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5001  Other / Meta / Re: [List] Rule-Breakers. on: February 19, 2018, 09:18:31 AM
Detected users using homographs attacks

NOTE>The easiest way to identify the homographs attacks is by using autocorrect option of your browser while quoting this message. Detected by searching for > /see the code below/  Reference here

Searching word was > "thе" representing "the" with cyrillic "e", see PROOF image on the bottom of this post 

I аm utilizing imToken tо prоtеct mоst оf my hоldings,using thеsе imToken will prеvеnt yоu frоm bеing аttаckеd by thеsе hаckеrs.Thеy аrе lеss vulnеrаblе cоmpаrе tо thе wеb wаllеts thаt hаs highеr chance аnd prоnе tо thеsе hаckеrs,imToken аrе thе mоst sеcurеd typе оf cryptоcurrеncy stоrаgе.I аm utilizing imToken fоr аbоut 3 yеаrs now аnd I dоnt еncоuntеrеd аny prоblеm utilizing it. Unless you open your security to programmers...

In my opinion, the best altcoin besides bitcoin is ethereum. It has shown great progress through time and has a lot of tokens using it. Thе incrеаsе in pricе might bе slоwеr cоmpаrеd tо bitcоin but it is cоnsistеntly rising.

Nеw аltcоins hаvе а lаrgе rооm fоr it tо gаin mоrе vаluе. Fоr mе, it is rеаlly gооd tо invеst in nеw аltcоins but аlwаys chеck thе trаck оf thе cоin if it still grоwing оr if it is slоwly dеcrеаsing its vаluе. аlsо study оthеr nеw аltcоins hоw it bеhаvе.

Yоu knоw thаt invеstmеnt is аlwаys risky wеаthеr it is cryptо оr оthеr prоjеct. If yоu dоn't hаvе thе risk tаking аbility thаn yоu аrе in thе wrоng trаck. Yоu bеttеr fоrgеt аbоut cryptо. It's а mаrkеt оf up аnd dоwn. Whеn thе is vеry high yоu kееp prаising it аnd whеn dоwn yоu kееp crying. Thаt's nоthing but wаsting timе.

My mоst fаvоritе ICо prоjеct is оnLivе, which prоvidеs usеrs with rеvоlutiоnаry cаpаbilitiеs whеn wоrking with strеаming vidео.
еаrly cоmplеtiоn оf prе-ICо shоwеd thаt thе prоjеct is а succеss аnd I bеliеvе in thе succеss оf thе tоkеnsаlе.

I dо nоt think thаt blоckchаin prоjеcts in thе mеdicаl industry аrе а gооd idеа. bеcаusе it is nоt а sufficiеntly studiеd tеchnоlоgy, it is nоt implеmеntеd аnywhеrе 100%. аnd in gеnеrаl, thе mеdicаl industry is nоt оnе оf thоsе thаt is sо еаsy tо chаngе

Yоu cаn hоld sоmе еTH аnd аnd buy sоmе аlts. Gеt sоmе chеаp cоins frоm thе tоp 50-100. Lооk intо thеm аnd sее which оnеs yоu likе аnd yоu think hаvе pоtеntiаl fоr grоwth.

аlthоugh bitcоin is vеry gооd, it still hаs disаdvаntаgеs thаt cаn nоt bе оvеrcоmе. Sо thе аltcоin wаs bоrn with оutstаnding fеаturеs аnd thе аbility tо аpply in prаcticе, thеsе аltcоins hаvе mаdе thе mаrkеt cryptо mоrе divеrsе аnd mоrе nuаncеd.

It is vеry gооd timе tо invеst in ICO,you can see zebi 7x profit recently ,yоu must find аll thе infоrmаtiоn аbоut thе prоjеct аnd tеаm,rеаd cаrеfully thе whitеpаpеr аnd rоаdmаp ,choose thе mоst intеrеsting аnd prоmising  project,
i sure you will win profits too.

I think thеrе hаs tо bе а finе bаlаncе, nеvеr sаy nеvеr but with thе currеnt trеnds аnd plеthоrа оf prоjеct it mаkеs sеnsе tо sее sоmе еvidеncе thаt thе tеаm hаs thе cаpаbility tо dеlivеr whаt hаs bееn prоmisеd аt lеаst а tеst аlphа оf а prоduct.

... many more to be listed, see the proof below.

PROOF > image loading ... wait...

From 08.05.18
I think this is gооd fоr prеvеnting thе оccurrеncе оf bоunty chеаts such аs multi аccоunts, аnd аlsо KYC is vеry hеlpful tо cоllеct vаlid pаrticipаnt dаtа, аnd mаkе bоunty pаrticipаnts nоt оnly silеnt wаiting whеn it hаs cоmplеtеd its tаsk, but is rеquirеd tо cоntinuе tо mоnitоr thе prоgrеss оf thе prоjеct
5002  Other / Meta / [List] Rule-Breakers. (Homographs attacks included) DTs/Mods attention needed. on: February 19, 2018, 09:18:00 AM
This thread is created after a suggestion of the global mod mprep.
I report mostly posts, can I report profiles if I see something suspicious and how? It would be helpful if we get a "report Profile" button, it may reduce the account farming.
Not really. Starting a thread in Meta or PMing one of the global mods and / or admins is the only way to report a user rather than his post or PM AFAIK.

Here is my list of the profiles I found braking the forum rules more than once.
I will list them in the following format:

Profile ID, the reason I listed them here and proof as a imgur/ link.  
I'll report every 10 cases to the modes.
Status added
Last update:08.05.18

Profile ID                                                                                Why + proof           Status> DONE!
1.;u=1416264   Posting in other language in English threads. proof
2.;u=1745386   "Great Project" guy. proof
3.;u=1653803   "good Project" guy. /the posts have been deleted/
4.;u=1766444   "Great" guy.  proof
5.;u=1628168   Copy - Paste guy. proof
6.;u=1695585   Copy - Paste guy + Posting in other language in English threads. proof
7.;u=1754789   One line spammer - "good project".  proof
8.;u=1694522   "Very good project" guy proof
9.;u=317957     Selling Merit for btc/eth proof
10.;u=13206      Traded account, tech discuss back in 2011, now "I'm newbie"  proof

Profile ID                                                                                Why + proof      Status> DONE!
1.;u=1263829   Many posts in other language in English threads. proof
2.;u=1180851   Many posts in other language in English threads. proof
3.;u=1521857    "Nice project" guy proof
4.;u=1659648    Shitposter/spammer / suggested by Oulay in his Thread
5.;u=1709728    Spammer see the proof. proof
6.;u=1541007    Spammer see the proof. proof
7.;u=1669015    Spammer see the proof. proof
8.;u=1774747    Spammer lol "good night! happy tommoro!!"proof
9.;u=1422169    Spammer & ICO bumper proof
10.;u=1874104    Spammer proof

Profile ID                                                                                Why + proof      Status> DONE!
1.;u=1231942    Spammer & ICO bumper proof
2.;u=1232552    ICO bumper proof
3.;u=1334401    ICO bumper proof
4.;u=1334393    ICO bumper proof
5.;u=1231918    ICO bumper proof
6.;u=1332957    ICO bumper proof
7.;u=1476458    Account seller proof
8.;u=1229867    Account buyer proof
9.;u=1419590    Account buyer proof
10.;u=1316022   Account buyer proof

Note. All the ico pumpers are reported also in this thread :

Profile ID                                                                                Why + proof      Status> DONE!
1.;u=1452503   Account buyer proof
2.;u=1286875   Account buyer proof
3.;u=1214682   Account buyer proof
4.;u=1477170   Spammer "Good project" proof
5.;u=1797514   Spammer "Great project" proof
6.;u=1196597 Spammer  proof
7.;u=202891  Spammer "Nice project" proof
8.;u=1796281 Spammer "nice projact"  proof
9.;u=1257103 Spammer  proof
10.;u=547994 Account trader + some buyers proof

Profile ID                                                                                Why + proof      Status> DONE!
1.;u=1808903  Spammer proof
2.;u=1887854  Spammer proof
3.;u=1774508  "Very good project I hope you good features" proof
4.;u=1272731   Many posts in other language in English threads. proof
5.;u=1836361   Many posts in other language in English threads. proof
6.;u=1672220   Using homograph attack to hide Copy/pasting  Proof with Cyrillic letter "e" >  proof  and autocorrect proof[/url

Profile ID                                                                                Why + proof      Status> OPEN
1.;u=2264948  Ico Bumping bot involved in ULTRIX COIN PLATFORM
2.;u=2264724  Ico Bumping bot involved in ULTRIX COIN PLATFORM
3.;u=2264334  Ico Bumping bot involved in ULTRIX COIN PLATFORM
4.;u=2263313  Ico Bumping bot involved in ULTRIX COIN PLATFORM
5.;u=2262931  Ico Bumping bot involved in ULTRIX COIN PLATFORM
6.;u=2262641  Ico Bumping bot involved in ULTRIX COIN PLATFORM
7.;u=2262254  Ico Bumping bot involved in ULTRIX COIN PLATFORM

Links for personal use not related to the topic >
Comprehensive guide to Bitcointalk. | One (1) Merit point to Rank-up Service | BitcoinTalk Public Information Project (BPIP)
5003  Other / Meta / Re: Is new merit system really success ? on: February 19, 2018, 08:40:14 AM
You do not need to open a new thread on this topic, just browse for a while the Meta section and you will find the answer.
Many complaining and some are happy with it, but the most important thing is that it's doing what it's intended to do, blocking the shitposters to go up and eventually discourage them and make them quit.
5004  Other / Meta / Re: [Tutorial] How to add image to a post on: February 19, 2018, 08:14:44 AM
Adding image in your post is not that hard, you just need to follow these steps (please note that you need to be in a position higher than Newbie):

This is not working with .png format. You better do that:

You can go to the drop down many, next to the "Copy" button and select "get share links".
There you go for "BBcode Forums".

There are already many threads like this, just search the forum.
5005  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Hardware Firewall in your Home on: February 18, 2018, 08:44:33 AM

Am I just being overly paranoid or is there other people out there who are installing business firewalls in the house?

No, you are not paranoid, I have a home setup with pfsence and I'm pretty happy with it. Having a secure vpn connection wherever I am and secure access to everything I need in my home network. Also load balancing the two internet connection so if something happens I always have a backup
5006  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to increase your merit ? on: February 18, 2018, 07:14:01 AM
To all of you asking how to get merit, here is a tip. Chaseing the merit points will lead you only to a higher quality spam.

Almost 90% of the people who after the merit will end up in this trap.
Just educate yourself a little more about the blockchain technology and bitcoin, be creative and helpful and the points will start to flow.
See my merited posts for reference Smiley
5007  Other / Meta / Re: Forum feature request: set Alt-text by default for all embedded images on: February 17, 2018, 07:28:09 PM
I do agree with the idea. I even reported one post because of a huge image was loading and I was not aware of it. With this feature it will be much easier.
I will use is this way until/if/ they implement it in the forum.
5008  Other / Meta / Re: A summon to all native or non native English speakers. on: February 17, 2018, 07:16:56 PM
What do you people think when you see not so perfect post in terms of grammar or vocabulary?

I can say for myself that I'm far from being perfect since I learned English by myself. I do speak and I can express myself in a way that others can understand, but I can feel that I'm far from the level I want to be at. Well I do speak 3 more languages and since I'm living in a foreign country - Norway my Norwegian is taking over the others. I know, it's not easy and there are many like me here.
Enough off topic now.

I see it that way, the forum is not a language school, it's created and supported as an English speaking forum with a privilege to the NNES / non-native English speaker/ to have sections in their own language.

If you are on a level that you cannot express yourself in English so the others can clearly understand your point then you should address your topics to your local section. If the matter is urgent, because sometimes it happens, it can be excuse but no more.
By pointing out the mistakes you generate extra off topic and since most of the "broken English" threads are created with direct translate with google it will not help much.
5009  Economy / Services / Re: [CONTEST] 0.01 Reward for coming up with a creative name for our SportsBook on: February 16, 2018, 10:16:23 PM
Here some ideas. Hope you find what you are looking for Smiley

All are checked on Godaddy. Good luck!
5010  Other / Meta / Re: Not merit, demerit is the way to go! on: February 16, 2018, 09:32:47 PM
You have to give little more time to the merit system. You cannot expect to be 100% efficient from day 0. There are more merit sources now and many new applications.
Regarding the de-merit and what you suggest is more like the trust system we have now. De-merit options have to be given to the merit sources. They already distribute the merit and it will be good if they can punish the merit abuses.
5011  Other / Meta / Re: TMAN's Level up challenge.-- UPDATED... on: February 16, 2018, 02:29:01 PM
Apologies for the off topic it's a really great work you are doing but this is part of your post is a little "wobbling" or let's say unordered.
let me suggest a small correction if you don't mind :

Rank   Required activity   Required merit
Brand new   0   0
Newbie   1   0
Jr Member   30   0
Member   60   10

I suggest to replace it with this code.

[table][tr][td][b]Rank[/b][/td][td][b]Required activity[/b][/td][td][b]Required merit[/b][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Brand new[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Jr Member[/td][td]30[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]

Just let me know and I will delete this comment. Cheers
5012  Other / Meta / Re: Merit system is not working, failed! on: February 16, 2018, 01:15:31 PM
Signatures had already been disabled for Jr members. Signature campaigns like 777 coin has removed all such participants already.

I see newbies and Jr. Members wearing signatures at least here in the Meta. You can see the OP of this topic as reference. I guess theymos removed the ability to add links to the signature but not the whole signatures.
5013  Other / Meta / Re: [List] Suspected users that are abusing merit 3.0 on: February 16, 2018, 01:09:55 PM
Excellent you are truly correct, we need to work hard and we need to post the best as we can. Because if we gain merit from evil we have no different to a cheater.
I also agree that all of the link of the users in this thread are not guilty but they have a mark now. So stop making suspicious move to lessen the eye watching in your account.

No one is guilty here until proven but everyone has to know that there is some kind of control here and if you don't follow the rules sooner or later you gonna get caught, and there will be consequences.
5014  Other / Meta / Re: [List] Suspected users that are abusing merit 3.0 on: February 16, 2018, 11:20:11 AM
MERIT SUMMARY :;u=1035345
MISCELLANEOUS:Receiving 90 Merit points for begging and possible exchange with users:Cean and Neo--

Original message:
Ah ama bu cok kötü oldu tam siralama atlayacaktim ve suanda 150 merit almam gerekiyor! Kim bana bukadar merit versinki? cok adaletsiz bir durum oldu activity sayimiz Kadar merit alabilseydik daha adil bir uygulama olurdu.

Translated message /google translate/:
Ah, but this was very bad was going to jump up and I need to get the full rank of career 150 merit water! Who gave me so much credit? It was a very unfair situation. We could count on our activity.
Please someone speaking Turkish to confirm it.
5015  Other / Meta / Re: Indicator for "marked as reported" in the forum on: February 16, 2018, 09:52:25 AM
In addition to the OP suggestion I would be happy if after the report is done we are not kicked out of the thread but redirected back to the reported post, so we can continues reading.
This is something very annoying,I do go back with a few clicks but I'm not sure when I do this if I report the post again, like it was with the merit. If you give merit and go back, you are giving twice.

5016  Other / Meta / Re: Merit system is not working, failed! on: February 16, 2018, 08:26:48 AM

I propose to disable signatures for Jr. Members or implement Merit system for Jr. ranks (5 Merits for example).

Yeah this will solve part of the problem, 5 Merit and no sMerit for the existing jr. because they will distribute the Merit to the other alts.
Probably de-merit option in the hands of the merit sources will also be a good solution, so they can give penalties to the ones abusing the system.
In addition, less work for the Mods and Admins Wink
5017  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Rank, Activity and Merit points calculator, v2 on: February 16, 2018, 08:18:43 AM
  I am posting consistently with quality replies (not just "hi" or "this site is great" or "I agree").  I am accruing many posts (over 180)  but my merit remains pinned at "10" or at a newbie to jr member level.  Quite the discrepancy between the amount I am posting, my activity  and the merit value. 

Not understanding the merit system at all.

I guess all I can do is continue to post (because the topics interest me) and let the "merit" and "activity" take care of itself (HOPEFULLY) over time.
Yes, just give it some time. It's just 20 days since it was introduced so big part of the community is not aware of it yet. When the time comes to rank up, they will find out about the Merit and how it works and will begin to distribute it too.
5018  Other / Meta / Re: Good posts not rewarded with merits on: February 15, 2018, 02:52:14 PM
If it were possible I would give de-merit to merit beggars. But de-merit is problematic, since scammers and shills would abuse it to lower the merit of people making sense...

Interesting idea, maybe the merit sources can have control on the de-merit, since they can distribute and monitor the post quality. They are selected to take this responsibility. The perception of quality posts can differ between the different sources, but they can de-merit the ones abusing the system.
Well I guess this has been discussed before.
5019  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Suicide due to losses due to investment in virtual currency on: February 14, 2018, 08:17:22 PM
While reading all the comments here, both positive and negative I see many people do not realize that this is not for everyone.
People who have never had any contact with the stock market and see the digital currency as an easy way of getting rich are all wrong. Read before the dip that some people are planning to sell their houses for crypto, investing all their live savings in bitcoins. It is completely normal to have such a deadly outcome. Sorry for the guy, but he is not the first one and differently not the last one who done something that he was not prepared to. When you invest in such things and you have no knowledge about the risk management you have to consider the investment lost, if you really lose it it won't hurt that much because you was prepared for it, but if you get some profit out of it, this is good. Take out what you have invested so you will be on 0 and then risk as much as you want.
5020  Other / Meta / Re: Merit & new rank requirements on: February 14, 2018, 06:50:19 PM
It would be nice if we can get a merit menu like "Last merit post" and"Top merited posts for last 24h" for every section and subsection. So everyone can check the top merited posts in off-topic section for example, then you have more control on how merit is distributed. I know that we have already top and last merited posts in the whole forum but I think it won't be a bad idea to have control on the local sections also.
Just an idea Smiley
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