Probably the most fake market I've ever seen.
Dev announces he is leaving and the price magically skyrockets for no reason, market is full of one person buying and selling to himself. Gee, I wonder who it could be?
Get all the holders to sell cheap and then fake pump away so you can dump at a high price. Shitty move.
Magically, the dev reappears and looks interested again.
It's legitimately not me lol. Is it odd to think that I check into my own coin from time to time? I never abandoned Swing I just said I can't promise major improvements from me. I made a point to say I'm around and happy to assist others though. I never disappeared, and there's nothing magical about me posting when i notice the market movement. I even made a point to show the almost comical distribution on Bittrex.
You're not wrong about one thing though.. it's blatantly one holder making waves, and they aren't trying to hide it either.
As for it being a shitty move.. something tells me the guy holding ~600,000 swing that quintupled the price disagrees...
Oh and since I know you wont believe me here's my most recent transactions on bittrex

(Sorry, no conspiracy here.. just actual traders doing trader things..)

P.S. Whoever our big investor is, you should definitely send me a private message.