Today C-Patex exchange got hacked. The exchange is closed down - following message was posted:Compromised user credentialsYesterday we were notified by some users that there was unauthorized access to their accounts.
Almost all old accounts that had no funds.
Today a user said that someone had entered his account, and had withdrawn funds.
The recall fingerprint had the same brand as the user's devices, so we thought it was not true.
A few minutes after this incident, a withdrawal order appeared and we proceeded to review it.
And we found the mark of the hacker who yesterday had tried to access old accounts.
In all cases, these are users who use Apple devices, usually the Safari browser.
We are investigating whether there has been a leak in our 2FA seed and credential database,
or is it a vulnerability that only manifests itself in Safari browsers,
for which the hacker may have obtained not only the password but also the 2FA.
We still do not have an evaluation of the amounts withdrawn,
because we have only received complaints from two users
and we have blocked a withdrawal from a user who has not yet reported the hacking of his account.
As a preventive measure, and pending the completion of the investigation, we have closed the site.
Please apologize for the inconvenience.
UPDATE:The first investigations show that the hacker in some case carried out operations of cancellation of orders and trading,
not just withdrawals, so that it is confirmed that the credentials of the users
have been stolen in some way.
The total losses are approximately 0.1 BTC so there would be no major inconvenience to resume the service
once the corresponding measures are taken.
The measures to be taken include a complete change of passwords and 2FA seeds and a review of the code and logs
as well as all administrative credentials.
Unfortunately we are on the weekend, and our support team could not help all users with key changes and 2FA,
since each one has to be re-validated.
About 400 users enter the site every day.
The plan is to review our software and infrastructure between today and tomorrow and
from Monday open the site and help users regain control of their accounts.
We will keep you informed.
Thank you for your patience
After Cryptopia and Altilly with Parallelcoin on it got hacked in the past....
Is there "The Curse of the DUO"?
Let´s hope C-Patex will reopen soon again, otherwise again some 1000s of DUOs are lost.