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Author Topic: Bitcoin puzzle transaction ~32 BTC prize to who solves it  (Read 253279 times)
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November 06, 2023, 12:28:04 AM

Thanks. Btw...We don't need such a long seed lenght - even 9 gets the job done.

 // Seed
  if (seed.length() == 0) {
    // Default seed
    seed = Timer::getSeed(9);

  if (paranoiacSeed) {
    seed += Timer::getSeed(9);

You changed the wrong seed.
New Seed begins with a capital letter  Grin

  //Set startKey from Seed
  int BitL = Random_bits - 1;
  int BitU = Random_bits;
  Int *Sk = new Int[1];
  if (Seed.length() > 0) {
 // from Seed
 getKeysFromRandomSeed(BitL, BitU, true, 1, Sk);
 printf("[i] startKey.Set() from Seed: %s \n", Seed.c_str());
  delete [] Sk;

// argv Seed
if (Seed.length() == 0) {
// Default seed
seed = Timer::getSeed(32);// random seed
} else {
seed = Seed;// -s seed
Be careful!  Grin Previously, the old one was just for starters. Next is the code startKey.SetInt32(0)
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Activity: 507
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November 06, 2023, 12:36:11 AM
Last edit: November 06, 2023, 01:21:19 PM by nomachine

Thanks. Btw...We don't need such a long seed lenght - even 9 gets the job done.

 // Seed
  if (seed.length() == 0) {
    // Default seed
    seed = Timer::getSeed(9);

  if (paranoiacSeed) {
    seed += Timer::getSeed(9);

You changed the wrong seed.
New Seed begins with a capital letter  Grin

  //Set startKey from Seed
  int BitL = Random_bits - 1;
  int BitU = Random_bits;
  Int *Sk = new Int[1];
  if (Seed.length() > 0) {
 // from Seed
 getKeysFromRandomSeed(BitL, BitU, true, 1, Sk);
 printf("[i] startKey.Set() from Seed: %s \n", Seed.c_str());
  delete [] Sk;

// argv Seed
if (Seed.length() == 0) {
// Default seed
seed = Timer::getSeed(32);// random seed
} else {
seed = Seed;// -s seed
Be careful!  Grin Previously, the old one was just for starters.

Bit 19 Base Key thId 11: 5BF03 < 80000 or > FFFFF Rekey true

Bit 15 Base Key thId 6: 58C0 < 80000 or > FFFFF Rekey true

Seed: 31C0F9E7B08DB7B945

Seed: B79E1E04AAAC8DC9CE

Bit 20 CPU Base Key thId 11: A2C56

Bit 18 Base Key thId 6: 31A34 < 80000 or > FFFFF Rekey true

Seed: 50363FA8E9EA517136

Bit 20 CPU Base Key thId 6: BF3E0
cp: cannot create regular file '../drive/MyDrive/Result.txt': No such file or directory

  Addr :1HsMJxNiV7TLxmoF6uJNkydxPFDog4NQum

!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55

Am I understanding this correctly that you have found seed collisions? Because I see different seeds with the same key as output, or is this something else?
With the -r 1 option you can select the fastest one.
If we get lucky.  Grin

Yep...If we get lucky that the same seed works on any puzzle above 65 Grin

Start at 20000... (first 66 bit key) and go sequentially, no random generator needed.

from tqdm import tqdm
import secp256k1 as ice

# Define the start and end
start = 0x20000000000000000
end = 0x3ffffffffffffffff

# Define the chunk size
chunk_size = 10_000_000

# Initialize the current start and end values
current_start = start
current_end = start + chunk_size

# Initialize the chunk number
chunk_number = 1

while current_start < end:
    current_end = min(current_end, end)
    # Create a tqdm progress bar for the current chunk
    with tqdm(total=current_end - current_start, desc=f'Chunk {chunk_number} end {current_end}') as pbar:
        for x in range(current_start, current_end):
            h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(2, True, x)
            if bytes.fromhex('20d45a6a762535700ce9e0b216e31994335db8a5') in h160:
                with open("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt", "a") as f:
                    f.write(str(x) + "-" + (h160.hex()) + "\n")
    # Update the current_start and current_end for the next chunk
    current_start = current_end
    current_end += chunk_size
    chunk_number += 1

Chunk 1 end  36893488147429103232:  22%|█████████████                                               | 2173663/10000000 [00:32<01:58, 65952.81it/s]

About 2 minutes for 10 million hashes. Single core.
These are all games for small children, no matter how you turn the ball, the result is small..  Grin

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Activity: 93
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November 07, 2023, 05:12:39 AM
Last edit: November 07, 2023, 06:57:27 AM by alek76

These are all games for small children, no matter how you turn the ball, the result is small..  Grin
It seems it’s time for everyone to stop with long posts. Spin the ball in the other direction   Roll Eyes, like this:
void VanitySearch::setSeed(int thId, bool fl) {
// Setup rseed() of unix time
unsigned long Timestamp_min = 1262293200;
unsigned long Timestamp_max = 1672520400;
unsigned long ts = (unsigned long)time(NULL);
ts = ts + (unsigned long)thId;
ts = ts + ts_output;
while (ts < Timestamp_min || ts > Timestamp_max) {
ts = (ts * 54321) % Timestamp_min;
                if (ts == 0) ts = (unsigned long)time(NULL);
ts = (ts * 12345) % Timestamp_max;
                if (ts == 0) ts = (unsigned long)time(NULL);
if (fl) { printf("\n[i] Time Unix: %u \n", ts); }
rseed(ts);// Set seed
ts_output = ts;
Using the original Random.cpp
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Activity: 126
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November 07, 2023, 03:37:57 PM

Chunk 1 end 36893488147429103232:   0%|                                            | 0/10000000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zbigniew/", line 24, in <module>
    h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(2, True, x)
AttributeError: module 'secp256k1' has no attribute 'privatekey_to_h160'

Why it's not working ?
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Activity: 507
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November 07, 2023, 04:18:45 PM

Chunk 1 end 36893488147429103232:   0%|                                            | 0/10000000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zbigniew/", line 24, in <module>
    h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(2, True, x)
AttributeError: module 'secp256k1' has no attribute 'privatekey_to_h160'

Why it's not working ?

Because it is installed through pip
pip3 install secp256k1
you will  have
    h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(2, True, x)
AttributeError: module 'secp256k1' has no attribute 'privatekey_to_h160'

it won't work because it's not the one. But custom from here:

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Activity: 126
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November 07, 2023, 04:54:14 PM

Chunk 1 end 36893488147429103232:   0%|                                            | 0/10000000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zbigniew/", line 24, in <module>
    h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(2, True, x)
AttributeError: module 'secp256k1' has no attribute 'privatekey_to_h160'

Why it's not working ?

Because it is installed through pip
pip3 install secp256k1
you will  have
    h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(2, True, x)
AttributeError: module 'secp256k1' has no attribute 'privatekey_to_h160'

it won't work because it's not the one. But custom from here:

Thank you sir ! Now it works.
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Activity: 126
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November 07, 2023, 05:02:45 PM

Still .. what this script is really trying to do ?  It just generates random 66bit HEX numbers in hope to hit 66 puzzle ? Or is there something else here ?
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Activity: 507
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November 07, 2023, 05:25:55 PM

Still .. what this script is really trying to do ?  It just generates random 66bit HEX numbers in hope to hit 66 puzzle ? Or is there something else here ?

Not random. It goes Sequentially. "To kill boredom" script. Like all the other useless scripts here. Grin

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Activity: 126
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November 07, 2023, 05:37:11 PM

Still .. what this script is really trying to do ?  It just generates random 66bit HEX numbers in hope to hit 66 puzzle ? Or is there something else here ?

Not random. It goes Sequentially. "To kill boredom" script. Like all the other useless scripts here. Grin

But ... with that speed ... it's a complete joke. I can do the same with existing tools on nvidia card much faster. So what's the point of making such scripts ?
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November 07, 2023, 07:54:44 PM

So what's the point of making such scripts ?

They believe that nobody else tried their "original ideas" before.
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November 07, 2023, 09:16:56 PM

I am going to find at least one address between puzzle 66 - 72
I am iterating through this 1 decimal range and all targets equal $1,201,000 at current prices!

.target_public_key_hashes = [

target_hashes_found = []

# Define the lower and upper bounds for the decimal number search range
lower_bound = Decimal('36893488147420166522')
upper_bound = Decimal('55340232221128654832')

# List of additional hex numbers to modify the decimal number
additional_hex_numbers = [
    '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
    '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '1a', '1b', '1c', '1d', '1e', '1f',
    '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '4a', '4b', '4c', '4d', '4e', '4f',
    '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '5a', '5b', '5c', '5d', '5e', '5f',
    '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '6a', '6b', '6c', '6d', '6e', '6f',
    '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '7a', '7b', '7c', '7d', '7e', '7f',
    '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '8a', '8b', '8c', '8d', '8e', '8f',
    '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99', '9a', '9b', '9c', '9d', '9e', '9f',
    'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'aa', 'ab', 'ac', 'ad', 'ae', 'af',
    'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6', 'b7', 'b8', 'b9', 'ba', 'bb', 'bc', 'bd', 'be', 'bf',
    'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7', 'c8', 'c9', 'ca', 'cb', 'cc', 'cd', 'ce', 'cf',
    'd0', 'd1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5', 'd6', 'd7', 'd8', 'd9', 'da', 'db', 'dc', 'dd', 'de', 'df',
    'e0', 'e1', 'e2', 'e3', 'e4', 'e5', 'e6', 'e7', 'e8', 'e9', 'ea', 'eb', 'ec', 'ed', 'ee', 'ef',
    'f0', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'fa', 'fb', 'fc', 'fd', 'fe', 'ff'

ps.. finally showed my wife what im working on.. and why i couldnt help pay the bills.  Roll Eyes
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November 07, 2023, 10:56:28 PM

ps.. finally showed my wife what im working on.. and why i couldnt help pay the bills.  Roll Eyes
I thought you were up to coding any ideas, what happened to that promise? I really hope you can find at least one of them, but if you want to not only pay the bills but even buy your wife some jewelry, then I'd suggest you to work on public key related scripts.
For example, if you can find a relation between a key and it's inverse aka -n of a key, you can easily solve low range keys like 130 etc, here is a hint :
Imagine this is #130
And this is -n of 130
What happens if you drop all the leading Fs from -n of 130?
Now can you find something useful from this new key above without those leading Fs? I'm sure you'll be surprised when you figure it out.😉

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November 07, 2023, 11:38:40 PM
Last edit: November 08, 2023, 12:00:46 AM by MoreForUs

ps.. finally showed my wife what im working on.. and why i couldnt help pay the bills.  Roll Eyes
I thought you were up to coding any ideas, what happened to that promise? I really hope you can find at least one of them, but if you want to not only pay the bills but even buy your wife some jewelry, then I'd suggest you to work on public key related scripts.
For example, if you can find a relation between a key and it's inverse aka -n of a key, you can easily solve low range keys like 130 etc, here is a hint :
Imagine this is #130
And this is -n of 130
What happens if you drop all the leading Fs from -n of 130?
Now can you find something useful from this new key above without those leading Fs? I'm sure you'll be surprised when you figure it out.😉

Wow, I haven't attempted any of the puzzles in the 100's, but thanks for the tips you've been sharing. I will definitely look at the approach mentioned above.
I am still staying true to my words, the inbox is open for script dev!  Grin

This is the output i got when i tested:
Private Key: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000010c4fc
Public Key: 03747a90acd8efec7e9cf1a7555b6c9e4404fc521fc3aebb965bc3bf7e73ef1579
Bitcoin Address: 88508b5ae0788248196a88b63949182342c66ca2
Negated Private Key: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a039bfd25e8cd0257c45
Negated Public Key: 02747a90acd8efec7e9cf1a7555b6c9e4404fc521fc3aebb965bc3bf7e73ef1579
Negated Bitcoin Address: c711d99906689482d858a688a3cef4ee5f652e48

i see pub key and negated pub key are the same, how can i use this?
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November 08, 2023, 12:39:12 AM

This is the output i got when i tested:
Private Key: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000010c4fc
Public Key: 03747a90acd8efec7e9cf1a7555b6c9e4404fc521fc3aebb965bc3bf7e73ef1579
Bitcoin Address: 88508b5ae0788248196a88b63949182342c66ca2
Negated Private Key: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a039bfd25e8cd0257c45
Negated Public Key: 02747a90acd8efec7e9cf1a7555b6c9e4404fc521fc3aebb965bc3bf7e73ef1579
Negated Bitcoin Address: c711d99906689482d858a688a3cef4ee5f652e48

i see pub key and negated pub key are the same, how can i use this?
I see that you just found out about n and -n, if this is your first time working with public keys, you won't be able to reach anything meaningful, honestly I thought you are all in on public keys, that's why I wanted to help you by providing a hint, but the thing is I haven't worked on this angle yet myself, I will let you know when I can find a correlation between the two keys. However to make it fair for all, the answer is in secp256k1's representation for 2^256.

Even though I know most of you won't understand what I'm talking about, but those who do, remember we are partners.😉

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November 08, 2023, 02:20:23 AM

Here is something interesting I found during my research:

if we have a pk e.g.: 0xA9128E282

we can substract from pk = 0xA9128E282 - 0x1. This is on +N. Not on -N!!!
After that I can add 0xA9128E282. You will see what you get when you research on your own. Please remember to give me my share when you find #66 or #130.
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November 08, 2023, 03:29:34 AM

This is the output i got when i tested:
Private Key: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000010c4fc
Public Key: 03747a90acd8efec7e9cf1a7555b6c9e4404fc521fc3aebb965bc3bf7e73ef1579
Bitcoin Address: 88508b5ae0788248196a88b63949182342c66ca2
Negated Private Key: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a039bfd25e8cd0257c45
Negated Public Key: 02747a90acd8efec7e9cf1a7555b6c9e4404fc521fc3aebb965bc3bf7e73ef1579
Negated Bitcoin Address: c711d99906689482d858a688a3cef4ee5f652e48

i see pub key and negated pub key are the same, how can i use this?

One use could be that if you have a pub with pk= 0x2710-N, negating would go from a 256-bit key to Pk= 0x2710 (equivalent to the range of: puzzle #14),

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November 08, 2023, 03:30:56 AM

Here is something interesting I found during my research:

if we have a pk e.g.: 0xA9128E282

we can substract from pk = 0xA9128E282 - 0x1. This is on +N. Not on -N!!!
After that I can add 0xA9128E282. You will see what you get when you research on your own. Please remember to give me my share when you find #66 or #130.
Well, for starters you can't solve #66 by doing math on private/ public keys, also you can't solve #130 with your small example, but since you are a rookie hunter, we let them slide. Remember when you are publishing your non existing research, do some actual testing before "publishing them".  This is what I do, I test a few things and if it has promising results, I post them, unlike some people.😉
Next time share your discoveries with your main account, then we can talk, eh?

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November 08, 2023, 07:02:52 AM

Well, for starters you can't solve #66 by doing math on private/ public keys, also you can't solve #130 with your small example, but since you are a rookie hunter, we let them slide. Remember when you are publishing your non existing research, do some actual testing before "publishing them".  This is what I do, I test a few things and if it has promising results, I post them, unlike some people.😉
Next time share your discoveries with your main account, then we can talk, eh?

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November 08, 2023, 08:33:46 AM
Last edit: November 08, 2023, 09:03:09 AM by nomachine

Still .. what this script is really trying to do ?  It just generates random 66bit HEX numbers in hope to hit 66 puzzle ? Or is there something else here ?

Not random. It goes Sequentially. "To kill boredom" script. Like all the other useless scripts here. Grin

But ... with that speed ... it's a complete joke. I can do the same with existing tools on nvidia card much faster. So what's the point of making such scripts ?

It's a complete joke even with 5 GPUs. Compared to the required 200 Giga hashes per second.
Everything is joke. Any script that looks for hash 160. Even if you have a farm with graphics (and I tried there Puzzle 66 too) . The only question is who is the biggest clown.  Or whose jokes seems the smartest in the eyes of the public. Grin

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November 08, 2023, 09:05:30 AM

Still .. what this script is really trying to do ?  It just generates random 66bit HEX numbers in hope to hit 66 puzzle ? Or is there something else here ?

Not random. It goes Sequentially. "To kill boredom" script. Like all the other useless scripts here. Grin

But ... with that speed ... it's a complete joke. I can do the same with existing tools on nvidia card much faster. So what's the point of making such scripts ?

It's a complete joke even with 5 GPUs. Compared to the required 200 Giga hashes per second.
Everything is joke. Any script that looks for hash 160. Even if you have a farm with graphics (and I tried there Puzzle 66 too) . The only question is who is the biggest clown.  Grin

This whole puzzle is some sort of fuse. Someone is measuring currently available cracking power.
Isn't that suspicious that someone choose to not cash out on those bitcoins and instead organized some sort of competition

I'm currently running keyhunt in bsgs random mode on a 10gb bloomfilter file on puzzle 130. But i realize its probably pointless...
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