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7601  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbie want to know more about Bitcoin and the Btclk Forum. on: March 06, 2021, 02:26:13 AM

• Because I am new and a beginner, of course I must have a lot of knowledge about crypto / Bitcoin which I have to learn from my friends here.
1. What is the best step a beginner should know and do, to become better and more successful like the friends here who have been working here for years.
2. What is the percentage level of difficulty for doing something good here.

The rules exist to prevent spammers, bots, and other kind of abuses in the forum. If you are not abusing, rules will be no problem for you.

The best first step for a beginner is to study
You can watch Andrea's antonopoulos videos in youtube, they are very good and informative. If you feel you want more, read his book mastering bitcoin (available for free in github just Google fir it)

Just be yourself and make legit questions , share your knowledge and you will have no difficulties in doing something good here.
7602  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Attack vectors for Hardware Wallets on: March 06, 2021, 01:47:25 AM
1 - Evil hacker maid attack can just get your offline computer and steal your money.

It is much harder for attacker to replace your offline computer with identical tampered clone, in Evil Maid attack.

There are other evil maid attacks. Where the evil hacker maid just spend your coins while you are out. The attacker dont need to replace your device with an identical one...

Why would you ever use clipboard for PAPER wallet?
It is generated offline and printed.

Well, if you ever want to spend your coins from your paper wallet you are vulnerable To this attack as well.

2 - You have a paper wallet, but you have a clipboard malware and you lose your coins.

Since you need a computer of some sort to spend any coins, that's not exactly a vulnerability of the wallet.

AFAIK paper wallet is vulnerable only to a couple of things - wrench attack, and physical theft with no wrench involved.

If the wallet has some security vulnerability which can be exploited while expending,  it should be considered a vulnerability of the wallet.

Imo that's a minor vulnerability which doesn't make any difference, for both hw and for paper wallets.
7603  Local / Brasil / Re: Binance smart chain ou Ethereum? on: March 06, 2021, 01:20:07 AM
E sendo que existem varios outros blockchains descentralizados, com tecnologia superior e taxas baratas, porque somente esses dois são escolhidos para criarem os tokens?

Isso não existe. Não existe nenhum outro blockchain descentralizado com uma tecnologia superior.

Existem 2 blockchain  verdadeiramente descentralizado: btc e eth(há controvérsias sobre o ultimo)

Mas todos os outros não são descentralizados. Se o bloclchain tem CEO, ele não é descentralizado.

Se ele é rápido e barato, das duas uma: ou ngm usa, ou não é descentralizado.

Tem até uns blockchain como EOS que alegam ter 30x mais transações diárias do que o Bitcoin ou ethereum. Mas sinceramente, quem acredita nisso? Deve ser um bot fazendo transações,  sem a menor lógica...

O que as pessoas chamam de tecnologia superior, com o bch, são na verdade uma escolha de design. Por exemplo, mudar o tamanho do bloco não é tecnologia superior. Tem custos isso  pra descentralização. Não é tecnologia superior, é uma mudança de parâmetro.

E sem dúvida impressionante que a binance Chain tenha passado ethereum no número de transações  em tão pouco tempo

Mas aparentemente, a descentralização não é uma meta a ser atingida...
7604  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin millionaire lists reasons most will never be rich on: March 06, 2021, 01:00:15 AM
#1  Difficulty identifying opportunity  There are many opportunities in crisis.

#2  Outdated or inaccurate ideas of how to make money  He recommends renting rather than buying a house and questioning traditional ideas on how to make money.

#3  No plan  This item does not need much clarification.

I would add a few other reasons to that list:

4 - spend less than you earn  , so you can save money every month (and have capital, like this 300k, to buy in a good opportunity)
5 - do not increase your monthly expenseswhen you geta raise. Save more, use your money wisely.
6 - do not spend a lot of money in a car, unless if you are rich.
7605  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Attack vectors for Hardware Wallets on: March 05, 2021, 10:11:56 PM
- Brute-force attacks - can be done when attacker brute-force your password and unlock the device.

This cannot happen because once you failed the PIN 3 times, your device will be automatically resetted.

I find HW a great tool for every day payments, but not really for keeping life changing amounts on them. And your pretty impressive list tells that I'm right about this.

But what is the alternative, then?

As far as I understand, all those attacks can be done in a offline computer, they can be done in a paper wallet, and so on.

For example:

1 - Evil hacker maid attack can just get your offline computer and steal your money.

2 - You have a paper wallet, but you have a clipboard malware and you lose your coins.

Most of those attacks are users fault that could be easily avoided just by double checking destination addresses, hiding your device properly, and so on...
7606  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: ABCripto: processo contra Binance no brasil on: March 05, 2021, 10:02:36 PM
Bem preocupante já que eu utilizo bastante a Binance e até tenho uns BUSD lá nesse momento que estou pensando em vender. Tongue

Mas esse processo é doméstico, são empresas nacionais entrando na justiça no Brasil contra a binance.

Certamente não terá a magnitude de fechar a binance ou de afetar as reservas BUSD da binance.... nao vejo risco nenhum nisso.

Pode ser que no final desse processo a binance comece a operar como as exchanges brasileiras, reportando tudo a receita e talvez cobrando uma taxa de saque de BRLs. Mas isso não vai afetar a saúde financeira de binance....
7607  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: What is the first bitcoin wallet? on: March 05, 2021, 07:42:18 PM
Which is most bitcoin wallet Xapo versus Buxtank?

The first bitcoin wallet was bitcoin core, created by satoshi.

The most used are probably electrum (very good one) and one)

I don't know buxtank and I would stay away.

Xapo is not the best wallet, but it has good reviews.
7608  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Vanity address scam rising on: March 04, 2021, 10:07:12 PM

There are many mining pools who take fees from you for you desired Bitcoin addresses as they have more computing power dedicated to the network instead of individuals computing power

Those addresses are also risky to use, even if the mining pools are legit.

As they already have the private key they shared with you, your address is already considered exposed since day1.

And a hacker may intercept their message, or even hack their database.

So, the best would be to avoid those services at all costs.
7609  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🔍 | Guess Total Wagers #123 $50 Prize | $1400+ Progressive Jackpot on: March 04, 2021, 09:32:38 PM
7610  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Tether não tinha as reservas !!!!! on: March 04, 2021, 09:26:47 PM
Vejo que agora que a Coinbase será lançada na Bolsa, com o IPO e tudo, fazendo esse barulho todo, vai fazer com que a corretora atraia muito mais pessoas, mais dinheiro e creio que também será motivo de mais confiança em utilizarem a USDC cada vez mais.

O Tether apesar de estar bem e resistindo às acusações de falta de fundos, vai precisar correr atrás disso e provar de uma vez por todas que tem o lastro, senão a longo prazo pode perder o primeiro lugar facilmente para a USDC.

Sem dúvida o USDC será o mais transparente.
Para uma empresa ser listada em bolsa ela precisa seguir uma série de normas de transparência,  coisa q nem a binance nem a tether seguem.

Não acredito mais no busd do que no tether. Empresas chinesas quando crescem muito acabam chamando a atenção do partido comunista chinês  , e ele pode ser q comece a interferir na binance em breve... assim como ocorre com muitas empresas chinesas.. (como a Huawei, alibaba...)
7611  Local / Economia & Mercado / Re: Tchau tchau Real: 43% de desvalorização frente ao dólar em 2020. on: March 04, 2021, 06:39:14 PM
Acho que essa inflação é medida pelo poder de compra do Real e não pela quantidade criada (emissão).. Se medir com a mesma balança de "poder de compra" do BTC, ai a "inflação" do BTC muda para algum número bem negativo (ai seria deflação?)

"Brasil imprimiu 30% de todo o dinheiro que existe no país em 2020, enquanto Bitcoin reduzia emissão pela metade" Fonte:

na verdade a inflação atual do btc é menor que isso @bitmover
segundo o Willy estamos em 1.75% ao ano
segundo esse site estamos em 2.15%

realmente, existem questões de nomenclatura da inflação em relação à poder de compra e em relação à expansão da base monetária, não? quero entender melhor essas questões.

surreal a notícia, já tinha visto algumas semelhantes em relação ao dólar:
23.6% of All US Dollars Were Created in the Last Year

Pois é, é pq expansão monetária não é inflação....

o pessoal usa essa metrica com criptomoedas, mas se voce perguntar para qualquer economista Não é assim que se mede inflacao. Em BTC usam isso  mais na ausencia de outra metrica, na minha opiniao...

Se voce sair falando por ai que a inflacao nos EUA foi 23%  ano passado vao te chamar de doido... Porque ficou na casa dos 1,5-2%.

Falando de países com banco central e tal é mais  complexo do que isso.

O pessoal controla a inflacao com juros altos quando a expansao monetaria sobe, que dai os juros altos tiram as moedas de circulacao (mais gente empresta dinheiro e menos gente pega dinheiro emprestado). QUando voce baixa os juros, o dinheiro volta a rodar na economia e a inflacao tende a subir, dai normalmente os banco centrais fazem retracao monetaria.

Tanto que os EUA subiram as taxas de juiros esses dias:

What Is Inflation?
Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. A quantitative estimate of the rate at which the decline in purchasing power occurs can be reflected in the increase of an average price level of a basket of selected goods and services in an economy over some period of time. The rise in the general level of prices, often expressed a a percentage means that a unit of currency effectively buys less than it did in prior periods.
7612  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Lost my 2FA Google Authenticator Code - on: March 04, 2021, 01:07:03 PM
I absolutely wouldn't recommend Authy. It is closed source. Your 2FA codes are stored in their servers. They collect a lot of information about you, including device information, email address, phone number, IP address, location, log in history, and more. If you lose access to your account, they require full KYC with copies of your ID to recover your account. This is an unnecessary security and privacy risk, for something you can do safely yourself as described above.

o_e_l_e_o, AFAIK authy do not do that.

Authy doesn't request location access neither email address. The only thing authy gets is the phone number.

I never even heard about they requesting KYC documents.

I look at their help page ( and the word KYC or Documents is not even mentioned anywhere.... where did you see that they require  KYC?

If that's true, I would maybe shift over to another software. But I use authy for years and never had any similar problem..

I found:
Authy Phone Change and Account Recovery Photo ID FAQs
We know you look to Authy to keep your important online logins secure, so we take phone change and account recovery requests very seriously. In order to help confirm that you are the actual account owner, we may need to ask validation questions or request a copy of your photo ID during this process. Since a photo ID usually contains sensitive personal information, you may want to know why we need this, and how we handle it. To help explain our processes, we have created this list of frequently asked questions.

I have not shared my photo ID with you previously - What are you doing with it?
When we request a copy of your photo ID, we do not use it for a comparison to a previously saved copy. We won't go into specifics here to protect our security processes, but suffice to say that we use the ID data for helping to confirming your identity as the account owner.

Terrible for authy... this KYC makes no sense at all...
7613  Local / Brasil / Re: Estou desenvolvendo Novo DeFi on: March 04, 2021, 12:14:07 PM
Não entendi como o contrato vai "entregar parte da perda".. Quem vai dar esse dinheiro a ele? Huh

Pelo q eu entendi essa DeFi é um trading bot.

O trading bot vai ficar tentando recuperar a grana do cara.....

É isso smajbr?

Eu acho que já existem muitos bots no mercado...
7614  Local / Economia & Mercado / Re: Tchau tchau Real: 43% de desvalorização frente ao dólar em 2020. on: March 04, 2021, 12:10:41 PM
em geral acho válido começar explicando que fiat (real/dólar/euro) é inflacionária e Bitcoin é deflacionária.

Deflação = queimar moedas..

O Bitcoin, assim como BRL/USD/EUR, é inflacionário.. A diferença entre o BTC e as outras é que a inflação do BTC é controlada, e reduzida pela metade a cada ~4 anos.. Já as outras, os governos imprimem quanto/quando querem..

Sim, isso mesmo.

Mas talvez seja possível considerar o bitcoin deflacionário quando a geração de novas moedas for muito proximo de zero, e a quantidade de moedas perdidas por ano seja maior do que a de criadas.

De qualquer forma, bitcoin ainda é bastante inflacionario. Temos em torno de 5% de inflação por ano (proximo da inflacao brasileira, que é 4,5%)
7615  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The first response to satoshi's Bitcoin whitepaper on: March 03, 2021, 11:36:20 PM
I was reading the cryptography mailing list when I came across something very interesting that dates back to November 2008. According to Wikipedia's article about Cypherpunks, the post I am about to share below was the first answer that satoshi got about Bitcoin.

Cypherpunker James A. Donald was the first who noticed what Bitcoin will have problems with scalability. In his reply, he wrote:
We very, very much need such a system, but the way I understand your proposal, it does not seem to scale to the required size.

I read the reply you mentioned and he also noticied that it will require a lot of bandwith to run a node:

To detect and reject a double spending event in a timely manner, one
must have most past transactions of the coins in the transaction, which,
  naively implemented, requires each peer to have most past
transactions, or most past transactions that occurred recently. If
hundreds of millions of people are doing transactions, that is a lot of
bandwidth - each must know all, or a substantial part thereof.

I believe nobody, even satoshi, imaged that bitcoin would become so big as it is now. With a giant hashrate, lots of transaction, and a global network which connects people from different countries and religions...

Offchain solutions such as lightning will probably solve scalability issues for a few years. I believe that in a few years most transactions will occur off-chain, and just big transactions will be on-chain.

There is no need to tell all nodes that you bought a coffee.
7616  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Banco central disponiliza sistema para consultar fraudes envolvendo seu cpf on: March 03, 2021, 11:25:19 PM
Eu verifiquei e encontrei meus dados na lista. O engraçado é que a empresa (Serasa) tem um produto de notificação para vazamentos "da Deep Web" (Cheesy). Quem quiser verificar, pode tentar achar a lista ou usar um site como o (não sei se é 100% seguro).

Fui coonsultar esse site agora, e me parece q ele saiu do ar.
Alguem sabe alugm outro, para saber se fui vazado?

É muito invasivo até salário vazar... junto com nome cpf endereco... pqp

A receita./bancos/etc nos obrigam a mandar um monte de dados para eles todo ano, e eles vao e deixam vazar ....
7617  Local / Mineração em Geral / Re: Duvida, voces tao pagando imposto? on: March 03, 2021, 03:20:49 AM
Pelo que sei, você teria que declarar suas criptos pelo preço de aquisição, e aí, me respondam, qual é o custo de aquisição de 1 ETH provindo de mineração?  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Como calcular isso?

Tipo mineração de ouro.. Não sei como funciona esse imposto (ou se tem, deve ter) porém a lógica é a mesma..

Você gasta em "maquinário", reduz os custos de empregados/energia e paga os impostos sobre o lucro obtido.. Fácil pro governo fazer caso queira roubar mais dinheiro.

Olha, eu acho que vale consultar um contador mesmo.

Acredito que você tem q tirar o investimento inicial das placas e insfraesturu,  até zerar isso não tem lucro nem imposto.

Depois você todo mês deve avatar os custos fixos, tipo energia elétrica.

Mas aí, o imposto devido eu não sei... uns 10, 15%? Isso se vendrr
7618  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Newbie and very confused, please help. on: March 03, 2021, 02:37:55 AM
I bought bitcoin on coinbase and sent it to the address for ACR.  However, when I log on to ACR it still shows zero balance.  I clicked on the transaction and it's no longer pending, it says completed.  Why is it still not received by the ACR wallet if Coinbase says completed?  Please help!  Thanks in advance!

I dont know this ACR wallet. This might be a synchronization issue
Are you able to see your balance in a blockchain explorer?
Go to and paste your public address there (the same you gave coinbase to receive your funds).

Do you see any confirmation in

If you do  your funds arrived and it is an issue with acr.

Do you have the seed  (24 words)?
7619  Economy / Reputation / Re: DT network visualization chart on: March 03, 2021, 01:31:32 AM
Great visualisation!
I was a little bit surprised to see only a little impact for local sections (only Filipino / Italian and to some extent Turky). Maybe it will change when DT1 is different next time, so I would also be happy if it's adjusted frequently.  Smiley

Edit: partially the Russian local section is also visible:

Thank you.

I believe the lack of local dt1 network might be a problem.
As there are scammers in every local, some might be able to scam others even after being identified as there is a lack of DT members.

However  , due to chart usability I excluded dt2 members from this charts
 And dt2 members are also able to tag scammers. So things as not as bad as it seems for local boards.

Bitmover, It would be great if you thought about updating the data in this thread every month, considering that the list of DT members is updated by Theymos with the same periodicity ... (the last update was today DT update log).

I will try to work in a better automation to make often updates
7620  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Lost my 2FA Google Authenticator Code - on: March 02, 2021, 07:07:27 PM
So what happens if you lost the device and you were prohibited the registration on a new device? This means you can't log in even you have the login credentials. So what is the difference between Authy and Google Authentication? If you keep off prohibition then it would be a quite risky move, someone would guess your password or would be even hacked.

You can register 2 devices of yours. For example 1 smartphone and 1 notebook (as a back up). You will have all your 2FA codes in both devices, and you will disallow that someone add another device. For example, if a hacker steals your password, he won't be able to access any of your 2FA codes as he can't add another device without your permition from an allowed device.

This is the difference between GA and Authy: You have the security that a hacker cannot add another device even if he steals your password, and you are still able to access your accounts if you lost one device.

If you lose your phone, just buy a new one and add that new phone from your allowed device.

Much better than GA.

The best solution is to maintain a notebook to write you all the accounts credentials including Google Authentication codes and keep it always under you. So even lost the device still you will have to backup all your account credentials.

Storing your passwords and private keys of 2FA codes in a file on a notebook is very dangerous (and those private keys are mostly very big and impossible to write down in a paper). This file contains sensitive information that a hacker can access without major difficulties and steal money that may exist on exchanges or other services where the user keeps cryptocurrencies.

Authy is a software created by cybersecurity professionals that know what they are doing. What you are suggesting is the same as storing bitcoin private keys in file in your notebook... This may work for a while, but you might (and probably will) get hacked one day.

Unless you are a security specialist, I would advice everyone to work with the appropriate software.
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