May 18, 2017, 06:28:13 PM |
strong coin don't need depend on any exchange, exchange will add it by itself.
i think no need to worry about the exchanges! exchanges will come for sure. XEL have a big potentials.
running farm worldwide
May 18, 2017, 08:39:14 PM |
has anyone thought about convincing hitBTC to add it as an IOU as other ICO's? we don't need any wallet with that approach
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
May 18, 2017, 08:42:40 PM |
Not sure if its worth the trouble, judging by the votes so far it looks like the wallet will be coming soon.
May 18, 2017, 09:05:36 PM |
we don't need pay any exchange for listing.
i am happy with no OTC.
true! they will earn a lot through XEL trades. smart exchanges will add it anyway
Activity: 952
Merit: 1000
May 18, 2017, 09:46:05 PM |
If this litewallet thing happens I suspect that people will be selling at stupidly low prices and I will be happy to scoop some up. I want at least 1m.
May 18, 2017, 10:16:14 PM |
If this litewallet thing happens I suspect that people will be selling at stupidly low prices and I will be happy to scoop some up. I want at least 1m.
i want buy 5M at ico price, but i think it's impossible. only 50M (50%) coin will be claimed i think another 50M, people may not claim.
Activity: 952
Merit: 1000
May 18, 2017, 10:58:44 PM |
If this litewallet thing happens I suspect that people will be selling at stupidly low prices and I will be happy to scoop some up. I want at least 1m.
i want buy 5M at ico price, but i think it's impossible. only 50M (50%) coin will be claimed i think another 50M, people may not claim. Even better but I still want to get my 1m total. That way I will have 2% of the actual supply.
May 19, 2017, 01:13:51 AM |
If this litewallet thing happens I suspect that people will be selling at stupidly low prices and I will be happy to scoop some up. I want at least 1m.
i want buy 5M at ico price, but i think it's impossible. only 50M (50%) coin will be claimed i think another 50M, people may not claim. Even better but I still want to get my 1m total. That way I will have 2% of the actual supply. how much you want to pay for 1M coins? 
May 19, 2017, 01:14:16 AM |
If this litewallet thing happens I suspect that people will be selling at stupidly low prices and I will be happy to scoop some up. I want at least 1m.
i want buy 5M at ico price, but i think it's impossible. only 50M (50%) coin will be claimed i think another 50M, people may not claim. Even better but I still want to get my 1m total. That way I will have 2% of the actual supply. think 1M XEL=1M ETH
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
May 19, 2017, 01:49:01 AM |
Thanks unvoid. BTW, I love the way the voting is organized with elasticracy. Brilliant. Yeah, would be cool to have elasticracy built in the wallet (some day) Elasticracy will be outdated as soon as mainnet launch. Original stake holders will be irrelevant. If we want to some kind voting mechanism we should take a look at NXT or other coins that tried to implement voting mechanism. these is a lot of ways to do voting after distributions. it's a good decision making mechanism.

Activity: 122
Merit: 10
May 19, 2017, 08:15:42 AM |
It is very simple;
What do we want? -more people involving into XEL
Why not now? -it can't, nobody can donate there XEL to someone, because there is no light wallet
What to do? -make a light wallet, where people can "swipe" the XEL, people than can donate there XEL to features
How about donating BTC without access to XEL? -people won't donate, because there is limit people that want to donate to a project X.
We need a simple light wallet, just to transfer XEL from account A to B. We don't need an exchange.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 19, 2017, 08:52:08 AM |
If it's not maintained by the authors or a designated team but is instead left in the wild, whose to say that whoever picks
it up first and launches a mainnet will even honor the original donators and genesis block?
Couldn't they just launch a mainnet with their own genesis and sell the coins again? And it sucks but if they are the first
to launch... well, they got there first with free work.
I don't like how this could end up. You have every reason to be pessimistic.
Stealing the code and rebranding it as your own will probably not be taken lightly by the crypto community. There would probably be a backlash and nobody will want to buy such coin. of course many issues you are facing now a days related to this coin but be hopefull for next turn....

Activity: 163
Merit: 18
May 19, 2017, 09:01:50 AM |
It is very simple;
What do we want? -more people involving into XEL
Why not now? -it can't, nobody can donate there XEL to someone, because there is no light wallet
What to do? -make a light wallet, where people can "swipe" the XEL, people than can donate there XEL to features
How about donating BTC without access to XEL? -people won't donate, because there is limit people that want to donate to a project X.
We need a simple light wallet, just to transfer XEL from account A to B. We don't need an exchange.
Stop using that word, my ass! Donate your Bitcoins to me, I'm actually a nice guy, SJWarrior racism-fighter and I love kittens.
Sr. Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
May 19, 2017, 09:02:29 AM |
If it's not maintained by the authors or a designated team but is instead left in the wild, whose to say that whoever picks
it up first and launches a mainnet will even honor the original donators and genesis block?
Couldn't they just launch a mainnet with their own genesis and sell the coins again? And it sucks but if they are the first
to launch... well, they got there first with free work.
I don't like how this could end up. You have every reason to be pessimistic.
Stealing the code and rebranding it as your own will probably not be taken lightly by the crypto community. There would probably be a backlash and nobody will want to buy such coin. of course many issues you are facing now a days related to this coin but be hopefull for next turn.... Another genius registered 6 days ago is here to enlighten us ! What a joke 
My " I want that Old Toyota Camry very bad" BTC Fund :1DQU4oqmZRcKSzg7MjPLMuHrMwnbDdjQRM
Sr. Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
May 19, 2017, 09:16:54 AM |
Be Aware : after advancements of last couple months ( Supernodes,...) and after EK's last video showing how sophisticated Elastic software is that can even be used to locate Bitcoin blocks, some outside sharks want to get their hands on some cheap XELs by creating fear and chaos. Don't give in to their tricks. Stay focused !
My " I want that Old Toyota Camry very bad" BTC Fund :1DQU4oqmZRcKSzg7MjPLMuHrMwnbDdjQRM
May 19, 2017, 02:34:41 PM |
Be Aware : after advancements of last couple months ( Supernodes,...) and after EK's last video showing how sophisticated Elastic software is that can even be used to locate Bitcoin blocks, some outside sharks want to get their hands on some cheap XELs by creating fear and chaos. Don't give in to their tricks. Stay focused !
Indeed. Keep ur heads cool.
May 19, 2017, 03:46:03 PM |
Considering the state of the project (especially when looking at the limited supply of other projects in the same scene) I think it would be pretty retarded to sell xels cheap if/when the light wallet is established and allows coin transfer. People who can't keep it in their pants often take hasty foolish decisions. I have a lot of confidence in the project and everyone who is making it materialize (EK, coralreefer and others). May we all get the chance to enlarge our xel portfolio before this goes as high as it can.
Sr. Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
May 19, 2017, 03:52:25 PM |
Considering the state of the project (especially when looking at the limited supply of other projects in the same scene) I think it would be pretty retarded to sell xels cheap if/when the light wallet is established and allows coin transfer. People who can't keep it in their pants often take hasty foolish decisions. I have a lot of confidence in the project and everyone who is making it materialize (EK, coralreefer and others). May we all get the chance to enlarge our xel portfolio before this goes as high as it can.
we ( limited number of people) know the true potential of Elastic as EK and Coralreefer touched upon. Let's keep it as is ( our secret, Shhhhh !  )
My " I want that Old Toyota Camry very bad" BTC Fund :1DQU4oqmZRcKSzg7MjPLMuHrMwnbDdjQRM
May 19, 2017, 04:51:40 PM |
Quick update...I've been overhauling the ElasticPL engine in order to incorporate a few suggestions for additional functionality and to correct the memory issue. I have written down some notes about the ElasticPL language and how it works and posted on my github. have a POC working that can perform what is listed in the notes above, but it will still be several weeks away before my changes are final...I'm only working on this in my spare time, which is fairly limited. But I figured I share this here in case anyone sees any glaring issues. Rewritting this engine is very difficult and time consuming so I'd like to get all the fixes in at one time. Just to be clear...these are just the changes to ElasticPL...there is still a ton of work to be done on the rest of the components.
Activity: 1769
Merit: 1032
Value will be measured in sats
May 19, 2017, 04:56:39 PM |
Another genius registered 6 days ago is here to enlighten us ! What a joke  when the fudsters come out that is sure sign you are onto a winner =) Quick update...I've been overhauling the ElasticPL engine in order to incorporate a few suggestions for additional functionality and to correct the memory issue. I have written down some notes about the ElasticPL language and how it works and posted on my github. have a POC working that can perform what is listed in the notes above, but it will still be several weeks away before my changes are final...I'm only working on this in my spare time, which is fairly limited. But I figured I share this here in case anyone sees any glaring issues. Rewritting this engine is very difficult and time consuming so I'd like to get all the fixes in at one time. Just to be clear...these are just the changes to ElasticPL...there is still a ton of work to be done on the rest of the components. thanks for all your hard work coralreefer
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