People killing each other is on topic. Mark 13:8, Matthew 24:10
Whether or not there should be gun control is not. That's a political issue, not a revelation one.
I read the bible and that is better than posting snippets, but I won't post the whole bible verse, because that would clutter the thread, and people can easily go look up the verse online for more information. You're free to do that. If you think I've taken a verse out of context, feel free to speak up and discuss it with me.
Everything in the end will look like nature or the results of humans. Many people won't realize what's really going on until it's too late. But I think this thread points out many stories in these days that can relate.
When you see the things that are done today, it makes me wonder how some people can't believe in the bible.
1) There are many who don't believe in God at all. Atheism is probably just growing and growing these days.
2) People worship their idols, American Idol or X Factor stars, reality tv stars, themselves (people who put their self worth in how many likes a post of theirs got or how many friends or followers they have) or worship their money. If someone trusts in their money to save them from disaster, they are placing their trust in an idol, instead of God. Addictions can be an idol too, you're getting something out of it that you should be getting from God.
3) Many people swear taking the Lord's name in vain. It's a little weird that they don't take pagan god's names in vain. The papacy claims it can turn your communion into the literal body of Jesus Christ and the wine into the literal blood of Jesus Christ, which is like them claiming to be Holy like God, when they aren't, which is another form of taking God's name in vain.
4) Many people work on the weekends, and most Christians worship on Sunday if they take a day off. But the Sabbath is Saturday. Most work on it anyway.
5) Most children grow up seeing snarky kids on tv who have no respect for their parents, and grow up to not respect their own parents. They just mimic what they see. Most adults feel like dealing with their parents when they're older is an obligation and just stick them in a home.
6) Murdering happens daily. Even legal murder when the president (or king, etc) of any country orders an attack on another country.
7) People break their marriage vows, and have sex before marriage, but adultery can also mean prostitution (which is big), and turning your back on God in general and participating in any pagan rituals, etc.
Stealing is legal, the government can take people's land if they want. Some people think if you need it, it's not stealing. People used Napster, which was stealing the artist's work, and lowered CD sales. People download bootlegs of movies online.
9) People lie under oath. People slander each other. People don't care about what it might harm the other person, they'll lie about them until the cows come home.
10) You shouldn't lust after what someone else has. Who hasn't gone about their day and wished they had that car, or that laptop, or that skill, or that popularity. Wanting what someone else has is everywhere, all day long if you watch tv.
That's the 10 commandments. You would think people would want to stick to them, they sound nice, don't they? Now I understand some won't care about the God worship and idols, because they don't believe in Him. But they should like the ideals of not lying, stealing, murdering etc.
Jesus said to love God with all your heart and soul, and treat others as you would want to be treated. Most people don't treat each other as they would want to be treated themselves. People will get hypocritical and get angry that someone lied to them, when they lie all the time.
If a picture of Jesus Christ was on the Empire State building, people would be up in arms and have someone arrested for it, probably. But they put up green light for the Muslim holiday and the image of Kali for the Hindu religion and no one but Christians seemed to care.
CERN has the statue of Shiva, another Hindu god, and when Shiva and Kali get together it brings the destruction of the world. The bible predicts destruction of this world, when Jesus comes to judge the world.
If you look up the Denver airport pictures, they clearly show what is predicted in the bible, except the twist is, they end with peace on earth (
but all Christians dead). Why Christians? Why does it end with peace? Because it was set up by those who think they're going to have peace.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thiefThe statue of baphomet was set up in Detroit recently. Satanists have their own church, with their rule of "do whatever you want to"...which of course is against God's 10 commandments.
The Catholic church is essentialy sun god worship, and they brought up so many things like hell, and purgatory, and paying to get people out of purgatory, so much so that when you realize this, you cannot believe they didn't do it on purpose. If they did it on purpose, then they did it to deceive people. Why would they do that? Because they are not following God, but following their own desires for riches on Earth instead of riches in Heaven.
There are many many many predictions in the bible, and they have come true, or are coming true.
I could go on and on, and on, and it all points to the bible being right.
I grew up believing in God. I don't know why. But I have never doubted He existed, even when I asked what if there wasn't a God? Since renewing my faith by testing it, I've had my own proof in my own life, and other people who have felt the Holy Spirit have had their proof, in their lives.
But even without that truth, I would think the attacks on Christianity in specific, would lead any logical person to believe in it. It's not just religion in general that's being attacked, it's Christianity specifically. I personally don't understand how people can see that, and not believe there's a reason for why that is.