as a whole is coping well with sanctions shocks, all life support systems are working normally, gasoline has not risen in price, there is food in stores. Coffee beans have noticeably risen in price, while for me this is the most significant change. So to directly "saving" while there seems to be nothing special.

Russia has a large external debt, but this is not the debt of the state, but the debt of large companies.  

Taking into account the fact that large companies are, in fact, backbone state-owned companies, their debt to foreign counterparties can be considered as an external public debt.  
Russia's corporate external debt is about $550 billion, all payments on it in favor of investors from unfriendly countries go through a government commission that issues to creditors a bearer promissory note for money blocked by the sanctions of the Central Bank of Russia in the amount of up to $300 billion. Yesterday, for the first time, payments on the state debt were made in rubles.
2093  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 06, 2022, 06:42:02 PM
Let's make something clear: Do you think Putin has the right to tell Ukraine what they can and cannot do in their country?
The current version of the Russian Constitution declares the priority of Russian law over international law. Putin made a request to the State Duma to use the army outside of Russia in the interests of Russia and the Duma said yes, and the Council of Federations also approved this. All the formalities have been met, in principle Putin is acting within the legal framework of Russia, so the answer to your question is yes.

I would formulate the question differently in the current realities: Can anyone stop Putin to tell Ukraine what they can and cannot do in their country (if it threatens Russia's interests)?
2094  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold-backed ruble could be a game-changer on: April 06, 2022, 04:22:22 PM
I don't understand the reason for your doubts. From 2014 to 2020, the Central Bank of Russia actively increased the share of gold in its gold and foreign exchange reserves, buying up all the gold that is mined in Russia. As of February 1, 2022, the Central Bank has gold worth $132 billion (about 2,300 tons).

Name at least one major economy in the world that is living within its means with a sustainable budget surplus and does not have a large external debt. Only Russia, there is no other answer. Russia can at any time immediately fully repay its foreign debt in gold and withdraw from the external borrowing market, and this will not affect its current cash flows in any way.

It sounds really strong! There are just nuances. With all the "power of the Russian economy", very strange processes are taking place in Russia itself. Please explain in terms of logic, economic laws and theories - why? So what is happening inside Russia:
1. Stagnation of the economy. Even before the imposition of sanctions. Real fall in industrial production
2. Social problems - a sharp reduction in funding for educational, medical, social programs.
3. Destruction of the pension system. And the use of pension funds to solve completely different problems. Raising the retirement age, blocking pension savings
4. Loss of entire segments of the economy in the world market, as well as curtailment in the domestic market.

But such a powerful economy and so much gold? What is wrong here?! Clarify please ! Smiley

In the modern model of a society of advanced consumption, a higher standard of living is not for those who live within their means and save for a rainy day, but for those who actively use credit leverage and have a chronic budget deficit.

The large gold and foreign exchange reserves that Russia has managed to accumulate is, on the one hand, good, but on the other hand, this means that Russia has been purposefully filling the National Welfare Fund for years, instead of using this money to develop the economy. In fact, this money was systematically withdrawn from circulation and lay dead weight, undermined by inflation (if we are talking about fiat currencies), or taking up space in the vault and not paying dividends (if we are talking about gold).

Since 2014, after the annexation of Crimea, Russia has been under heavy pressure from economic sanctions, so its current economic model is more of a wartime economy than a peacetime one. I think Putin understood perfectly well that the US and NATO would hardly risk entering into a direct military confrontation with Russia (because "there are no winners in a nuclear war"), and the West's pressure on Russia would be economic.
2095  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold-backed ruble could be a game-changer on: April 06, 2022, 07:35:42 AM
To fully ensure the entire money supply with gold? In Russia, there is a very strong shortage of money supply compared to other countries, but to demand that the entire money supply be fully backed by monetary gold on the balance sheet of the Central Bank is a bit too much, don't you think?

Indeed, it is too much. At least we agree on this. Yet, it's not me boasting this, the article premise is that Russian Central Bank will have the Ruble backed by gold.
And math has shown that this is not possible, not fully, even at the discounted price they work with.
I said directly in my first post on this topic that a return to the gold standard for Russia (and any other single country in the world) is now impossible and impractical. Pegging the ruble to energy resources has more prospects. However, at the same time, the existing gold reserves of the Central Bank of Russia are more than enough to, if necessary, immediately pay in full all of Russia's external debt, which now stands at about $58 billion.

These are different things - external debt and the entire money supply, I hope my English is good enough so that there is no confusion between what I say and what you understand from my words.
2096  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold-backed ruble could be a game-changer on: April 06, 2022, 07:22:32 AM
From 2014 to 2020, the Central Bank of Russia actively increased the share of gold in its gold and foreign exchange reserves, buying up all the gold that is mined in Russia. As of February 1, 2022, the Central Bank has gold worth $132 billion (about 2,300 tons).

By the data I've found in a very quick search, the money supply in 2020 was 12.431 trillion rubles and I expect in 2022 the number is bigger. So a simple math tells that at this rate they're at least 186.2 tons of gold short. It's much better than expected (although I have my strong doubts about how correct/real those numbers are), but still not covered 100%.
To fully ensure the entire money supply with gold? In Russia, there is a very strong shortage of money supply compared to other countries, but to demand that the entire money supply be fully backed by monetary gold on the balance sheet of the Central Bank is a bit too much, don't you think?
2097  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: Аналитика, анализ, прогнозы. on: April 06, 2022, 06:56:02 AM
А ждать несколько лет, чтобы ЕС перестроила логистику энергоносителей - неразумно, у РФ потом аргументов не найдется надавить и считаться с собой.
Драма Европы в том, что она не может за несколько лет перестроить логистику энергоносителей, даже если очень сильно захочет. Думаешь она не хотела этого после событий в 2014, когда вводила санкции против России? Восемь лет спустя после Крымнаш энергетическая зависимость Евросоюза от России не только не снизилась, а даже увеличилась.

Я тебе больше скажу, когда Европа под воздействием гретытунберг головного мозга выбрала курс на углеродную нейтральность, она прикинула хуй к носу и сделала выгодную ставку на водород. А точнее на смесь водорода и 20% природного газа, потому что чистый водород сука сильно летучий. А ещё точнее на смесь водорода и природного газа, которые добываются и вырабатываются в России и поставляются в Европу по существующим газовым трубопроводам с использованием всей существующей газовой инфраструктуры с газовыми хранилищами и всё такое. По крайней мере такой был генеральный план по стратегии энергетического развития Германии, "Газпром" и "Росатом" там были плотненько подвязаны в этом деле, как щас не в курске.
2098  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 06, 2022, 06:44:03 AM
Your question had a false premise.  The drone clearly wasn't following the soon to be murdered cyclist.  Who are you trying to fool?   
I'm not trying to deceive anyone, I'm just asking questions, because my critical thinking has not atrophied under the influence of propaganda. And you?
2099  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold-backed ruble could be a game-changer on: April 06, 2022, 06:28:55 AM
Linking the currency to gold and energy is a paradigm shift for the global economy, a precious metals analyst tells RT

The Bank of Russia has resumed gold purchases this week, but more importantly, the regulator is doing so at a fixed price of 5,000 rubles ($59) per 1 gram between March 28 and June 30

Do they have enough gold for backing for real all the rubles in circulation? I highly doubt it.
I see it as a desperate PR stunt to show why they forcefully keep the ruble "price" high.
And as I said, it's PR. They're lying (what's new?). They don't have the gold for it, hence it's somewhere between advertising and actual scam.

I don't understand the reason for your doubts. From 2014 to 2020, the Central Bank of Russia actively increased the share of gold in its gold and foreign exchange reserves, buying up all the gold that is mined in Russia. As of February 1, 2022, the Central Bank has gold worth $132 billion (about 2,300 tons).

Name at least one major economy in the world that is living within its means with a sustainable budget surplus and does not have a large external debt. Only Russia, there is no other answer. Russia can at any time immediately fully repay its foreign debt in gold and withdraw from the external borrowing market, and this will not affect its current cash flows in any way.
2100  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine [In Progress] on: April 06, 2022, 06:12:32 AM
I wonder what we have here? Do Russian fighters have Nazi stripes, or does it seem to me ??
There are no Russian fighters in the photo here. From the point of view of a resident of Russia, these are representatives of the independent Donetsk People's Republic. From the point of view of a resident of a country that did not recognize the independence of the DPR, these are representatives of Ukraine. Oops. Grin
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