Activity: 21
Merit: 0
July 12, 2016, 03:31:12 PM |
I would be willing to help with the launch.
A hard fork is fine for me.
I can do staking and mining. I run a private mining pool for myself. I created it a several months ago when I couldn't find a Swing pool on the correct block chain. And since the halt last month it seems like I'm the only one mining Swing.
I stake on Windows and run my pool on a Linux VM (Ubuntu). I can usually build the Linux wallet from source no problem but I fail when building for Windows. So if a built Windows version could be provided along with the source that would be awesome.
I could begin staking probably within an hour of getting the new wallet. I only mine 6 hours a day at night (power cost), so depending when the launch is it might be a several hours before I would mine. But I will adjust the schedule if the time gap is large and/or the network is struggling.
July 12, 2016, 04:18:41 PM |
I'd like to help, but it's about timing and how much time I have to get ready. I'm mostly staking with Odroid, which is in a place, where I have limited access. And my pc is on for max few hours per day. Two weeks before fork shoud be sufficient time for me to update my Odroid, but with my pc I can't help.
July 12, 2016, 09:02:22 PM |
I can mine. Just need a working pool to mine from.
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
July 15, 2016, 06:52:37 PM |
I invite you all to trade our coin. I did a little shopping  Where is zhe pool?
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
July 16, 2016, 11:55:17 PM |
I can mine. Just need a working pool to mine from.
I just realized. Have any of you tried I'm pretty sure that pool is on the correct chain. There's also a bunch of coins you can mine there. I've mined there on several occasions for other coins without issue. I think the operator is on Bitcointalk, if anyone knows they could check in about the Swing pool.
July 17, 2016, 04:13:12 AM |
I can mine. Just need a working pool to mine from.
I just realized. Have any of you tried I'm pretty sure that pool is on the correct chain. There's also a bunch of coins you can mine there. I've mined there on several occasions for other coins without issue. I think the operator is on Bitcointalk, if anyone knows they could check in about the Swing pool. I will try it out and let peeps know. Thanks
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
July 20, 2016, 03:58:16 PM |
I can mine. Just need a working pool to mine from.
I just realized. Have any of you tried I'm pretty sure that pool is on the correct chain. There's also a bunch of coins you can mine there. I've mined there on several occasions for other coins without issue. I think the operator is on Bitcointalk, if anyone knows they could check in about the Swing pool. I will try it out and let peeps know. Thanksнe плaтить
July 21, 2016, 01:42:57 AM |
I can mine. Just need a working pool to mine from.
I just realized. Have any of you tried I'm pretty sure that pool is on the correct chain. There's also a bunch of coins you can mine there. I've mined there on several occasions for other coins without issue. I think the operator is on Bitcointalk, if anyone knows they could check in about the Swing pool. I will try it out and let peeps know. Thanksнe плaтить Site is not paying out anymore Appears to be holding a whack of pending coins. It did work for me for about 2 days but has since stopped. I have stopped mining there now.
Kostolany, Jr.
July 25, 2016, 02:08:55 PM |
Guys check Bittrex, someone obviously decided to trade a bit  edit: cool indeed :-) 
„While buying one should be romantic, while selling realistic (and in the meantime he should sleep).“ – André Kostolany
July 25, 2016, 04:19:26 PM |
I just dumped all mine
Bought at 600- 650 + some mining sold at 2400+
Had to
Good luck to all with the project
July 25, 2016, 04:51:19 PM Last edit: July 25, 2016, 07:32:45 PM by Pito001 |
I can't download the wallet. Keep getting temp error.  Edit: Resolved 
| | | | │ | | │ | BUY CRYPTO AT REASONABLE RATES▄▄███████▄▄ ▄█████▀ ▀█████▄ ██████ ▄█▄ ██████ ██████ █████ ██████ █████ ▄ ███ ▄ █████ ████▌▐██ █ ██▌▐████ ███▄ ▀▀▌ ▐▀▀ ▄███ ▀████▄▄ ▄▄████▀ ▀▀███████▀▀ | ▄▄███████▄▄ ▄█████▀█▀█████▄ ████ ▀████ ███████ ███ █████ ███████ ▀█████ ███████ ███ █████ ████ ▄████ ▀█████▄█▄█████▀ ▀▀███████▀▀ | ▄▄███████▄▄ ▄█████▀▀▀█████▄ ██████ ▐███████ ██████▌ ▀▀███████ █████▀ ▄████████ ████▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀████ ███▌ ▄███ ▀█████████████▀ ▀▀███████▀▀ | & | OTHER COINS |
| │ | |
Kostolany, Jr.
July 26, 2016, 03:42:36 PM |
market update: it is getting ridiculous  
„While buying one should be romantic, while selling realistic (and in the meantime he should sleep).“ – André Kostolany
Sr. Member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 260
July 26, 2016, 03:58:43 PM |
market update: it is getting ridiculous   nice volume 
Crypto Enthusiast supporting innovative ideas for the Liberalization of the world from the Centralized Institutions.
August 11, 2016, 12:47:34 PM |
This thread has become silent
August 11, 2016, 01:13:01 PM |
This thread has become silent
What kind of update do you expect?
murderouskirk (OP)
August 18, 2016, 11:55:50 PM |
Hi guys,
First off I want to say sorry about the silence. I did not mean to go so long without posting. Time tends to slip by.
With this update I've decided to be blunt with things.
I'm afraid I need to officially request a developer takeover.
After working on this project for over a year I simply do not have enough time and focus to give this project the love it needs anymore, and pretending I do would unfair to you guys. Should I proceed with the fork myself I would also be expected to update all marketing materials including the thread and website, promote the coin, find a way to increase value, get every exchange and service to update, and find ways to improve from there. Given my long delays between updates I think it's starting to become clear even to me that having me head off all of that solo just wont work in the long run. I have repeatedly over the past year made calls for more developers and help with everything else without finding anyone to jump in and support. I've done my best to keep this project alive for the past year, while being as transparent as possible the entire time. This update is no exception, and I think it's the right thing to do over going dark and completely abandoning the project like we see over and over in altcoins. I genuinely believe swings only option to thrive is to find a new, motivated team to drive it forward.
I can provide the new rewards code and guide a dev on how to proceed with forking it, but I do not think heading off all the responsibilities that come with a major fork by myself is a good choice. I'm afraid I would only fall short.
If you think you might be the type of person capable of a takeover, you should already know how to fork an altcoin and you should be the type of person that keeps everything project related transparent with the holders.
We have had a very good run and the community we have built around this project has surprised me the entire time. The positivity is something that just isn't see in many other altcoins. I have high hopes that we will find a new team to step in, and am excited to see where Swing heads in the future.
August 25, 2016, 09:21:36 AM |
Very sad to hear DEV  , the structure of this coin is very interesting and iv´e mined a few Swings  . Love the fluctuating reward! Hope someone can take this over!
September 02, 2016, 03:00:32 AM |
Hi guys,
First off I want to say sorry about the silence. I did not mean to go so long without posting. Time tends to slip by.
With this update I've decided to be blunt with things.
I'm afraid I need to officially request a developer takeover.
After working on this project for over a year I simply do not have enough time and focus to give this project the love it needs anymore, and pretending I do would unfair to you guys. Should I proceed with the fork myself I would also be expected to update all marketing materials including the thread and website, promote the coin, find a way to increase value, get every exchange and service to update, and find ways to improve from there. Given my long delays between updates I think it's starting to become clear even to me that having me head off all of that solo just wont work in the long run. I have repeatedly over the past year made calls for more developers and help with everything else without finding anyone to jump in and support. I've done my best to keep this project alive for the past year, while being as transparent as possible the entire time. This update is no exception, and I think it's the right thing to do over going dark and completely abandoning the project like we see over and over in altcoins. I genuinely believe swings only option to thrive is to find a new, motivated team to drive it forward.
I can provide the new rewards code and guide a dev on how to proceed with forking it, but I do not think heading off all the responsibilities that come with a major fork by myself is a good choice. I'm afraid I would only fall short.
If you think you might be the type of person capable of a takeover, you should already know how to fork an altcoin and you should be the type of person that keeps everything project related transparent with the holders.
We have had a very good run and the community we have built around this project has surprised me the entire time. The positivity is something that just isn't see in many other altcoins. I have high hopes that we will find a new team to step in, and am excited to see where Swing heads in the future.
I will forward this msg to someone that may be able to help, take over or know someone who may be interested.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 1548
Get loan in just five minutes
September 18, 2016, 09:25:20 AM |
bad news , btrex plans remove swing from trade list,  "This market is in danger of de-listing due to low trade volume and lack of user interest. It may be removed on Friday, September 23rd 2016 unless the average daily trade volume for the last 7 days exceeds 0.2 BTC. If you would like to keep the market listed, please encourage the development team to contact us at"
September 18, 2016, 12:09:31 PM |
bad news , btrex plans remove swing from trade list,  "This market is in danger of de-listing due to low trade volume and lack of user interest. It may be removed on Friday, September 23rd 2016 unless the average daily trade volume for the last 7 days exceeds 0.2 BTC. If you would like to keep the market listed, please encourage the development team to contact us at" Yes I suggest everyone in the swing community send a email to that email address asking that they leave SWING listed. They have so many other garbage coins they leave listed on there for much longer with next to no volume. Still trying to find someone to take over the coin. It is still in the works.