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501  Local / Политика / Re: Я – ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ on: July 21, 2023, 01:47:03 PM
       Помнится, во временя моего детства в СССР снимали фильмы про Гражданскую войну. И там была такая тема: Типа вот есть белые, которые против красных. А есть Красные, которые против белых. А есть еще ЗЕЛЕНЫЕ – которые «бей красных, пока не побелеют, бей белых, пока не покраснеют».
       Это не я сам только что придумал. Просто только что вспомнил. Воспоминания детства. Из фильмов времен СССР.

       В чем суть этой концепции? А суть в том, что при победе тех или иных, либерастов или путинистов  - страна проиграет в итоге. Так или иначе. Тем или другим  способом. Почему? А потому что народ такой в этой стране живет. Он не любит ни тех, ни других. То он прославляет Путина – «отца родного» - то преклоняется перед Пригожиным. Но истина не лежит «посередине» Прикол в том. Что народ – он не за Путина, но и не за Навального. Он – ДРУГОЙ. «Иной» - если пользоваться терминологией С. Лукьяненко. С одной стороны, народу нужен «хороший царь», но с другой стороны – «боярей надо избить и убить». Типа «царь хороший – бояре плохие» или «царь плохой – но бояре хоршие», и еще есть шанс все исправить. За счет хороших, правильных «бояр».

        Типа, если сместить Путина, и посадить на его место «хороших русских» - то тут же «Россия воспрянет ото сна», и пойдет вверх и вперед. За счет чего? Да за счет воображаемого фантастического «потенциала», которого никто никогда вживую не видел. Но, наивно полагает, что сможет когда-нибудь увидеть.

       Нет, не так. Эта страна прогнила насквозь. Потому что народ прогнил насквозь. За исключением 5-10%, которые роли не играют. И меняй-неменяй правителей – ничего тут не поменяется. Проще – поменять страну. Поэтому я предлагаю той топовой умной прослойке граждан России бросать тут все – и уезжать. Лично я имею опыт. И пишу тут не теорию, я знаю лично «как это все на практике». Бросайте эту страну на потребу ватникам – берите свои семьи и бегите туда, куда только сможете добежать. Так будет вам лучше!

Ты во-первых, дальтоник, а во-вторых, не зелёный, а синий. Grin
502  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 21, 2023, 12:05:35 PM
In Ukraine, which is fighting for the ideals of democracy, now the strongest censorship and military dictatorship. Anyone who disagrees with Zelensky's course immediately goes to jail and is subjected to punitive methods similar to the fascist Gestapo of the era of the Third Reich.
As a Russian i am sure you know all about censorship, dictatorship and corruption. And looking from your perspective, i can totally understand why wouldn't you see democratic working governments other than a big lie, i mean that's all you had in whole history of your country. So why would others have better, right? On top of that your media gets confirming clips from borderline 5th colonna wannabes like Tucker Carlson and from our country equivalents of extreme right-wing putinists who also happens to believe that world is flat.

That's also why you see extremism as only solution for change. How ever you don't seem to have a clue that if your solution an anarchist only resets the system starting from a scratch again. Resulting to the outcome where men with biggest resources and most guns get to build another system with their band of criminals. And result would probably look something you are living under now.

Real working democratic governments come from adults doing the hard work, building a system that protects itself and all citizens of it, while giving voices to everyone. And sometimes those voices can be annoying, disrupting and even weaponized by other countries. But your system needs to be resilient to that. That's why extremists think that their voices aren't heard. Because even if their party gets elected it can't destroy the whole country even if it would have several terms. System and constitutional laws would prevent that.

Country in full scale war however are often under martial law. That's most effective way to keep your country running as democratic laws can take time to take effect and you need to make life changing fast decisions.

I am sorry if you feel that was too dumbed down but i feel like i needed to.
In other words, you yourself admit that democracy cannot defend itself by democratic means. A little earlier, you said that Russia is now in a state of cold war. Well, where does democracy come from in modern Russia if it is not effective in the face of external threats? What I dislike most about people is hypocrisy and double standards. You do not have democracy in Finland because you have lost your neutrality and have been drawn into the NATO military bloc. You live in a totalitarian state, simply because now you can't do it any other way. So don't tell me about the benefits of democracy, your vote as an elector decides absolutely nothing. Open your eyes and have the courage to face reality. Democracy is the shit that the aging hegemon in the face of the United States feeds its vassals from a shovel so that they remain weak and can continue to be plundered without hindrance. Russia has challenged the existing world order and its current totalitarian system is not a whim of Putin, but the only viable option to change the world for the better, to make it more fair and honest. You don't like it, but that doesn't stop the truth from being true.
503  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 21, 2023, 09:11:10 AM

But you really are not coping well with reality. Russia is basically in cold war with the all the civilized countries. You know, countries that have elections.

Elections are overrated
Russia also has elections. And in the progressive democratic Great Britain, Spain and Sweden, the monarchy. The problem is not the absence of elections, but the absence of a strong systemic opposition with a coherent program. Or take, for example, the United States, a stronghold of world democracy with bright, beautiful faces. In appearance, there is a real systemic opposition and a real turnover of power, with periodic rotation between Democrats and Republicans. But if you look at the program of the modern Democrats, it looks suspiciously much like the program of the Republicans of half a century ago, and the program of the modern Republicans, it looks very much like the program of the Democrats of half a century ago. In just a few decades, Democrats and Republicans programmatically changed places with a change of all the main vectors by 180 degrees. Modern public politics in democratic countries is show business. Externally and internally, the political course of the United States weakly correlates with who is now in the oval office of the White House and which political party now has a majority in Congress. Democracy is noodles on the ears for suckers.

In Ukraine, which is fighting for the ideals of democracy, now the strongest censorship and military dictatorship. Anyone who disagrees with Zelensky's course immediately goes to jail and is subjected to punitive methods similar to the fascist Gestapo of the era of the Third Reich.
504  Economy / Economics / Re: Population: Economic strength or weakness on: July 21, 2023, 07:19:12 AM
People are the new oil.
505  Economy / Economics / Re: Food security in the world has been shaken by Russia's actions on: July 20, 2023, 11:32:32 AM

But Russia also raised some valid points. The Kremlin claimed that the West is not keeping its part of the agreement. Russian agricultural products have been restricted from the international market, which is against the agreement. Another point is that one of the main reasons for this agreement is the negative effect the grain blockade had on poor nations. Russia agreed to lift the blockade because many poor nations might experience severe food shortages. But from different reports, it is only 4.5% of grains from Ukraine went to poorest nations. Most of them were diverted to influential nations.

It seems that you are using the data voiced by Putin, who, as you know, cannot be trusted. Statements by Russian President Putin that allegedly 45% of the grain in the framework of the "grain deal" were delivered to European countries and only 3% to Africa - do not correspond to reality.

This was stated by the speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko.
"Russia does not stop trying to undermine the Black Sea Grain Initiative. The indicated statistics are not true. From August 1, 2022 (to March 20, 2023), Ukraine exported 25.1 million tons of agricultural products through the grain corridor to 45 countries of the world:
Africa - 2.9 million tons (11.6%)
Asia - 12.1 million tons (48.2%)
Europe - 10.1 million tons (40.2%)
Russia is also well aware that part of the Ukrainian grain purchased by the “well-fed countries” of Europe is sent as humanitarian re-export to Africa and Asia. Therefore, the real statistics of exports to the African continent is even higher than 11.6%. Not to mention the fact that almost 50% of the production goes to support Asian countries," the Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

Putin in his statement relied on UN data. If you scroll down the link, there is a UN infographic showing that low-income countries received only 2.5% of the total exported grain from Ukraine.
506  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 20, 2023, 05:06:06 AM
I will be interesting to watch if the blockade is able to defend itself because missiles and drones are flying everywhere these days and some of the ships that patrol the Black Sea might end up like Moskva.
It doesn't work that way. Russia announced the suspension of its participation in the grain deal and the traffic of commercial bulk carriers to Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea instantly dropped to zero. No security guarantees - no insurance - no traffic. To control the blockade, Russia has half a dozen submarines in the Black Sea fleet. So you will not see anything particularly interesting here.

The grain transported from Ukraine don't meet the EU standards anyway. I've read they're sending us a bunch of moldy, rotten shit and we keep buying it to show support. They need money after all.
This means that now European taxpayers will have to fork out at least $500 million a month additionally to patch up budget holes in Ukraine, not even getting moldy grain to feed Spanish cows in return. Shit happens. Grin

Meanwhile, Ukraine seems to have lost access to the Black Sea. Physically, it is, but it is impossible or extremely difficult to use it. The naval blockade of Ukraine begins at 00:00 Moscow time on July 20, while nothing is known about the timing of the end of the blockade.

Oh, I see. So if an US ship and a Turquiyan ship decide to go to Odessa, the RF fleet in the Black Sea will go there and stop them / sink them? And then nothing will happen and no retaliation will take place because "the RF has decided to blockade". Is that what you mean? Is that how this plays out in your mind? So no more "smoking in the wrong place" accidents as a result?
US ships, seriously? Read at your leisure about the Motre Convention, there are no US ships in the Black Sea. As I imagine it, I told a little higher, not a single owner of a commercial dry cargo ship in their right mind will send their ship to Ukraine without security guarantees and without insurance. Maybe Turkey wants to take on such a burden of responsibility to ensure security guarantees? Does not look like it. It seems that the NATO countries are doing their best to avoid being directly involved in this conflict.

Anyway, this is more a marketing campaign more than anything else, possibly to distract from the situation in Bakhmut.
And what about the situation in Bakhmut? What kind of success does Ukraine have besides empty marking time? Can we better discuss the situation near Kupyansk?

I guess bombing grain facilities in Odessa was your master's big plan to end world hunger?
I am an anarchist and my own master. If it seems to you that I am more sympathetic to Russia than Ukraine, it is only because I live here.

Ukraine can no longer help the world in the fight against hunger, she herself is in desperate need of various kinds of help. Russia can. The missile and drone strikes on Odessa are punishment for the attack on the Crimean bridge and another demonstration of the superiority of Russian offensive precision weapons over Western air defense systems. After three nights of combined strikes, the Ukrainian air defense on the southern flank looks extremely depleted, it seems the last wave of drones reached their targets without any resistance.

I think Russia will not need to make much effort to implement a naval blockade if the entire port infrastructure of Ukraine is smashed to hell.
507  Economy / Economics / Re: New currency from BRICS countries on: July 19, 2023, 08:15:12 PM

The 15th BRICS summit is going to be very interesting which will be held on 22 – 24 August (about a month from now) and some are saying the BRICS new currency will be revealed then. This could potentially have a significant effect on the ongoing dedollarisation around the globe.
This summit of the BRICS countries still arouses a very lively interest in that South Africa is the host country and Putin should be present as president of Russia. Now passions are running high as South Africa is a member of the International Criminal Court and is obliged to comply with an arrest warrant issued by this court against Putin. In South Africa, they are still looking for options on how to get out of this delicate situation.

Nevertheless, in relation to the new currency of the BRICS countries, even among the members of this union there is no single vision of what kind of currency it could be. Therefore, in this matter, I do not expect any sensations. In any case, it will be another type of fiat and the appearance of the cryptocurrency will not be affected.

South Africa has a funny situation. They are now in a panic looking for a way out, because they want to "eat the fish and ...." without sitting on the twine Smiley.
They've already tried to persuade them to send someone from his gang instead of an international criminal. It's a bust. They made up all sorts of stories - it didn't work. Yesterday someone mumbled "we can't arrest him - Russia will attack us" Smiley) Now it sounds ridiculous... But - if we host him and don't arrest him - South Africa will be kicked out of many international institutions, and South Africa is very undesirable now. In short - a perfect example of how not to make friends with international criminals and pariahs....

And about the "New BRICS currency" - I'm betting on the yuan Smiley Tales about some other monetary surrogates do not look serious.
Don't worry so much, there is no panic.

By mutual agreement, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation will not attend the Summit but the Russian Federation will be represented by Foreign Minister, Mr Sergey Lavrov.
508  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 19, 2023, 07:42:11 PM
Meanwhile, Ukraine seems to have lost access to the Black Sea. Physically, it is, but it is impossible or extremely difficult to use it. The naval blockade of Ukraine begins at 00:00 Moscow time on July 20, while nothing is known about the timing of the end of the blockade.
509  Economy / Economics / Re: Russia and others, move to use Yuan instead of dollar. on: July 19, 2023, 06:48:28 PM
But if the UAE is buying something from India, why would they use the US dollar? The practice of bilateral currency swaps in national currencies will continue to develop, increasing the share of national currencies in world trade and reducing the share of the US dollar. The United States will have to get used to living within its means.

You do know the UAE dirham is pegged to the value of the USD, right?
So basically you're just dealing with USD value, it's like saying using tether will lead to the collapse of the USD!  Grin
Am I talking about the collapse of the US dollar? It's funny that you quote my message with the explicit content "US will have to get used to living within its means", and this thought makes you think of the collapse. Try to understand that to stop plundering the rest of the world is not a disaster, but a normal state of affairs.

Although many people still do not accept the fact that the USD is fighting to lose its position, that is what is happening in the international trade market.

And yet, despite all this, every single one of those commenting here about the death of the dollar is in a signature campaign that pays in $ equivalent, not in yuans not in rubles not in rupees! Why is that?
And please refrain from further false generalizations. You're a "four dollars poster" and I'm not. We are different.
510  Local / Политика / Re: Является ли Украина террористическим го&# on: July 19, 2023, 06:38:01 PM
При чём тут танки вообще? Один из важных промежуточных итогов СВО - танки ничего не решают. Папуасов с калашами в Африке можешь танками пугать, супротив регулярной армии в нормальном баивом тонусе это просто железные гробы на гусенечном ходу. Про изоляцию тоже улыбнуло. В НАТО Украине не светит даже по частям, кажется в Вильнюсе Зеленскому предельно ясно хуем по губам по этому поводу поводили - условия вступления прояснятся только после завершения конфликта и в случае победы над Россией лол. Так что назло бабушке отмораживает уши как раз таки Украина, можно было изначально не лезть в залупу, выполнять минские соглашения и отмазались бы только потерей одного Крыма, даже без Донбаса. А щас пока там думаете как бы поудачней переобуться в прыжке из этой крайне неловкой ситуации - сухопутный коридор в Крым глядишь потихонечку продлится может и до Приднестровья. А если Польша с Прибалтами слишком сильно в себя поверят - может там и Калининград уже перестанет быть эксклавом. А там уже может по старой памяти и снова на Берлин ёпта. Дело то житейское, имперские амбиции и всё такое. Чих-пых - и уже Россия от Лиссабона до Владивостока, а Париж переименуем в Нью-Васюки и сделаем столицей французской губернии. Grin

С америкосами как раз уже за кулисами всё в целом порешали - они собирают свои манатки в смысле военные базы и уёбывают из Европы нахуй, а мы им взамен так и быть сарматой не въебём по Йеллоустоунскому супервулкану. Всё по справедливости и по чесноку, без наебалова на взаимовыгодных условиях.

А что по Аляске? Оставите хоть Америке в своих влажных фантазиях? Ну если потери тут вообще не причем, то такими темпами можно довоеваться до 1/666 части суши через еще 500 дней  Grin

Потери Мордора 19.07.2023:
Танки — 4123 (+4)
ББМ — 8059 (+8)
Артиллерия — 4573 (+31)
РСЗО — 689
Средства ПВО — 430 (+2)
Самолеты — 315
Вертолеты — 310
БПЛА — 3885 (+46)
Крылатые ракеты — 1279 (+6)
Корабли (катера) — 18
Автомобили и автоцистерны — 7105 (+19)
Специальная техника — 683 (+6)
Личный состав — около 239480 человек (+470)
Не вижу смысла спорить за абсолютные цифры, потому что потери с обеих сторон засекречены и рассуждать об этом писями на воде виляно. А вот за относительные потери поговорить можно. Нет никаких разумных причин предполагать, что потери Украины за 500 дней конфликта меньше, чем потери России, по любому компоненту из списка, кроме разве что крылатых ракет, потому что у Украины их банально тупо столько нету. Да и то по крылатым ракетам это не потери, а расход. Ну так вот, допустим что Украина потеряла людей и техники примерно столько же, а сейчас теряет больше - потому что контрнаступ, надо демонстрировать Западу успехи, отвоёвывать потерянные территории, а у России то задача щас попроще и время работает на неё. Теперь внимание вопрос - Украина то готова умножить свои текущие потери на два за следующие 500 дней конфликта? Весовые категории всё таки немножко сильно разные, и пока толстый сохнет, тонкий сдохнет. Арсеналы НАТО в Европе уже пустые, да и в США поди не густо, и военкоматы облавы на улицах устраивают что характерно не в России, а на Украине. Украина то где окажется такими темпами через следующие 500 дней, об этом ты не подумал? Ну так подумай на досуге, щегол блять. Grin
511  Local / Политика / Re: Является ли Украина террористическим го&# on: July 19, 2023, 05:06:01 AM
С точки зрения США основная задача всей хохлятской заварушки - максимально зачморить Европу.
И ведь у них неплохо уже получается то чморить Европу ... Roll Eyes
Причём Украина это второй акт марлезонского балета, а первый была Югославия. Хуле тут непонятного - 1 января 1999 года начинает своё хождение евро, а уже в марте США начинает бомбить Белград. И совокупный номинальный ВВП Евросоюза на момент его появления был больше ВВП США, а с тех пор уж сколько стран ещё напринимали - и парадоксальным загадочным образом совокупный номинальный ВВП Евросоюза щас у США как раз в пупок ему дышит. А что случилось, кто это сделал? Союзнички хуле. Grin
512  Local / Политика / Re: Является ли Украина террористическим го&# on: July 18, 2023, 09:59:11 PM
Для России то? Задача минимум - сухопутный коридор в Крым и нейтральный внеблоковый статус Украины. У Украины не будет регулярной армии, будут небольшие силы самообороны, типа как у Германии и Японии после поражения во второй мировой войне. Собственно Украина кажется уже и сама не против, вроде недавно переименовала ВСУ в Силы Обороны, молодцы хуле. Этой русофобской гадюке достаточно вырвать ядовитые зубы, а дальше пусть шипит сколько влезет. Задача максимум конечно гораздо более масштабная, но сейчас речь не об этом.

Тоесть назло бабушке отморожу уши?

Ну не знаю, что там собрались вырывать но по танкам у мордора с Украиной уже паритет, хотя до войны было соотношение 1 к 5 в пользу мордора. В НАТО могут взять и часть Украины, даже если не получится освободить крым в ближайшей перспективе, собственно как взяли в НАТО ФРГ.

В итоге, все эти сотни тысяч трупов орков и еще столько же инвалидов, многие тысячи потерянных танков, многие тысячи потеренной артилерии, тысячи ракет, крейсер москва, 300 самолетов, 300 вертолетов, санкции, изоляция, потеря ЗВР, вступление Швеции и Финляндии в НАТО, потеря Балтийского моря, потеря европейского рынка энергоносителей... просто ради сраного коридора (приазовской низменности) в обоссаный Крым, ради коридора который с господствующих высот простреливается до азовского моря? Воистину ебанутым нет покоя.
При чём тут танки вообще? Один из важных промежуточных итогов СВО - танки ничего не решают. Папуасов с калашами в Африке можешь танками пугать, супротив регулярной армии в нормальном баивом тонусе это просто железные гробы на гусенечном ходу. Про изоляцию тоже улыбнуло. В НАТО Украине не светит даже по частям, кажется в Вильнюсе Зеленскому предельно ясно хуем по губам по этому поводу поводили - условия вступления прояснятся только после завершения конфликта и в случае победы над Россией лол. Так что назло бабушке отмораживает уши как раз таки Украина, можно было изначально не лезть в залупу, выполнять минские соглашения и отмазались бы только потерей одного Крыма, даже без Донбаса. А щас пока там думаете как бы поудачней переобуться в прыжке из этой крайне неловкой ситуации - сухопутный коридор в Крым глядишь потихонечку продлится может и до Приднестровья. А если Польша с Прибалтами слишком сильно в себя поверят - может там и Калининград уже перестанет быть эксклавом. А там уже может по старой памяти и снова на Берлин ёпта. Дело то житейское, имперские амбиции и всё такое. Чих-пых - и уже Россия от Лиссабона до Владивостока, а Париж переименуем в Нью-Васюки и сделаем столицей французской губернии. Grin

С америкосами как раз уже за кулисами всё в целом порешали - они собирают свои манатки в смысле военные базы и уёбывают из Европы нахуй, а мы им взамен так и быть сарматой не въебём по Йеллоустоунскому супервулкану. Всё по справедливости и по чесноку, без наебалова на взаимовыгодных условиях.
513  Local / Политика / Re: Является ли Украина террористическим го&# on: July 18, 2023, 08:14:32 PM
Ну США разгонет ВПК и экспорт газа... ну допустим. Китай и Индия будут доить мордор как дойную корову - а возможно и нарежут на стейки. А где собственно выгода для мордора и орков? Ну пусть даже чисто гипотетическая  Huh
Для России то? Задача минимум - сухопутный коридор в Крым и нейтральный внеблоковый статус Украины. У Украины не будет регулярной армии, будут небольшие силы самообороны, типа как у Германии и Японии после поражения во второй мировой войне. Собственно Украина кажется уже и сама не против, вроде недавно переименовала ВСУ в Силы Обороны, молодцы хуле. Этой русофобской гадюке достаточно вырвать ядовитые зубы, а дальше пусть шипит сколько влезет. Задача максимум конечно гораздо более масштабная, но сейчас речь не об этом.
514  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia's withdrawal from the "grain agreement". Hunger or World War III? on: July 18, 2023, 07:20:23 PM
And why did Russia withdraw from the "grain agreement", which somehow worked for exactly a year? Putin, in exchange for its extension, demanded to reconnect Rosselkhozbank to SWIFT, resume supplies of agricultural machinery, spare parts and services, lift restrictions on insurance and reinsurance, lift the ban on access to European ports, resume the operation of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline, unblock foreign assets and accounts of Russian companies associated with the production and transportation of food and fertilizers. But what about the sanctions that are useful for Russia, or do they bite a lot?
Russia has suspended participation in the grain deal, because for the whole year not a single condition on which this deal was concluded was fulfilled. In fact, the European Union sabotaged the grain deal for a whole year, so it is not surprising that Russia suspended it, but that Russia previously extended it several times, despite this sabotage.

This is a deal, not a charity. When the conditions of Russia are met, then the grain deal can be resumed, but not before.

Let's then consider the question of what this "grain deal" is and what it was for. Having attacked the sovereign state of Ukraine, Russia, using its Black Sea Fleet, began to block and destroy not only any Ukrainian ships, but also civilian ships that arrived at Ukrainian seaports or left them. That is, Russia arbitrarily organized an economic and naval blockade of Ukraine, simultaneously causing huge economic damage to other states. Hence the question: are such actions of Russia lawful at all and does this not resemble ordinary piracy that comes from the Russian state itself? And the second question: should the state of Ukraine obtain permission from another state - Russia to supply its argo products to other countries?

Now, what kind of "grain agreement" is this and between whom was it concluded? Ukraine has concluded an agreement with Turkey and the UN on the conditions for the safe supply of its argo products by sea to the world market for sale. Russia has also concluded a similar agreement with Turkey and the UN. No direct agreements between Russia and Ukraine on the "grain agreement" was not concluded. The question is: is Ukraine to blame for the failure to comply with any conditions of the "grain agreement" with Russia, if it did not conclude any agreement with Russia? Since the answer is obvious, then the next question is: why then Russia began inflicting more severe missile attacks on the seaports of Ukraine after Russia withdrew from this agreement?Russia calls the damage yesterday to the Kerch bridge, which was illegally built by Russia to the occupied Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, a terrorist attack. shelling with all types of weapons throughout the territory of Ukraine, in which the actual objects were civilian infrastructure?

After answering these questions, we will move on to more specific questions about the essence of the "grain agreement".
I know quite well what a grain deal is. Do I blame Ukraine for disrupting it? No, Russia has not directly concluded any agreements with Ukraine on this issue. Ukraine can continue to sell its grain to whomever it wants and how it wants, this is its internal affair. It's just that Russia withdrew its security guarantees for the passage of ships with grain through a dedicated corridor in the Black Sea, because the terms of its deal with Turkey and the UN were not fulfilled.

And as for yesterday's attacks on the port infrastructure of Odessa and Nikolaev, did you really think that Ukraine's attack on the Crimean bridge would go unpunished? After the previous attack on the Crimean bridge, Russia systematically carried out missile and drone strikes on Ukraine's energy infrastructure for six months. If Ukraine has not learned this lesson, then the punishment for a second attack on the Crimean bridge will be much harsher. It's okay, get used to it.
515  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia's withdrawal from the "grain agreement". Hunger or World War III? on: July 18, 2023, 04:00:11 PM
I think there will be no hunger, no third world war, and there will not even be sunk ships. It’s just that Russia will destroy the infrastructure in Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea with missile strikes (it has already begun to do this) and Ukraine will lose at least $ 500 million a month in budget revenues from the sale of grain, which will have to be compensated from its own pocket by Western sponsors.

And there is no need for this hypocrisy about the famine, according to the UN, less than 3% of all grain exported from Ukraine during the year of the grain deal ended up in the poorest countries, and Russia is ready to compensate this volume for free.
You should know that this is not funny, being a Russian shouldn't even give you the mind to talk down on a serious matter like this. You may keep how the war will play out to yourself, the OP asked for the impact on feeding and how it could lead to more military actions that can again lead to World War III and famine. The last disagreement largely added to the global inflation we are gradually overcoming, people you will never know committed suicide in the last one due to hunger and depression and you are here down-talking it.

You don't preach that Russia is a destroyer to the world again, it is all seen. You think a destroyer is better than a builder?
This is a very deep philosophical question, and although I am not a philosopher, I can answer it for you. Destruction is no better than creation, and vice versa. Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin, two integral poles of life. It is impossible to imagine a good balanced football team that consists only of forwards, or only of defenders, there are both - each with its own mission and function. And although modern concepts of "total football" make defenders-destroyers and attackers-creators interchangeable in many ways, this does not make attackers better than defenders, or vice versa. Both sides of the coin are important.
516  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia's withdrawal from the "grain agreement". Hunger or World War III? on: July 18, 2023, 03:45:01 PM
And why did Russia withdraw from the "grain agreement", which somehow worked for exactly a year? Putin, in exchange for its extension, demanded to reconnect Rosselkhozbank to SWIFT, resume supplies of agricultural machinery, spare parts and services, lift restrictions on insurance and reinsurance, lift the ban on access to European ports, resume the operation of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline, unblock foreign assets and accounts of Russian companies associated with the production and transportation of food and fertilizers. But what about the sanctions that are useful for Russia, or do they bite a lot?
Russia has suspended participation in the grain deal, because for the whole year not a single condition on which this deal was concluded was fulfilled. In fact, the European Union sabotaged the grain deal for a whole year, so it is not surprising that Russia suspended it, but that Russia previously extended it several times, despite this sabotage.

This is a deal, not a charity. When the conditions of Russia are met, then the grain deal can be resumed, but not before.
517  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia's withdrawal from the "grain agreement". Hunger or World War III? on: July 18, 2023, 12:30:08 PM
On July 17, 2023, Russia withdrew from the “grain agreement” and officially notified Turkey and Ukraine, as well as the UN secretariat, of its objection to the extension of the “grain deal” for the export of grain and other agricultural products from Ukrainian ports to the world market. In addition, Russia withdrew security guarantees for the grain corridor. In other words, Russia says it can sink civilian ships flying any flag as long as they take grain out of Ukraine. The sinking of civilian ships with non-military cargo in neutral waters can be considered piracy.

In connection with these actions of Russia, a very tense situation is developing in a number of countries, and above all in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Due to the sabotage by the Russian Federation of the work of the "grain corridor" in recent months, the world has not received an additional 25 million tons of agricultural products from Ukraine anyway. In total, during the year of this agreement, 1,002 vessels left Ukrainian ports. According to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, since the start of the "grain agreement" more than 33 million tons of products of Ukrainian farmers have been exported to 45 countries of the world.
  In many countries, even taking into account the work of the "grain agreement", grain and other agricultural products have risen in price greatly. If Russia now interferes with the export of grain under this agreement, the population of many developing countries will face starvation.

The situation is interesting because Turkey and China, which are regarded in Russia as some kind of economic allies, are interested in extending the "grain agreement". One way out of this food crisis is to escort ships from Ukrainian ports by warships from Turkey or China. Is Putin ready to continue to increase the stakes and fight virtually with the whole world?
I think there will be no hunger, no third world war, and there will not even be sunk ships. It’s just that Russia will destroy the infrastructure in Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea with missile strikes (it has already begun to do this) and Ukraine will lose at least $ 500 million a month in budget revenues from the sale of grain, which will have to be compensated from its own pocket by Western sponsors.

And there is no need for this hypocrisy about the famine, according to the UN, less than 3% of all grain exported from Ukraine during the year of the grain deal ended up in the poorest countries, and Russia is ready to compensate this volume for free.
518  Economy / Economics / Re: Russia and others, move to use Yuan instead of dollar. on: July 18, 2023, 11:59:10 AM
Although many people still do not accept the fact that the USD is fighting to lose its position, that is what is happening in the international trade market. Not only the BRICS countries are looking to reduce their dependence on the USD, but many other countries have also expressed support for this.
In confirmation of your opinion, I read since two days that the United Arab Emirates agreed with India to complete trade exchange deals between them in rupees, which can be considered an additional step in the same direction, although this is outside the BRICS framework.
And although I am convinced that the global economy in its current situation is unable to completely abandon the use of the dollar, I note that the dollar (the United States) is going through its most difficult period.
The most important question today is what is the really best option for the global economy (I mean in particular global trade exchanges)? I mean, is it good to keep the dollar as a major exchange currency, or will diversifying currencies have better results? Do not forget that the dollar is the supporter of America's position as a global power.
The world economy does not have to completely abandon the dollar. The US is a big country, it produces a lot of goods and services, and buys even more goods and services from abroad - and this part of the world economy, I think, will continue to use the US dollar as a unit of account in the future. But if the UAE is buying something from India, why would they use the US dollar? The practice of bilateral currency swaps in national currencies will continue to develop, increasing the share of national currencies in world trade and reducing the share of the US dollar. The United States will have to get used to living within its means.
519  Local / Политика / Re: Является ли Украина террористическим го&# on: July 18, 2023, 07:49:57 AM
Так а в чем выгода США? Ну ты реально дебил.

Основная выгода - это Китаю и Индии покупающих ресурсы по дисконту.
Ну ты реально додик полный, если не видишь никакой выгоды США в поставках СПГ в Европу (о чем они мечтали уж много лет), сбагривании своего военного старья по оверпрайсу, верчению Европы на половом органе по своему желанию и в других аспектах.
Но ты забавный Grin
Пышы исчо!
Ты хотя бы слова складывать умеешь вместе, в отличие от нашего Вонючки сотоварищи.

Ну ты попробуй посчитать это в деньгах. Пусть поставки составили 50 миллиардов кубических метров по $300-600 долларов за тысячу кубических метров, вычти от сюда себестоимость добычи и поставки, строительство терминалов. Ну мозможно компании из США и сделали оборот в 150-300 миллиардов американсикх долларов с чистой прибылью в 20-30 миллиардов, но эта сумма даже близко не покрывает расходы на помощ Украине и увеличение расходов на НАТО в Европе.

Так что США в лучшем случае остались при своих или получили небольшой убыток. А вот основной выгодополучатель - это Китай и Индия. Теперь мордорская федерация - это их корова и они ее доят, а если заходят - сделают из нее стейк.
С точки зрения США основная задача всей хохлятской заварушки - максимально зачморить Европу. Выгода не только (и даже не столько) в прибыли от поставок СПГ в Евросоюз, сколько в отсечении Европы от дешёвого трубопроводного газа из России, а также от дешёвого сырья из России и Украины. Без дешёвых энергии и сырья Европа сразу начинает активно сосать хуй не нагибаясь, а Европа для США основной и главный конкурент.

Ну и разогнать по максимуму свой ВПК это тоже дохуя делов и сплошная прибыль, всё американское военной лобби радостно потирает клитор от текущего расклада, военные заводы работают на полную мощность и завалены заказами на пятилетку вперёд, в том числе и от Европы, которая в условиях дефицита энергии и сырья разогнать свой ВПК даже просто физически не может при всём желании. И истерики Макрона что дескать надо покупать не американское, а своё исконное европейское оружие, остаются гласом вопиющего в пустыне. Вообще говоря США своих целей по спецоперации на Украине уже достигли, скоро Зеленскому будут всё активнее впаривать идти на переговоры, потому что выборы в следующем году и демократам выходить на них с незакрытым гештальтом по Украине вообще никакого понта.
520  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 18, 2023, 04:38:32 AM
Well, as I suggested earlier, Russia has suspended its participation in the grain deal. This will deprive Ukraine of revenues to the budget for the sale of Ukrainian grain in the amount of at least 500 million dollars a month. Tonight, combined missile and drone strikes were carried out on military targets in the ports of Nikolaev and Odessa.
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