Started DT a couple of weeks ago, and while it doesn't seem very crowded, its a casino where most of the time you'd be playing against the house anyway, besides it is spread out over a decent large footprint so if you venture off the beaten (read lvl 1-2) track you not seen a whole lot of other players.
The people I have met seem pretty decent, friendly and mostly laid back, which kinda reminds me of the old Atlantic City type vibe, its not the vegas high roller thing, though by the jackpots you see on your chat when people are hitting, they do try to do the bright lights, big sounds type of thing too.
The best thing for me so far? the general lack of trolls, which is great, maybe due to the fact that the game requires you to friend other to actually see their global chats.
So for my bits, if your just in for some gambling time, with some pretty cool. sometimes pretty odd and some plain hilarious (silly monkey kills me) games, DT ain't a half bad place to do it.
BTW, its called gambling for a reason, play to win, expect to lose, I've yet to see a casino built on winners

PS- and they have seen to have sorted out the connectivity and stuff, and deposits and withdrawals haven't been an issue.