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Author Topic: SEGWIT LTC.TBDICE.ORG 0.5% fee SOLO MM LTC/DGE POOL 3K+ LTC/7K+ DGE blks solved  (Read 43024 times)
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December 13, 2017, 12:32:53 AM


I can't seem to get my worker to show up on the stats page.  My miner says it's connected but my guess is that if I got insanely lucky and found a block the LTC would be going to the pool.  I've tried a few different addresses but get the same results.
The Litecoin address I am using is LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42   (with a .2 in the login)
Any idea what I am doing wrong?


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December 13, 2017, 05:05:30 PM


I can't seem to get my worker to show up on the stats page.  My miner says it's connected but my guess is that if I got insanely lucky and found a block the LTC would be going to the pool.  I've tried a few different addresses but get the same results.
The Litecoin address I am using is LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42   (with a .2 in the login)
Any idea what I am doing wrong?


All seems good

[2017-12-13 18:22:50.211] Authorised client 2816326 worker LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42.2 as user LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42 with diff 0 with uagent cgminer/3.7.2 with aux  and auxvalid 0 and ltcvalid 1 and btcbinlen 30 with mail  and notification -1
[2017-12-13 18:22:50.331] Dropped client 2816325 user LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42 worker LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42.2

auxvalid 0 - You do not MM Doge
ltcvalid 1 Your LTC Address is OK

cgminer/3.7.2 ?? What is your device?
You are not connected as i am writing this.
What is you device avarage hash rate? The reason you are not seeing your user worker at pool stats might be because of higher share diff and slow hash rate. So pool is not able to adjust it because it is too high and you are not submitting shares Wink It is not important though except for your stats...
Please try to set lower start diff as explained in pool home page:
The pool supports difficulty setting inside your password. The format is: diff_xxxxxxx:(DOGE address), where xxxxxxx can be any positive integer value. For example s(bf)gminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u LUNyycVonDH9aQMZn1fxyUeu8N3yS8w7ud.0 -p diff_2048:(your DOGE address) will start you mining at 2048.

make your password something like
-p diff_256

Let me know how it goes
Pool OP

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December 13, 2017, 06:35:17 PM

Thank you!  I think I was concerned because on the Users page the address would show up here and there but the MM field reads Pool in RED.  I have more hashrate to add but was trying to get the lay of the land first.

Thanks again!


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December 13, 2017, 06:49:16 PM

In order to MM DOGEes you have to specify your DOGE address inside your password. Otherwise as explained in pool home page DOGES are considered as pool donation (presumption is that you do not care about them). When you enter you DOGE in password if all is good  Pool stats will show self in green under MM address.
Let me know how it goes. Please look through pool thread. Some clients (versions of cgminer - startup script) just cut off pass string to some length which prevents you to MM Doge. There is a fix via ssh as explained. Anyway if you need some help just let me know. I can show you how to do it.

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December 13, 2017, 07:13:38 PM

here is a little how to make DOGE MM in case everything else fails.

However in your device implementention may vary. Any way i am available to do it for you if every thing else fails.
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December 13, 2017, 07:33:32 PM

For 400K your start (min) diff should be around 32 in order to stay constantly in pool stats. Wink  
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December 13, 2017, 09:09:42 PM

awesome thx!

more coming online soon!


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December 23, 2017, 12:46:37 AM

I'm confused

How do I figure out my Best share?   Right now I am showing a best share of 553.79539


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December 24, 2017, 07:25:25 AM

I'm confused

How do I figure out my Best share?   Right now I am showing a best share of 553.79539


It is easy  Wink The magic number is 2 pow 16. Bitcoin diff of 1 (ONE) equals to LTC diff (ONE) 1/(2 pow 16). Your miner works with whole numbers only. In order to find your BEST share LTC diff and match it with your mining software stats (your miner (?cgminer?) shows BTC diff in most cases) you have to multiply it by 65536. In your case it would be 553.79539*65536=36293534. Have in mind that your pool best share diff stat is zeroed on each new pool block.
I hope i am not confusing you too much with such explanation.

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December 24, 2017, 03:26:17 PM

That's what I thought but if I threw a 36 million share why didn't I find a block?

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December 24, 2017, 07:39:23 PM
Last edit: December 24, 2017, 07:54:01 PM by loshia1974

That's what I thought but if I threw a 36 million share why didn't I find a block?
That is the point the 36 million share is BTC Diff share  Wink Not LTC one
So in order to solve a block your cgminer shall show something bigger than 223785517056

Current LTC diff is 3414696.932 * 65536 equals to something like 223785517056  BTC share

The confusion comes because cgminer shows BTC diff not LTC diff. pool stats showed LTC diff best share...

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December 24, 2017, 07:41:40 PM

ah!!  The lightbulb has been invented! lol

OK got it now.


* Never mined alts before (obviously)

I only have a signature because I'm allowed.
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December 24, 2017, 07:46:10 PM

By the way what happened with your doge MM address?
Do you have one to MM?
Do you need any help there?
I still do see that you are not providing DOGE address in order to Merge mine (MM)...
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December 26, 2017, 02:59:29 AM


I have tried type=51 and type=19, but I never seem to be getting any mail. my email is a addy. I have checked the spam folder and nothing there. Would be great if the issue could be resolved.

I am quite sure my command line is correct:

bfgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u LcJeTMPbpaYZngJjnsBoztYnSqTEADgP6s.deeneendo -p -S MLD:all --set MLD:clock=224

I paste the whole line, as you can see, I am running some Futurebit Moonlanders.

Thanks for help!

Hi. I have a moonlander 2 also and would like to know how you got it running on this service? Do you just paste this script into the special file that you download from his support thread? I have been running on litecoinpool but would like to play it on here in the off change a block lands on me. Have you had any luck? Any help getting started would be awesome.
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December 26, 2017, 07:15:58 AM


I guess moonlander 2 is a usb stick. Please be so kind and paste here (or PM me) how you run it against litecoinpool and i will give you a hand
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December 26, 2017, 02:52:53 PM


I guess moonlander 2 is a usb stick. Please be so kind and paste here (or PM me) how you run it against litecoinpool and i will give you a hand
sent you a pm.
Do i need a doge address if I only want to mine for litecoin or is the pool for both at the same time?
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December 27, 2017, 06:50:31 AM


I guess moonlander 2 is a usb stick. Please be so kind and paste here (or PM me) how you run it against litecoinpool and i will give you a hand
sent you a pm.
Do i need a doge address if I only want to mine for litecoin or is the pool for both at the same time?
You got a PM.
You do not need a doge address if you want to mine litecoin only. All is explained in PM
Please let me know how it goes
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December 27, 2017, 10:27:25 AM


I guess moonlander 2 is a usb stick. Please be so kind and paste here (or PM me) how you run it against litecoinpool and i will give you a hand
sent you a pm.
Do i need a doge address if I only want to mine for litecoin or is the pool for both at the same time?
You got a PM.
You do not need a doge address if you want to mine litecoin only. All is explained in PM
Please let me know how it goes

Thanks for the pm. I will try that scrypt tonight when I get home. How will I know if it is working correctly? Is there a registration? A profile to check to make sure I'm doing work? Or is it just a poof coins in the wallet that let me know I hit a block?
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December 27, 2017, 01:36:10 PM


I guess moonlander 2 is a usb stick. Please be so kind and paste here (or PM me) how you run it against litecoinpool and i will give you a hand
sent you a pm.
Do i need a doge address if I only want to mine for litecoin or is the pool for both at the same time?
You got a PM.
You do not need a doge address if you want to mine litecoin only. All is explained in PM
Please let me know how it goes

Thanks for the pm. I will try that scrypt tonight when I get home. How will I know if it is working correctly? Is there a registration? A profile to check to make sure I'm doing work? Or is it just a poof coins in the wallet that let me know I hit a block?

Ok so I have it up and running. I found myself on the pool with the first few characters of my litecoin wallet address. It says that I am pool. Do i need to do something different for self? did I do something wrong? am I still solo mining?
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December 28, 2017, 02:05:08 AM

Stupid thing wont let me send more than 2 messages a day. How inconvenient. Anyways, the moonlander 2 will run for an hour or so and then nothing. bfgminer just shows stratum finding blocks but not the miner making shares. If i restart the miner, it works fine. my results show up on the site as well. Just seems to stop after an hour or so. not sure how to check how long it is running. I know that when i would wake up i would see the light had stopped blinking on the miner meaning it wasn't working. restart the miner program and then go back to bed. just restarted it again as i type. any ideas? sorry to drop a few comments here, but that thing refuses to let me send pm unless i buy a membership.
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