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3921  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [GUIDES] on Bitcointalk. Index thread (until there is a dedicated subforum?) on: June 15, 2020, 08:12:28 PM
Hello LoyceV,

Do you think this topic of hd49728 is feasible to be added to your index topic: List of Answered Suggestions. Please don't create topics before read them all!?

I find it very useful but, if course, you have the final call.
3922  Economy / Services / Re: Translation services: English <=> Romanian on: June 15, 2020, 06:46:40 PM
Thank you for the nice words, buddy! And thank you for the recognition and for the advertising Smiley Indeed, I spend a lot of time for very high quality translations, as Romanian is not an easy language. Besides, it also have diacritics - ă, Ă, â, Â, î  Î, ş, Ş, ț, Ţ. But I enjoy translating texts and if anyone needs me, I'm here! Smiley
3923  Other / Off-topic / Re: Share Good Movies Please? on: June 15, 2020, 03:39:37 PM
(while mumbling something about nobody liking smartasses - j/k  Grin).

To my defense, yours is a really loooong post/list and I have joined the thread only way later than that post (which is no excuse for not checking before posting).

Looool! No worries Smiley Indeed that list is huge. But I hope that you and others as well will find there plenty of good movies. I'm working at that list since 20 years ago (no kidding).

Besides, you can check also my post with TV series suggestions and the post related to upcoming movies (both are also huge Smiley ).

Oh, one last thing: we also have a gang! [ANN] The Moviemaniacs Gang. You are welcome, as any other member contributing to this topic.
3924  Local / Tutoriale / Re: [GHIDURI] pentru Bitcointalk. Topic indicativ (până la crearea unui subforum?) on: June 15, 2020, 01:22:29 PM
Am bucuria de a vă prezenta în limba română topicul "[GHIDURI] pentru Bitcointalk. Topic indicativ (până la crearea unui subforum dedicat?)", scris de LoyceV la data de 20 august 2018. LoyceV este un membru de marcă al forumului, unul dintre marii statisticieni ai BitcoinTalk, fiind totodată și al doilea utilizator din punct de vedere al meritelor obținute, dar și unul dintre cei mai generoși membri în ceea ce privește meritele acordate altora. Majoritatea topicurilor scrise de LoyceVe cuprind diverse statistici importante pentru forum, însă are și thread-uri cu informații deosebit de valoroase pentru utilizatorii noi și vechi, cum ar fi: “Cum sa-ti pierzi Bitcoinii cu CTRL-C CTRL-V”, “Ghidul incepatorilor pentru folosirea corecta a sistemului Trust [LoyceV” sau “[overview] Recover Bitcoin from any old storage format” (acesta urmând să fie și el tradus în română).
3925  Local / Tutoriale / [GHIDURI] pentru Bitcointalk. Topic indicativ (până la crearea unui subforum?) on: June 15, 2020, 01:20:23 PM
Autor: LoyceV
Topic original: [GUIDES] on Bitcointalk. Index thread (until there is a dedicated subforum?)

[GHIDURI] pentru Bitcointalk. Topic indicativ

In urmă cu doua luni, Vod a făcut o sugestie pentru un subforum de "Ghiduri". Nu pot face asta, dar pot începe cu o listă a topicurilor care ar aparține acelei secțiuni. Dacă lista devine destul de lungă, sper ca toate thread-urile listate să fie mutate într-un astfel de subforum.
Pentru o expunere maximă, este posibil să mut din când în când acest thread între Meta și Beginners & Help.

Vă rog să postați ghiduri care ar trebui adăugate. Am primit deja sugestii de la mai mulți utilizatori. Pentru a menține topic-ul cât mai restrâns, nu voi crea și o listă a celor care au adus sugestii. Am editat câteva dintre titluri, va rog să dați click pe link pentru a citi topicul original.
Dacă este ceva ce nu merită să fie listat sau dacă poate fi înlocuit cu un ghid mai bun, vă rog să menționați.
Dacă lista se va lungi prea mult, voi adăuga mai multe categorii.

Ce portofel de Bitcoin să folosim (scris de Lauda)
Ce portofel hardware să folosim (scris de BitCryptex)
Cum recuperăm fonduri în Bitcoin de pe dispozitive vechi de stocare (scris de LoyceV)
Cum se creează un portofel Electrum de pe care nu se pot cheltui fonduri (watch-only) (scris de butka)
Portofelul Electrum pentru începători și avansați (scris de BitCryptex)
Ghid pentru începători pentru importarea unei chei private de tip legacy în portofelul Electrum (scris de 1miau)
Importarea unei chei private SegWit în Bitcoin Core sau Electrum (scris de Xynerise)
Importare vs Golire (scris de logfiles)
Cum se rezolvă o tranzacție blocată (scris de achow101) și Cum se propagă o tranzacție (scris de Timelord2067)
Cum se realizează dubla cheltuire cu (scris de Thirdspace)
Cum se semnează un mesaj?! (scris de shorena)
Protocolul Proof of Work explicat (scris de bitmover)
Revendicarea monedelor rezultate din bifurcări ale Bitcoin (scris de LoyceV)
Consolidarea input-urilor mici de Bitcoin în timp ce comisioanele sunt scăzute (scris de LoyceV)
Tehnici pentru reducerea comisioanelor de tranzacționare (Bitcoin Wiki)
Cum se creează o adresă Bitcoin de tip vanity (scris de samr7) and Ghid pas cu pas pentru începători (scris de 1miau)
Cum se creează o adresă Bitcoin SegWit de tip vanity (scris de nullius)
Utilizarea pywallet pentru a căuta chei private pe o întreagă partiție (scris de jackjack)
Intimitate: mixere de Bitcoin (scris de LeGaulois) și Metode decente de mixare (scris de theymos)
Cheltuieli cu multisemnătură cu ajutorul (scris de Thirdspace)
Cum se obține Bitcoin (scris de Lauda)
Tutorial video pentru portofelul Bitcoin (scris de inPRIVACYweBELIEVE)
Malware: nu aveți încredere în copy/paste când este vorba de adrese Bitcoin (scris de Lafu)
Ghid pentru avansați: Crearea unui portofel vidat (air-gapped) folosind un dispozitiv criptat (scris de Sowik)
Ghid pentru avansați: Codificarea cuvintelor din seed de tip BIP39 în bază hexazecimală (scris de DireWolfM14)
Ghid pentru avansați: Crearea unei chei private dând cu banul (scris de butka)
Ce exchange să folosim? (scris de vlad230)

Rețeaua Lightning și alte protocoale de tip strat secundar (“Layer 2”)
Principii de bază ale Rețelei Lightning (scris de BitCryptex)
Rețeaua Lightning: Întrebări frecvente (și versiunea veche) (scris de BitCryptex)
Rețeaua Lightning explicată simplu (video de pe Youtube)

Forumul Bitcointalk
Evitarea captcha (scris de theymos)
Cum se folosește funcția de urmărire a topicurilor (Watchlist) (scris de theymos)
Ghid pentru stilizarea titlurilor topicurilor (scris de theymos)
Regulile forumului (scris de mprep), Sistemul de încredere DT și Scoring-ul încrederii (scrise de S_Therapist) și Apelul la încredere (scris de btcsmlcmnr)
Standarde de postare pe forum (scris de twister) și Sfaturi pentru postări (scris de Steamtyme)
Despre plagiarism și evitarea acestuia (scris de DireWolfM14) și un update despre plagiarism (scris de tbct_mt2)
Citește înainte de a posta (scris de Lauda)
Căutare pe forum și Ghid de sortare a topicurilor (scrise de coly20032003)
Securitatea contului (scris de sncc) și Recuperarea acestuia (scris de theymos)
Menționarea adresei Bitcoin (scris de tomatocage) sau Cheia PGP (scris de grtthegreat)
Îndrumar pentru campaniile de semnături (scris de hilariousandco), Cod de conduită (scris de yahoo62278) și Aspecte de luat în considerare înainte de a aplica (scris de CryptopreneurBrainboss)
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Raportarea țepelor (scris de și Evitarea primirii de încredere negativă (scris de tranthidung)
Protejează-te de țepari (scris de redpillorblue) (acest topic devine un mega-topic de spam)
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Împrumuturi: "Fără garanții nu primești împrumuturi" (scris de DiamondCardz)
Vânzarea bunurilor fizice (scris de Steamtyme)
Cum se creează semnăturile (scris de VenusianLion)
Cum se obține merit (scris de TMAN)

Autentificare cu Google: fă o copie de rezervă! (scris de bitmover)
Îmbunătățește-ți nivelul de engleză (scris de tbct_mt2)
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Terminologie (scris de yogi) și mai multă terminologie (scris de theyoungmillionaire)
Unelte online de verificare a imaginilor (scris de Coolcryptovator)
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Utilizarea Alertelor Google pentru evitarea țepelor (scris de whotookmycrypto)
Explicarea atacului 51% (scris de xtraelv)

[Prezentare generală] Un singur thread care să le cuprindă pe toate (scris de shorena)
Index pentru topicurile populare ale bitcointalk (scris de xtraelv)
Prezentare generală a serviciilor (scris de 0t3p0t)
Prezentare generală a design-erilor de pe Bitcointalk (scris de bL4nkcode)
Ghid pentru Bitcointalk by (iasenko)
Multe link-uri despre criptovalute (scris de DarkBullet)
Mai multe link-uri despre criptovalute (scris de Castlereagh)
Hack-ul exchange-ului Cryptopia din 2019 (scris de Timelord2067)

Monede alternative (O sa urmăresc modul în care se dezvoltă această secțiune)
Utilizarea offline a portofelului MyEtherWallet (scris de Nestade)
Explicarea comisioanelor în rețeaua Ethereum (scris de bitmover)
Generează offline un seed IOTA (scris de Nestade)
Mineritul cu CPU și recuperarea investiției (ROI) (scris de vlad230)
Cum se folosește portofelul Blackbytes (scris de LoyceV)
Utilizarea în Excel a funcției API a site-ului CoinMarketCap (scris de Castlereagh)
Cum se depistează o țeapa de tip ICO sau token fals (scris de Coolcryptovator) și ICO-uri țepare cunoscute (scris de bL4nkcode)
Airdrop-uri: o pierdere de timp? (scris de bitmover)
Ghid pentru multisemnătură în rețeaua Ethereum (scris de TheFuzzStone)

Folosiți aceste informații pe propriul risc. În orice moment, gândiți înainte de a acționa, mai ales când este vorba de cheile private. Când sunteți nesiguri dacă să faceți sau nu ceva, mai bine nu faceți!
Sunt doar un om și fac și eu greșeli. Dacă s-a strecurat vreo eroare, vă rog să mă anunțați.

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3926  Other / Meta / Re: Possible bug with the "Self-moderated" function on: June 15, 2020, 10:31:47 AM
However cut him of some slacks for a while Grin he deserved a day off with a blast if you werent aware check this out[/sub]

Hehe, yes yes! I saw that topic. There is no rush here though, we can wait until he is fresh and running again Smiley
3927  Other / Off-topic / Re: Share Good Movies Please? on: June 15, 2020, 08:53:48 AM
Watched Body Cam this weekend not knowing exactly what to expect. Turns out it is disturbingly on-topic for todays situation.

Ok movie, but as said quite disturbing to watch nowadays.

Thanks for mentioning it. I'm a great fan of horror movies and can't wait to see it!

Otherwise, as nobody mentioned it before, check the Taxi movie series from Luc Besson.

Hehe, you sure nobody mentioned these movies? Smiley Have you checked this post of mine? Smiley
3928  Other / Meta / Re: Possible bug with the "Self-moderated" function on: June 15, 2020, 08:18:24 AM
rhomelmabini, Pffrt, please read again what I wrote Smiley I did not try that function in a board where the "Self-moderated" button is not present. I tried it in various boards where the button is present.

btcltcdigger: I also did not try to convert a generic topic to be self-moderated after posting it.

In that case he wouldn't  even have self-moderated option to begin with. But since he had that option available, (he even selected it) it was obviously  in the board that allows that.

Thanks for pointing this out. Indeed, that's what I meant.

As few others said, I am also selecting "self-moderated" option at the end, and after I used preview multiple times. So far had no issues.

Let me try to rephrase again:
1. start a new topic in a board which allows self-moderation
2. do not check the self-moderated check-box
3. write the topic content
4. at various points in time, select to preview your writing (do this multiple times)
5. after finishing writing the entire topic and after previewing it several times, select the "self-moderate" check box
6. post the topic

Result: at this point, the topic is posted, but it is not self-moderated. This bug was also spotted by nullius a while ago, as I recall we talked about it in the past. Maybe it is related to the number of previews? Meaning to activate once you hit the preview button for a certain number of times? The bug occurred many times in my case.

cryptoaddictchie: thanks for the tip. I PMed theymos; I didn't know he asked for feedback about this function.
3929  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cumpără Bitcoin fără KYC: ATM-ul Bitcoin din Milano care respectă anonimitatea on: June 15, 2020, 07:50:44 AM
@fillippone: English follows

Ceva nu este în regulă pentru, în timp ce te uiți la site-ul lor.
Pe pagina principală a site-ului italian, fiecare locație de bancomat din afara Italiei a dispărut. De asemenea, site-ul este acum doar în italiană și engleză.
De asemenea, pentru cei care pun la îndoială abordarea KYC / AML, în partea de sus a paginii a apărut un text de avertizare.

In versiunea romaneasca a site-ului, bancomatele din Romania inca apar.

Textul de avetizare nu exista, insa observ ca pot vizualiza site-ul doar in romana si engleza. Probabil ca a fost actualizat in toate tarile sa fie afisat doar in limba nationala si in engleza.

Nu sunt un expert juridic, dar aceasta este o referință foarte liberă la KYC / AML și, cu siguranță, inferioară celei pe care o promovează practic toți ceilalți actori de pe piață.
Știm cu toții că, în termeni mai generali, AML interzice operațiunile cu o valoare care depășește 3.000 EUR, chiar dacă sunt efectuate în cazuri separate. Prin urmare, solicitarea de documente pentru operațiuni peste 15.000 EUR doar ne spune că operatorul își desfășoară activitatea într-o "zonă gri", fie că ar putea proceda la KYC clienților fără să-l anunțe înainte de începerea operațiunilor. Oricum, nimic nu a reușit bine pentru
Tu ce crezi?
Mai vede cineva dintre voi în acele centre ATM-uri? Le-a folosit cineva recent?

Intr-adevar, si mie mi se par a functiona intr-o zona "gri". Cred ca o adapteaza in functie de legislatia fiecarei tari in care sunt prezenti. In Germania, dupa cum scriam mai sus, odata schimbata legea referitoare la aceste ATM-uri, au luat si ei pozitii. Oare si in Italia s-a modificat recent ceva la legislatia referitoare la criptomonede, iar ce vezi tu acum pe site sa fie raspunsul vis-a-vis de astfel de modificari?

In Romania nu s-a mai modificat nimic recent cu privire la legea crypto, cu exceptia de care scrisesem in aprilie.

Recunosc insa, nu am fost fizic la un astfel de ATM in ultimul timp pentru a verifica si la fata locului ce se intampla. In cazul in care voi ajunge la vreun ATM al, va voi tine la curent. Pana atunci, voi mai trage un ochi pe site-ul lor, in eventualitatea unor modificari.

Ceva nu este în regulă pentru, în timp ce te uiți la site-ul lor.
Pe pagina principală a site-ului italian, fiecare locație de bancomat din afara Italiei a dispărut. De asemenea, site-ul este acum doar în italiană și engleză.
De asemenea, pentru cei care pun la îndoială abordarea KYC / AML, în partea de sus a paginii a apărut un text de avertizare.

The Romanian ATMs of are still displayed on the Romanian version of their website.

The warning text is not present though, but I noticed that I can view the site only in Romanian or English. Maybe it was updated in all countries in a manner to only show the local language and English.

Nu sunt un expert juridic, dar aceasta este o referință foarte liberă la KYC / AML și, cu siguranță, inferioară celei pe care o promovează practic toți ceilalți actori de pe piață.
Știm cu toții că, în termeni mai generali, AML interzice operațiunile cu o valoare care depășește 3.000 EUR, chiar dacă sunt efectuate în cazuri separate. Prin urmare, solicitarea de documente pentru operațiuni peste 15.000 EUR doar ne spune că operatorul își desfășoară activitatea într-o "zonă gri", fie că ar putea proceda la KYC clienților fără să-l anunțe înainte de începerea operațiunilor. Oricum, nimic nu a reușit bine pentru
Tu ce crezi?
Mai vede cineva dintre voi în acele centre ATM-uri? Le-a folosit cineva recent?

I believe as well they are working in a "gray" area. I also believe they are adapting in concordance with the legislation of each country where they are present. In Germany for example, as I was writing before, they changed their position once the legislation about these ATMs was changed. Is it possible also to have a recent legislation change in Italy regarding cryptocurrencies and or crypto ATMS, thus what you see now on the website to be their answer to this modification?

In Romania, excepting the change I mentioned in April, there was no new change. As a consequence, they did not have to change anything regarding their ATMS from Romania or about their Romanian version of the site (I mean the warning text).

I have to admit though, I did not visit a ATM recently, to study it "face-to-face". I'll let you know once I do it. Until then, I'll keep an eye on their website, to see if they will change anything.
3930  Other / Meta / Re: Possible bug with the "Self-moderated" function on: June 15, 2020, 07:28:32 AM
You mean if someone starts writing a topic and preview that without check self moderated and later check self moderated, the topic will not be self moderated?

Yes, that's correct.

I never preview a post if it does not contain tables/pictures but until now i haven't seen any issues. I'll do a test now Wink

Now I'm thinking that it may be related to the preview, not necessarily to the checking of the "Self moderated" check-box after finishing writing the content. I am using the preview function multiple times during writing long topics, especially for correcting the typos. Ot it may be related to the combination of both conditions - use the preview function (multiple times) and checking the check-box after writing the topic content.
3931  Other / Meta / Possible bug with the "Self-moderated" function on: June 15, 2020, 07:17:50 AM
I spotted a bug related to the "Self-moderated" function and I thought to share it here, maybe it can be fixed. Or, at least, the users will be aware of it, thus being able to avoid it.

If you want to start a self-moderated topic, make sure from the beginning that you click on "Additional Options" button (placed at the bottom-left side of the page where you will write the new topic) and there select the "Self-moderated" check-box . This must be done prior writing the topic content, practically just after you click on the "new topic" button. If you proceed this way, the new topic will be a self-moderated one.

Otherwise, if you start writing your topic content, usually followed by previewing it prior posting it, and only at the end of writing / previewing you select the "Self-moderated" check-box, the topic will not be a self-moderated one. You won't receive any error message, the check-box appears validated, but after clicking on the "Post" button, you'll find out that your topic is not self-moderated.

I hope this helps.

3932  Other / Off-topic / Re: Share Good Movies Please? on: June 15, 2020, 07:07:16 AM
New movies were delayed:
- Tenet's launch date is moved from July 17th, 2020 to July 31st, 2020
- Wonder Woman 1984's launch date is moved from August 2020 to October 2nd, 2020
- Godzilla vs. Kong's launch date is moved from November 2020 to May 21st, 2021
- Tom and Jerry's launch date is moved from December 2020 to March 5th, 2021
- The Matrix 4 is hugely delayed, from May 21st, 2021 to April 1st, 2022.

I have also good news though Smiley Jake Gyllenhaal will act in a new thriller movie named Snow Blind (there is no launch date yet for this movie). The director will be Gustav Möller, which previously directed another great thriller, The Guilty (2018). Gyllenhaal is a great actor in thriller movies, his notable acting being caught in movies like Zodiac, Source Code, Prisoners, Enemy or Nightcrawler.
3933  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin: The dream of Cypherpunks, libertarians and crypto-anarchists on: June 15, 2020, 06:40:52 AM
3934  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin: The dream of Cypherpunks, libertarians and crypto-anarchists on: June 14, 2020, 09:34:23 PM
Relief representing Romans paying taxex || Image source:

Governs are oppressing people for centuries. One of the first forms of such oppression was born during the Roman Empire, 2000 years ago. Time has passed, but this practice remained. The methods are various, including direct taxes, indirect taxes, inflation, censoring access to information, indictments, prohibition, slavery, unfair trials, collecting personal information and using it against honest people. However, all these lead to the same supreme goal: the power has to stay in the hands of the elites, while the poor has to work for the benefit of the elites. People fought back, but empty handed most of the times. This epic battle which lasts since ancient times is best described by Murray Rothbard as "the great conflict which is eternally waged between Liberty and Power".

One way for obtaining freedom and liberty was through private money, but governs don't agree with such competition. And the governs have monopoly over minting coins also since the Roman Empire. However, people's desire for private money started centuries ago and the history tells us that in many occasions private money existed in various forms.

The illustrious economist and philosopher Friedrich August von Hayek, winner of Nobel in Economic Sciences in 1974, raised a very legitimate debate in his masterpiece Denationalisation of Money: The Argument Refined: "[...] cannot help wondering why people should have put up for so long with governments exercising an exclusive power over two thousand years that was regularly used to exploit and defraud them". Another emblematic figure which sustained the need of private money is Murray Rothbard.

Between 1700 and 1900 various private coins circulated in United States. The first private coin from the US history is the Higley Copper coin, minted in 1737 by the Higley family. Maybe the most popular ones are the Bechtler gold coins (first being issued in 1831), known for having a greater purity than the coins issued by the state. The San Francisco company Moffat&Co also wrote a page of history during the gold rush, with its minted coins. One of the most wanted coin was the Brasher Doubloon, minted by Ephraim Brasher in 1787. Other notable private minted coins to mention: Morgan Dollars, Saint-Gaudens Double Eagles, Barber Quarter. Of course, the govern didn't agree with the private mints but what is certain is that at various points in time the private minted money existed. These coins were used at a large scale, no matter the states efforts to shut them down.

Libertarianism and anarchism

Murray Rothbard || Image source:

I define anarchist society as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of any individual” -- Murray Rothbard

Years have passed and the state kept banning the private money through any possible mean. The oppression grew even stronger. But people's wish for liberty became stronger as well. In the past, they used to express these ideas through liberalism, which later evolved into libertarianism. The first forms of libertarianism appeared between 18th and 19th centuries. The modern libertarianism, started since 1950 was spoken by great minds, such as  Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman or Hayek. According to Rothbard, "The libertarian creed rests upon one central axiom: that no man or group of men may aggress against the person or property of anyone else. This may be called the "nonaggression axiom." "Aggression" is defined as the initiation of the use or threat of physical violence against the person or property of anyone else. Aggression is therefore synonymous with invasion". At large, we can say that libertarianism was focused on individual rights, limitation of the govern, encouragement of free market and peace.

One particular side of the libertarianism is the anarchism. Although this movement is more radical, it is still oriented towards individuals. Basically, the anarchism presumes a govern-free society, free individuals, which are not governed by laws, but by free agreements. The "anarchy" term itself means "absence of government". However, the anarchism should not be associated with violence: it never was about violence and it will never be. A great explanation on this matter is given by the Canadian theoretician L. Susan Brown: "While the popular understanding of anarchism is of a violent, anti-State movement, anarchism is a much more subtle and nuanced tradition than a simple opposition to government power. Anarchists oppose the idea that power and domination are necessary for society, and instead advocate more co-operative, anti-hierarchical forms of social, political and economic organisation".

Crypto wars

Munition t-shirts, according to US law, originally created by Adam Back || Image source: Twitter

"If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy" -- Phil Zimmermann

We leave behind the years 1950 and enter the technology era: ARPANET, the ancestor of Internet, is born in 1967; microprocessors are evolving based on Moore's law; personal computers (PCs) are launched in 1975; World Wide Web is launched in 1989. Cryptography was flourishing with Friedman's brilliant mind. But all these technological developments were not meant for public (yet): the state just discovered a new way of oppression, maybe the most dangerous one - the surveillance. Which was a continuous process for invading people's privacy. If an individual is spying his neighbor through the window he may face a Court of Law; if the govern spies an entire nation there is no problem. If a normal person tries to find the financial transactions of someone else he may be sued; if the state wants to find out all financial transactions of every individual there is no problem.

Technology offered a great weapon to the govern and it started to use it at full capacity, in order to have full control, mainly through agencies such as NSA. Governs' permanent hunger for information about citizen became a hunger for big data: each individual is conditioned by govern-issued documents. You can not give birth without a govern-issued ID, you can not get married without a govern-issued ID, you can not die without a govern-issued ID, you can not prove your identity without a govern-issued ID, you can not access hospitals without a govern-issued ID and so on. And all this information is recorded in databases, which are controlled by various arms of the state; ultimately, they are controlled by the state.

During these harsh times, in 1975, Whitfield Diffie invented the public-key cryptography, bringing the brilliant tool to the public. The govern reacted, offering its help to "keep secure" people's private keys. This never happened and from these moment the crypto wars have begun. In 1977 RSA encryption algorithm was invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman; the algorithm was using the public-key cryptography. NSA's next move was to ban public access to Diffie's invention and the export of encryption algorithms outside the US. NSA director Bobby Inman became worried because people could access encryption technology which, until that point in time, was used only by the agencies. A 1993 article from Wired leaked an address sent by Inman in 1979, warning that "non-governmental cryptologic activity and publication [...] poses clear risks to the national security". The encryption algorithms were considered classified information and protected by Federal Regulations, such as ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations, 22 CFR 121-128). Exporting them could lead to 10 years in jail. As a response, the public printed a few lines of the RSA code on t-shirts and the agency warned that wearing these kind of t-shirts while traveling outside the US or exporting them would mean jail time for the "offenders", as these kind of t-shirts were considered "munitions". Those wearing tattoos with RSA algorithm were also considered as offenders. Maybe that was the first time when the govern feared that it may lost the control. This fear can be seen in the name of the address issued by Inman: "Sky is falling".

John Gilmore, a brave young man, stood tall in front of the agency. The same Wired article quotes him emphasizing: "Show us. Show the public how your ability to violate the privacy of any citizen has prevented a major disaster. They're abridging the freedom and privacy of all citizens—to defend us against a bogeyman that they will not explain. The decision to literally trade away our privacy is one that must be made by the whole society, not made unilaterally by a military spy agency."

Cypherpunks and crypto-anarchy: "Rebels with a cause"

Front cover of Wired magazine ("Rebels With a Cause"), May/June 1993 || Image source:

"I am fascinated by Tim May's crypto-anarchy. Unlike the communities traditionally associated with the word "anarchy", in a crypto-anarchy the government is not temporarily destroyed but permanently forbidden and permanently unnecessary. It's a community where the threat of violence is impotent because violence is impossible, and violence is impossible because its participants cannot be linked to their true names or physical locations." -- Wei Dai

Fast forward to 1992. A group of three code enthusiasts and cryptographers, formed by Timothy C. May, John Gilmore and Erich Hughes, discover that all of them have a similar vision about govern's surveillance and censorship. All of them had deep knowledge in Computer Science. May used to work as a chief scientist at Intel, Gilmore spent years at Sun Microsystems prior starting his own company, while Hughes was a programmer and a mathematician. They started to see each other at Gilmore's office, in San Francisco Bay area, trying to find ways to protect people's privacy through cryptography. Soon, another enthusiast joins them: the hacker Jude Milhon, also known as St. Jude. She finds also a name for the group: by combining the words "cipher" (related to cryptography) and "cyberpunk" (which is a part of the science fiction genre based on dystopian reality and anarchy) she invented the name "Cypherpunks".

The group evolved and many other have joined. For keeping in touch they launched a mailing list; the mails archive can be found on and At peak, it had about 2000 subscribers.

Cypherpunk's ideology took libertarianism and anarchism to a whole new level: crypto-anarchy. "A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy", stated Tim May in 1988, in what came to be known as a masterpiece in Cypherpunks literature: "The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto".

"Cypherpunks write code", emphasized Eric Hughes, in "A Cypherpunk's Manifesto", another illustrious writing which represents a piece of history. And through code, they wanted to offer people privacy. They wanted the public to have free access to cryptography. Other points of interests were online anonymity, game theory, secure file sharing, reputation systems, free market and civil disobedience. Steven Levy, the author of the above mentioned Wired article, called them with a term impossible to translate in a foreign language: "techie-cum-civil libertarians".

Another big desire of the Cypherpunks was to create electronic cash. A form of untraceable money which could stop the govern's surveillance over the financial life of the individuals.

In time, many enthusiasts sharing this ideology adhered to the group. Among the most notable ones, we can mention Philip Zimmermann, inventor of PGP, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, Jacob Appelbaum, the developer of Tor and Hal Finney, the developer of PGP 2.0 and Reusable Proof-of-Work. Other remarkable Cypherpunks can be found here.

Some of these cryptographers started working on this dream they had: electronic cash. And they had a role model: Dr. David Chaum's DigiCash. David Chaum's work represented an inspiration for the Cypherpunks group and he can be called the grandfather of Cypherpunks. His writings (such as "Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms", "Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments" or "Security without Identification Card Computers to make Big Brother Obsolete") proved he was thinking way ahead of his time. In 1989 he already managed to launch the electronic money company DigiCash Inc. The company offered to the public the eCash payment system and the CyberBucks coins, which were based on blind signatures. The proposal was actually applied in real world payments, being adopted by several banks, such as Mark Twain Bank from St. Louis, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Norske Bank and Bank Austria. Other big players became interested in Chaum's creation: Visa, Netscape, ABN Amro Bank, CitiBank and ING Bank. Even Bill Gates tried to embed DigiCash in Windows '95. Unfortunately, these last mentioned players never signed the contracts with Chaum. In the end, in 1998, DigiCash Inc. went bankrupt. People were not attracted to use the system. Chaum's proposal was also above of its times.

The Cypherpunks thought also that the failure of DigiCash Inc. was determined by the fact that it was based on a central authority. The key to success was a totally decentralized form of money.

A similar business was developed between 1996-2009 by the company Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc. This company started a subsidiary named e-gold Ltd. for operating electronic gold. The users could remotely transfer gold between them, in grams or troy ounces units. The business was flourishing, having at peak about 5M users. Many exchanges adopted this electronic gold and the users could also transfer it through their phones. However, in 2007 the owners were accused by US govern for operating money without a license. The owners pleaded guilty and they were found guilty (in 2008); the exchanges were closed. For admitting that they broke the law and for accepting that they need a money operating license, they received easier charges. However, according to the US law, as they were found guilty, they were not allowed to obtain such a license and e-Gold ceased to exist.


Image source: Cypherpunks mailing list

In 1997, Dr. Adam Back came with a proposal on the mailing list called HashCash. It was an era when Internet spams (especially email spams) started to be a serious problem. The problem came into big companies' radars, thus a first step was taken in 1992 by IBM, with a proposal named Pricing via Processing or Combating Junk Mail. The IBM researchers proposal will be named somewhere in the future as Proof-of-Work.

Adam Back's invention was not based on the IBM proposal; however, it had many things in common. HashCash concept presumed a Proof-of-Work procedure for limiting the email spam and DDos attacks, based on a cost of each email which, in the end, would make the spam to be too costly for being used. Later, HashCash will become a part of Bitcoin's engine, being also mentioned in the Bitcoin white paper.

Besides, Adam Back remains known for being the one pointing Satoshi Nakamoto to Wei Dai, after finding similarities between their electronic money proposals. There were just two individuals contacted personally by Satoshi in regard of Bitcoin: the first one is Adam Back; the second one is Wei Dai.


Wei Dai rare photo, which may (or may not) picture him; according to his statement from, "Please note that as of this writing, any purported photos of me on the Internet are actually of other people named Wei Dai" || Image source:

In 1998, another remarkable Cypherpunk came with an electronic money proposal: Wei Dai introduced b-money. The draft was based also on Proof-of-Work and it was presented in two versions. Unfortunately, b-money was vulnerable to Sybil attacks and Wei Dai did not finish his work. The proposal was never implemented.

And he never finished his invention because he did not trust anymore the utility on b-money nor the crypto-anarchy ideology. In a later discussion on LessWrong forum, he admitted: "I didn’t take any steps to code up b-money. Part of it was because b-money wasn’t a complete practical design yet, but I didn’t continue to work on the design because I had actually grown somewhat disillusioned with cryptoanarchy by the time I finished writing up b-money, and I didn’t foresee that a system like it, once implemented, could attract so much attention and use beyond a small group of hardcore cypherpunks". This allegation was doubled down in a discussion he sent to Adam Back and to the others Cypherpunks, proving that he did not believe in a practical application of b-money: "I think b-money will at most be a niche currency/contract enforcement mechanism, serving those who don't want to or can't use government sponsored ones".

However, although Wei Dai did not trust too much his invention, someone else did. A decade later, following Adam Back's advice, Satoshi Nakamoto contacted him for taking a look over his proposal of electronic cash named Bitcoin. They exchanged three emails. In the first one, from August 22nd, 2008, Satoshi wrote:

"I was very interested to read your b-money page.  I'm getting ready to release a paper that expands on your ideas into a complete working system.  Adam Back ( noticed the similarities and pointed me to your site.

I need to find out the year of publication of your b-money page for the citation in my paper.  It'll look like:
[1] W. Dai, "b-money,", (2006?).

You can download a pre-release draft at  Feel free to forward it to anyone else you think would be interested."

Wei Dai replied to this email. He wrote:

"Hi Satoshi. b-money was announced on the cypherpunks mailing list in 1998. Here's the archived post:

There are some discussions of it at

Thanks for letting me know about your paper. I'll take a look at it and let you know if I have any comments or questions."

But Wei Dai didn't analyze Satoshi's draft nor he came back with a response to Satoshi. He received on January 10th, 2009 another email from Satoshi, informing him that Bitcoin is fully working:

"I wanted to let you know, I just released the full implementation of the paper I sent you a few months ago, Bitcoin v0.1.  Details, download and screenshots are at

I think it achieves nearly all the goals you set out to solve in your b-money paper.

The system is entirely decentralized, without any server or trusted parties.  The network infrastructure can support a full range of escrow transactions and contracts, but for now the focus is on the basics of money and transactions."

Wei Dai did not keep the connection to Satoshi for reasons only he knew. Maybe he did not trust the Bitcoin potential or maybe he did not agree with a currency without a stable value. What is certain is that after years he regretted his action:

"I would consider Bitcoin to have failed with regard to its monetary policy (because the policy causes high price volatility which imposes a heavy cost on its users, who have to either take undesirable risks or engage in costly hedging in order to use the currency). (This may have been partially my fault because when Satoshi wrote to me asking for comments on his draft paper, I never got back to him. Otherwise perhaps I could have dissuaded him (or them) from the "fixed supply of money" idea.)"

Although without knowing at that time, Wei Dai remains in the history as one of the two persons personally contacted by Satoshi Nakamoto prior launching Bitcoin.

Bit Gold
Another prominent Cypherpunk which tried a solution for a private form of electronic money was Nick Szabo. He was familiarized with the idea, working in the past with Dr. Chaum at DigiCash. In 2005, he went public with a proposal called Bit Gold. But he created the proposal since 1998. According to the white paper, his invention was supposed to "use benchmark functions, as well as techniques of cryptography and replication, to construct a novel financial system, bit gold, which serves not only as a payment scheme, but also as a long term store of value independent of any trusted authority". More details about this proposal can be found also on Szabo's blog.

Bit Gold was using Reusable Proof-of-Work but it was also vulnerable to Sybil attacks, similar to b-money. The concept never launched as a real life application and remained in the history as a blog post, as it faced too many technical difficulties for working in a real environment. However, the basic ideas behind Bit Gold inspired Satoshi even more for his masterpice - Bitcoin.

Satoshi, the last (?) Cypherpunk

The Times, January 3rd, 2009, London issue, morning edition || Image source:

"The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work.  The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust.  Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve. We have to trust them with our privacy, trust them not to let identity thieves drain our accounts." -- Satoshi Nakamoto

Picture Satoshi Nakamoto in the morning of January 3rd, 2009. He just bought the newspaper The Times from the downstairs kiosk. Getting back to his home, he is drinking a hot coffee and reading the main title: "Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks". Still waiting for the genesis block to be found. What thoughts could he have? Maybe he whispered for himself "now this is way too much! The govern crossed any possible limit! But Bitcoin is here now...".

Nobody knows what he could think in that day. But what is certain is that on January 3rd, 2009, Bitcoin's genesis block was mined. And stamped with the title of the main article from The Times.

The work at Bitcoin started almost 2 years before, in 2007. Satoshi, which also joined the Cypherpunks mailing list, must have assisted to what happened to e-Gold and to its owners. The state was clear about its intentions for private forms of money. The economic and politic context was bad, as the world was facing a huge crisis. Maybe Bitcoin was a personal dream of Satoshi. Or maybe the world context determined him to work at his invention. Whatever the truth is, the fact is that he followed this dream of the Cypherpunks, dream also shared by the libertarian ancestors.

Based on a libertarian and crypto-anarchic ideology, following the concepts of his predecessors, Satoshi Nakamoto managed to create "a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party". The system "would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without the burdens of going through a financial institution.  Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted party is still required to prevent double-spending."

With other words, Bitcoin was the first electronic form of private money, which was able to finally liberate people from govern's surveillance, as the funds could be transferred directly between individuals, without the intervention of any third party - such as the banks, which act as the long arms of the govern.

Bitcoin genesis block || Image source: Reddit

Satoshi's libertarianism is present in many of his words.

“The traditional banking model achieves a level of privacy by limiting access to information to the parties involved and the trusted third party. The necessity to announce all transactions publicly precludes this method, but privacy can still be maintained by breaking the flow of information in another place: by keeping public keys anonymous. The public can see that someone is sending an amount to someone else, but without information linking the transaction to anyone. This is similar to the level of information released by stock exchanges, where the time and size of individual trades, the ‘tape’, is made public, but without telling who the parties were.”

Another good example on this matter is given in a 2015 article from The Verge, which illustrates his first discussion with Martti Malmi, which later will become the administrator of BitcoinTalk. Martti was also an individual with anarchic views, as he was member of the defunct forum The article reads:

"In his first email to Satoshi Nakamoto, in May 2009, Martti had offered his services: "I would like to help with Bitcoin, if there’s something I can do," he wrote.

Before reaching out to Satoshi, Martti had written about Bitcoin on, a forum dedicated to the possibility of an anarchist society organized only by the market. Using the screen name Trickster, Martti gave a brief description of the Bitcoin idea and asked for thoughts: "What do you think about this? I’m really excited about the thought of something practical that could truly bring us closer to freedom in our lifetime :-)"

Martti included a link to this post in his first email to Satoshi, and Satoshi quickly read it and responded.

"Your understanding of Bitcoin is spot on," Satoshi wrote back."

The following part shows first signs of Bitcoin's development (n.b. -- thank you, cygan for this part!) -- 5 emails exchanged between Satoshi and Adam Back. If these 5 e-mails are to be believed (and there is no way to do this easily), there has been contact between Satoshi Nakamoto and Adam Back since August 2008, when Satoshi asked Adam for his opinion on the paper. With these 5 important 'documents' we can once again map a certain period of time and realize that Satoshi has been in contact with some Cypherphunks.

Satoshi's words show very well his vision. And his lesson should never be forgotten.

The same is true about him when we talk about sharing the Cypherpunks' points of interest - he gave people free access to Bitcoin, to the privacy offered by Bitcoin. Free access and ease of use of the cryptographic keys used by his protocol. Bitcoin was supposed (and succeeded to) fully change the free market. Ultimately, it was a form of civil disobedience. A method to take position in front of govern's money - the traceable money, the inflated money, the money which day by day lose their value, as govern's printers are constantly issuing new money.

He wanted to help people to be free again. And this was possible through Bitcoin. No bank and no govern could "milk" the people off of their money anymore with more or less sophisticated mechanism, such as taxes for transferring their funds, taxes for selling their products, taxes for selling their work power. Bitcoin is free for anyone and freedom resides inside it; if you want to have control over your privacy and finances, all you need to do is to embrace it.

Bitcoin was forseen many years, on multiple occasions, by Tim May. For example, in his 1994 essay Crypto Anarchy and Virtual Communities he said "Technology has let the genie out of the bottle. Crypto anarchy is liberating individuals from coercion by their physical neighbors—who cannot know who they are on the Net—and from governments. For libertarians, strong crypto provides the means by which government will be avoided".

Bitcoin is true and it is here to last. Sky started to fall since 1979 and it kept falling since then. The govern lost the war. Freedom is in our hands.

This is my 1000th post.

And it is a sequel of my previous writing related to Cypherpunks, history and crypto-anarchy. The Cypherpunks' spirit lives through many of us. It is our duty to keep it alive. It is our duty to keep fighting for freedom and liberty!

- 12 years later and people still don't know to use Bitcoin nor what it's good for
- Governs are coming for traders!
- Cryptocurrency vs digital money issued by the State
- The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto - We all should read it
- Governs try to limit access of public to information and freedom since ages
- A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - We all should read it
- When the govern wants to hold your private keys
- The call for Julian Assange || The WikiLeaks Manifesto - We all should read it

Translations (in chronological order):

3935  Other / Meta / Re: Hero member with 1000 airdropped merits - is it possible? on: June 13, 2020, 08:16:58 AM
Thank you all for the contributions. The mystery is solved: it was no problem after all. Time to close the topic.
3936  Other / Meta / Re: Hero member with 1000 airdropped merits - is it possible? on: June 13, 2020, 06:55:08 AM
  • Two (more unlikely): Guy may have reached Legend rank sometime before the merit system was born. Later, due to inactivity, he may be demoted. His activity point is in the middle of the ranks  Cheesy

That certainly did not happen. The only "official" demotion in history was when Jr. Members were required 1 merit and those which didn't have the merit became Newbies. Another option for getting demoted is if your posts are deleted thus your activity decreases. But according to Bpip  this user had only 2 posts deleted. He was not demoted.
3937  Other / Off-topic / Re: Recommend some series with an interesting plot on: June 13, 2020, 06:48:30 AM
I'll recommend you a lot of series Smiley This is a post of mine from a topic where all the movies and TV series fans are invited: Share Good Movies Please?. Join us there and you'll become a part of our gang: [ANN] The Moviemaniacs Gang Smiley

This time I'm recommending some TV series. Both old and new, but nice to watch.

- The X-Files
- Star Trek: The Original Series
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Star Trek: Enterprise
- Star Trek: Discovery
- The Outer Limits
- Nightmare Cafe
- Doctor Who
- Seinfeld
- Married With Children
- Dream On
- The Flash
- Arrow
- Fear The Walking Dead
- Colony
- Fortitude
- Black Mirror
- The Last Ship
- Lost
- Teen Wolf
- CSI: Cyber
- Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
- Containment
- Lucifer
- Mr. Robot
- Proof
- Wayward Pines
- Into the Badlands
- Grimm
- 11.22.63
- Last Resort
- The 4400
- Absentia
- Twin Peaks
- Terra Nova
- The Twilight Zone
- Second Chance
- Being Human

These should be more than enough for everybody, covering multiple genres and thousands of hours to watch Smiley

+ Star Trek: Picard.
3938  Other / Meta / Hero member with 1000 airdropped merits - is it possible? on: June 13, 2020, 06:29:45 AM
I just found a forum Hero member - Zubilica - which seems to have 1000 airdropoed merits instead of 500. I searched his profile on Bpip and it shows he earned 0 merits: I also searched on and it seems that Zubilica did not receive any merit from another forum user.

As a consequence, this would imply that Zubilica received as an aidrop all the 1000 merits he has. Is this possible? Weren't Hero accounts supposed to rwceive only 500 merits when the merit system was implemented?
3939  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: PI Network! A huge trap[Warning!] on: June 12, 2020, 10:25:32 PM

What the hell are you talking about Bitcoin did the same think in 2008 all first coins where free from mining.....duh
Bitcoin had FREE coins and guess what it made them money....  you have no argument....  You SOUND LIKE FAKE CNN!!

And duh i already said the Pi Network is in Beta stage....It is not fully up and running till PHASE 3...  I will not loose my Pi coins because I am not a ROBOT I can prove I am a HUMAN...

Only private information they can collect is your phone contacts BUT that is your choice to decide to give APP permission.

Please come up with a real Argument!

First of all, Bitcoin did not do the same "think" in 2008, nor the same thing, as it did not exist in 2008. And you mentioned twice about Bitcoin in 2008. Duh. Bitcoin was launched on January 3rd, 2009, thus it is impossible for it to act in 2008 as Pi does now. Duh.

Second of all, Bitcoin never had free coins, nor free from mining (actually this doesn't even make sense - what means "free from mining" Huh).

Last, but not least: I see you keep yelling lately, which is even worst than writing like a bimbo, with all rainbow colors. Duh. A wise man said once that when you yell or swear is a sign that you finished all your rational arguments. I believe he was right. Duh.

Oh, one more thing: regarding "I will not loose my Pi coins because [...]", the term is "lose", not "loose". Duh.
3940  Local / Bine ai venit! / Re: Salutare din Sibiu! on: June 12, 2020, 09:39:16 PM
Salut si bine ai venit!

De asemenea, ai venit la timp pentru a scapa din capcana in care tocmai ai cazut din cauza Pi Network.

Ca idee generala, nu exista minerit cu telefonul. Daca (mai) auzi de vreo moneda digitala ca ofera minerit de acest gen, uita de ea. Nu exista asa ceva.

Acum revenind la Pi. Am tot vazut in ultima vreme multe reclame la acest Pi pe diverse grupuri de Fb. Fiind chiar prea multe reclame, m-am gandit ca e o escrocherie pe baza de referral. Ce sa vezi? Chiar aia e. Asta e insa problema cea mai mica. Pe langa ca functioneaza in stil piramidal - a se citi "schema Ponzi", Pi presupune si parcurgerea unui proces de verificare pentru a-ti controla "propriile" monede. Am pus intre ghilimele intrucat evident  asta e o gluma proasta la care, din pacate, multi pica in plasa. In crypto nu exista notiunea de "propriile-mi fonduri", daca ele sunt conditionate de KYC. Adica de a-ti preda senin datele personale unor escroci pusi pe fapte rele  care au mult mai mult de castigat de pe urma datelor tale personale decat o sa ai tu in veci de pe urma proiectului lor.

Partea legata de KYC apare si pe site-ul lor (, aici:

Can I withdraw my Pi? What is the timeline for withdrawals?

No, you cannot withdraw Pi yet. You will be able to withdraw Pi or exchange Pi for other currencies in Phase 3 of the project when Pi transitions to a fully decentralized blockchain. Read less ...
Pi launched Phase 1 of the project on 3/14/2019 (Pi Day). During Phase 1, your balances are being recorded with a guarantee of being honored when Pi transitions to mainnet (Phase 3). Transfers of Pi are restricted until we reach mainnet to prevent bad actors from accumulating Pi from fake accounts. For example, a bad actor could mine from fake accounts, transfer the Pi to a legitimate account, and then pass through Pi’s account verification process despite their illicit gains.

Partea legata de referali o gasesti tot pe site-ul lor, aici (plus ca probabil te-ai lovit deja de ea, cand ai instalat aplicatia):

How does this app work? How do I earn more Pi?

This app allows you to earn Pi by making simple contributions to Pi’s community.

Am gasit si un topic interesant pe tema acestui scam si iti recomand sa il citesti pe tot: PI Network! A huge trap[Warning!]. Din ce am vazut, aplicatia este un spyware beton, care iti invadeaza telefonul si viata personala pe toate partile:

so after long research I found that:

1-their website says that the application actually mines the coin!

2-The application steals more than your info!

3-The application make connections to a lot of ads services in the background!

4-here is a Virustotal scan for their apk and it shows that the app takes a lot of permissions that steal everything on your phone

TLDR it's a spyware. It'd be great if someone could perform HTTPS interception to see what kind of data is sent to ads services.

Mai departe tine doar de tine daca mai tii aplicatia aia instalata Smiley

Edit: era sa uit Smiley

What is the Contributor role? How do I become a contributor?

Becoming a Contributor allows you to earn more Pi by building a security circle of 3-5 trusted members.

Lumea crypto este o lume descentralizata, fara nevoia de a avea incredere in terti. Bitcoin asta a avut la baza - "I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party". Acestea sunt cuvintele lui Satoshi. Si Bitcoin a fost creat din cauza problemelor cu acesti intermediari: "A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without the burdens of going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted party is still required to prevent double-spending [...] We have to trust them with our privacy, trust them not to let identity thieves drain our accounts".

Ironic, nu? Pi fix asta cere.
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