I'm running linux, and my connection it can't be changed after an hour,
So I did this. I tried to login to dragons.tl and it doesnt works(only via a vpn im able to load it)
I tried to "ping" the servers it talks about and internet says they are down for them.
So, Unless linux is now under the attack of viruses,,, and aimed only for dragontale related files on my wine(cause I tried both the windows version and the linux based one on my netbook)
My conclusion is: It's surely not corrupted files(how many chances there are they get corrupted at the same time on 2 different computers?)
My only thinking is... is it possible that my ISP detected that IP has harmful for their business and cut me off from the game?
Cause not even
http://www.dragons.tl/ without a vpn works. also, I tried to do it on a virtual machine with windows same result.
I guess it's my isp. if there is a solution to bypass it.
Edit: Ok, I seems to have solved it, I added google's dns on my dns file