I can't seem to get my worker to show up on the stats page. My miner says it's connected but my guess is that if I got insanely lucky and found a block the LTC would be going to the pool. I've tried a few different addresses but get the same results.
The Litecoin address I am using is LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42 (with a .2 in the login)
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
All seems good
[2017-12-13 18:22:50.211] Authorised client 2816326 xx.xxx.72.187 worker LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42.2 as user LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42 with diff 0 with uagent cgminer/3.7.2 with aux and auxvalid 0 and ltcvalid 1 and btcbinlen 30 with mail and notification -1
[2017-12-13 18:22:50.331] Dropped client 2816325 xx.xxx.72.187 user LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42 worker LVT8aKwQi7GhseJ4bFDnBvJoPQqhsFjF42.2
auxvalid 0 - You do not MM Doge
ltcvalid 1 Your LTC Address is OK
cgminer/3.7.2 ?? What is your device?
You are not connected as i am writing this.
What is you device avarage hash rate? The reason you are not seeing your user worker at pool stats might be because of higher share diff and slow hash rate. So pool is not able to adjust it because it is too high and you are not submitting shares

It is not important though except for your stats...
Please try to set lower start diff as explained in pool home page:
The pool supports difficulty setting inside your password. The format is: diff_xxxxxxx:(DOGE address), where xxxxxxx can be any positive integer value. For example s(bf)gminer -o stratum+tcp://tbdice.org:13333 -u LUNyycVonDH9aQMZn1fxyUeu8N3yS8w7ud.0 -p diff_2048:(your DOGE address) will start you mining at 2048.
make your password something like
diff_256 Let me know how it goes
Pool OP