Would be nice if you can post more about how that works and about ENRG-tokens.
Because the picture shown is a bit too complicated for me to understand.
This is what is unther the hood for our framefork ecosystem EnergyCoin and actualy the big picture is much more complicated.
But I shall try to explain the idea is a few words.
The gamification is the core of our idea for EnergyCoin and with that we want to give incentives to participants who have behaviour saving energy.
EnergtCoin is not Etherium based and we have no plans yet to coinswap but we work together with SOIL but the framework also can work with the real Etherium but we need only their technology.
On the raspbery we have running EnergyCoin, SOIL and maybe some other coins like Bitcoin becose we are on the Rokos IOt-platform.
The RPI is connected to Internet of Things eg mobile phone, dishwasher, ecar, solar panals and so on.
We also use BigData to inject into the serious game and that makes it special becous people, devices and data can interact to save energy.
The RPI is in your home but we also work on a web-based solution and there we use Etherium blockchain with same gamification contracts but then on a server.
The RPI in your home is a node for EnergyCoin and maybe more depending on how deep you are in the ENRG-game.
Thust me on this consept ecosystem nobody is working yet, only small parts like sharing your prosumer energy to your nighbours in a local grid.
We give more information later when we have a working pototype with some parts of the gamification ecosystem.