Activity: 1288
Merit: 1080
October 01, 2010, 02:16:30 AM |
In addition to the kriptomonunuo problem, there's another problem that the righthand side menu for all languages is English no matter which language is selected!
Maybe you should pm sirius-m directly. But please first make sure that the translation is correct now, because I guess he won't be happy if we disturb him twice for a translation, especially with this language !
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
October 04, 2010, 01:44:41 AM |
Thanks eurekafag, Russian translation added to SVN rev 160.
October 04, 2010, 10:55:56 AM |
Glad to hear that. Where can I find the latest English .po file to keep the translation up-to-date?
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1072
P2P Cryptocurrency
October 04, 2010, 04:34:07 PM |
It does not exist.
My OpenPGP fingerprint: 5099EB8C0F2E68C63B4ECBB9A9D0993E04143362
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1080
October 04, 2010, 05:16:06 PM Last edit: October 04, 2010, 05:26:22 PM by grondilu |
Seriously : could anyone replace "Kriptomonunuo" by "Cxifromono" in the esperanto page ? "Kriptomonunuo" is very ugly for it means "the money unit from the crypt". In esperanto, "kripto" is the underground cell where we burry dead people.
Please !
Sr. Member
Activity: 429
Merit: 1002
October 04, 2010, 06:40:49 PM |
I am going to translate the page to Polish. I assume all I do is just view the HTML source of the original page and replace English with Polish?
Yes, but only the content part and no downloads. Seriously : could anyone replace "Kriptomonunuo" by "Cxifromono" in the esperanto page ?
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
October 04, 2010, 07:21:01 PM |
Where can I find the latest English .po file to keep the translation up-to-date?
poedit does it. Either get the src directory from a release, or download it with SVN. Place your .po file 3 directories deep under the src directory. Open it with poedit and do Catalog->Update from sources. So for example, you have: src src\base58.h src\bignum.h ... src\util.cpp src\util.h src\xpm src\locale\ru\LC_MESSAGES\bitcoin.po Open bitcoin.po with poedit, do Catalog->Update from sources. It looks for the sourcecode up 3 directories (..\..\..) from where bitcoin.po is. This updates your existing .po file you already worked on and adds any news strings. It may try to match close strings, so check things over and make sure it didn't make any bad guesses. Make sure you use the .po file I uploaded to SVN or in a release, because I always fix up at least a few things. I'm attaching your Russian one to this message.
October 05, 2010, 07:50:48 AM |
Shame on me, I haven't know about this useful tool before. Thanks for the clear explanation I've updated the translation according to rev160. How often should I review and update the translation? That's not a problem to do this for every revision but I don't want to spam this topic with translations every 2-3 days. Maybe it's good to make an announce that new release is coming in a few days so translators could update their files in time?
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
October 06, 2010, 03:42:39 PM Last edit: October 06, 2010, 04:40:31 PM by satoshi |
poedit reorganised the file for some reason. I re-ran update from sources and it put it back in the original order so it's fine now. Did you run it on a drive where files aren't sorted alphabetically, like a FAT drive or USB flash drive? Strings aren't added or changed very often. It's months before enough changes build up. I uploaded the changes. This Windows build has the Russian translation in it:
October 06, 2010, 07:39:36 PM |
Strange enough. I ran it on my usual XFS and new untranslated strings appeared on top. Is the order so important? I guess it's not for the program and for translators because when one use poedit he can always check what the particular string belongs to. By the way, there are some similar lines that possibly may be replaced by one. They are very close by meaning and differs only by 1-2 words. Just a suggestion of course.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
October 21, 2010, 10:50:47 PM |
The order matters not to the program, but it matters to me maintaining it. If it jumbles the order of the .po file then I can't diff for changes. I have to update all 7 translation files when I change the English text in the program, and it's easier when they're all in the same order. I can still put it back into normal order by making poedit rescan it. It is normal that untranslated strings are shown on top. By the way, there are some similar lines that possibly may be replaced by one. They are very close by meaning and differs only by 1-2 words. Just a suggestion of course.
I know, but not easily without complicating the sourcecode.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
October 22, 2010, 10:27:23 PM |
whay not try used google translate api.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1072
P2P Cryptocurrency
October 23, 2010, 07:20:57 AM |
Are you kidding?  Maybe it makes good translations to English. But I don't think that it does vice versa as well.
My OpenPGP fingerprint: 5099EB8C0F2E68C63B4ECBB9A9D0993E04143362
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
October 29, 2010, 01:46:50 PM |
Helo ! I translated main page into polish language. I don't know what is CVS and have to past it here:) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitcoin p2p waluta kryprograficzna.
Bitcoin jest opartą o sieć peer-to-peer (p2p) cyfrową walutą. Peer-to-peer (P2P) gwarantuje, że nie ma centralnej instytucji która miałaby wpływ na nowe pieniądze oraz nikt nie może śledzić tranzakcji. Rolę tej instytucji przejmują węzły sieci które współpracują wspólnie w sieci. Zalety:
Transfer pieniędzy przez sieć jest łatwy i prosty, bez ingerencji osób trzecich (np. Banków) Osoby trzecie nie mogą zapobiec ani kontrolować tranzakcji Tranzakcje Bitcoin są praktycznie bezpłatne , podczas gdy karty kredytowe oraz płatności online zazwyczaj kosztują od 1 – 5% od tranzakcji plus inne dodatkowe opłaty manipulacyjne nawet to kilkuset dolarów Jesteś zabezpieczony przed niestabilnością rezerw banków oraz złej polityki banków centralnych. Ograniczona inflacja systemu monetarnego Bitcoin oraz równomierna dystrybucja pieniądza (przez moc CPU) w obrębie sieci bitcoin, nie zmonopolizowana przez banki.
Bitcoin jest projektem open source stworzonym przez Satoshi Nakamoto, a obecnie jest na etapie rozwoju. Rozwianie projektu jest wspierane przez SourceForge.
Zrzuty ekranu: (screenshots)
Jak używać bitcoin:
Przejdź do Options->Generate Coins by wygenerować kilka monet oraz wspierać działanie sieci. Bitcoin działa w tle kiedy twój komputer jest w stanie bezczynności i nie powinien spowalniać innych programów. Generowanie bitcoin może zająć wiele dni, więc musisz uzbroić się w cierpliwość. Czas generowania może być różny i zależeć od tego ile czasu procesora jest efektywnie wykorzystane. Docelowo całkowita ilość pieniędzy w obiegu nie przekroczy 21 milionów i nigdy nie będzie więcej monet powyżej tej wartości. Pieniądze będą wprowadzane do obiegu stopniowo i równomiernie przez wiele lat przez węzły tworzące sieć, proporcjonalnie do wniesionego czasu pracy CPU.
By program mógł odbierać połączenia musisz odblokować port 8333 TCP na twoim firewallu/ routerze. To znacznie zwiększy liczbę węzłów z którymi będziesz się mógł połączyć.
Bitcoin może używać sieci TOR. Opcja ta dostępna jest z linii komend: bitcoin -proxy=
Jeżeli chcesz pozostać anonimowy, nie wyjawiaj żadnych informacji łączących twój adres konta bitcoin z twoimi danymi osobowymi. Zamiast tego powinieneś użyć nowego adresu konta dla każdej płatności (tranzakcji) którą otrzymujesz.
(download links)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is link: will translate FAQ soon 
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
November 09, 2010, 07:23:48 AM |
Hello guys, in attachment you can find Czech translation for Bitcoin application and Bitcoin web main page.
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1080
November 09, 2010, 07:43:53 AM |
Hello guys, in attachment you can find Czech translation for Bitcoin application and Bitcoin web main page.
Thanks. I think it's great that the main page has so many translations.
November 10, 2010, 02:49:24 AM |
Hi there!
I just translated the FAQ into French. I'll attach it to this message.
If it's good news, you can send donations to 15orYv2ixv6zKfjATrskFLdqiAcNqXHgW1.
1DavuxH9tLqU4c7zvG387aTG4mA7BcRpp2 México (Oaxaca) – France - Leeds
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
November 10, 2010, 02:37:39 PM |
Hey Santoshi please change in title "kryprograficzna" on kryptograficzna there is mistake Sorry
November 10, 2010, 04:58:38 PM |
Another mistype in Russian translation: «Oгpaничeннaч инфляция дeнeжнoй пoддepжки» should be «Oгpaничeннaя инфляция дeнeжнoй пoддepжки»
November 10, 2010, 05:47:37 PM |
Hey Santoshi please change in title "kryprograficzna" on kryptograficzna there is mistake Sorry Another mistype in Russian translation: «Oгpaничeннaч инфляция дeнeжнoй пoддepжки» should be «Oгpaничeннaя инфляция дeнeжнoй пoддepжки» Give a public git-repository! Imagine: found a bug, corrected it, wrote a brief for Satoshi: "commit abc12345678: fix typos in the translation". It not wonderful?
New bitcoin lottery: Moжeт, ты eщё и в Heвидимyю Pyкy Pынкa вepyeшь? - Зaчeм жe вepoвaть в тo, чтo мoжнo нaблюдaть нeпocpeдcтвeннo?