Activity: 860
Merit: 1076
June 06, 2010, 01:46:50 AM |
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
June 16, 2010, 04:53:34 PM |
Thanks DataWraith! The German translation is uploaded to SVN.
This is great, we've already got 3 major languages.
Sr. Member
Activity: 429
Merit: 1002
June 22, 2010, 01:57:44 PM Last edit: June 27, 2010, 08:19:04 PM by sirius-m |
I got the simplified and traditional Chinese translations of front page from my friend Michael Chen. Thanks Michael!
The simplified page still says "page not found" for some reason, I'm trying to make it work.
For the record: the Dutch translation is by giik.

Activity: 60
Merit: 10
June 22, 2010, 08:45:59 PM |
Sirius, Can you update the German translation of the frontpage to the last version I posted? It contains the fixes proposed by SmokeTooMuch, foremost for the screwup with the – HTML entity. I'll attach it to this post again, for your convenience.
Sr. Member
Activity: 429
Merit: 1002
June 27, 2010, 08:18:45 PM |
Sirius, Can you update the German translation of the frontpage to the last version I posted? It contains the fixes proposed by SmokeTooMuch, foremost for the screwup with the – HTML entity. I'll attach it to this post again, for your convenience.
Done. You don't need those extra line breaks in the cms. Thanks to Jonatan Lehtonen for the Swedish front page translation.
Sr. Member
Activity: 429
Merit: 1002
July 13, 2010, 01:14:07 AM |
Anyone willing to help us with a Spanish, Russian or French translation here? 
July 13, 2010, 12:49:34 PM |
I have a friend who might be willing to translate it into Romanian, already dropped him a message.
Ignore this: 734d417914faa443d74e8205f639dfb0f79fdc44988ecae44db31e5636525afe
Caffeinism -- a toxic condition caused by excessive ingestion of coffee and other caffeine-containing beverage.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 13, 2010, 04:46:56 PM |
I'm working on the french translation 
Activity: 860
Merit: 1076
July 13, 2010, 06:55:55 PM |
I recommend to remove the download links at the bottom of the main page. As you can see the links on the English page points to the new 0.3 release, but the other languages only contain links for the old 0.2 version. There's a download box with the current releases on the right anyway, so why not remove the links from the translated pages.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
July 14, 2010, 06:37:14 PM |
I'm working on spanish translation for the faq and the main web  Also the soft, i just downloaded the po file
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
July 14, 2010, 08:23:41 PM Last edit: July 15, 2010, 08:40:27 AM by milkiway |
Here is the spanish po file. When I can see it into the program, I'll check the translation errors and I'll try to fix it  Tomorrow I'll start to traslate the main web and the last will be the faq  PD: Can anyone post the last versión of the main web and the faq in txt file? The txt's that I've downloaded are older. Thanks! Edit: I'll check and update the spanish po file 
Sr. Member
Activity: 429
Merit: 1002
July 14, 2010, 09:14:31 PM |
PD: Can anyone post the last versión of the main web and the faq in txt file? The txt's that I've downloaded are older. Thanks!
I updated the .txt files in my post on the first page.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 15, 2010, 12:49:11 AM |
Ok here is the .po file for French. While I'm at it, I noted a couple of issues:
1. The "About" box didn't take the translation into account, it still displays the english version to me, even though the rest of the software is using the translated strings, and the .po file contains the translation string of the "About" box message. Same problem with the "Apply" button in the Settings window. 2. If an transaction's description in the list of transaction in the main window contains a diacritical character (such as "éàèç"), it's not displayed. I suppose the string is not being properly handled as UTF8 somewhere. 3. Some translated strings don't fit in the dialog box anymore (French is a bit more verbose than English). Some cases can be solved by inserting a "\n", but that's not always possible (window titles for example). 4. About the .po file : - There are a few strings in the .po file that don't needs translation (ie: "Bitcoin"). Maybe those shouldn't be inside _("...") ? - Others shouldn't be split. I can remember one message about transaction fee where the string is split in two to insert the fee value, where you could simply have put a %s. It makes the message harder to translate as I had to go in the source to find exactly what was going on. - Some strings have whitespace at the end or start, which necessity is very debatable, and it's easy to miss in PoEdit. - Many strings have all their words capitalized, which just looks strange in French. I checked, none of my other software do it, so I've used normal capitalization everywhere. - There are a couple message strings that are almost identical, maybe using the same string for each of those messages would be better ? Example : "This is an oversized transaction that requires a transaction fee of %s" and "Error: This is an oversized transaction that requires a transaction fee of %s ". It's the exact same text except for "Error:" at the beginning and an extra space at the end (which is probably useless ?).
Finally, The provided .po file is not up-to-date, as one of the settings string has changed, and is not getting translated (the one about starting Bitcoin at login).
Otherwise Bitcoin seems like a great concept, good work !
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
July 15, 2010, 08:34:52 AM |
PD: Can anyone post the last versión of the main web and the faq in txt file? The txt's that I've downloaded are older. Thanks!
I updated the .txt files in my post on the first page. Thanks! 
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
July 15, 2010, 08:39:02 AM |
2. If an transaction's description in the list of transaction in the main window contains a diacritical character (such as "éàèç"), it's not displayed. I suppose the string is not being properly handled as UTF8 somewhere. I noticed it right now. I must review the spanish po-file 
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
July 15, 2010, 09:35:10 AM Last edit: July 18, 2010, 01:27:56 PM by milkiway |
Here, the po file updated and the front page translated into Spanish  This afternoon I'll start to translate the faq
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
July 15, 2010, 06:30:22 PM |
Ok here is the .po file for French. While I'm at it, I noted a couple of issues:
1. The "About" box didn't take the translation into account, it still displays the english version to me, even though the rest of the software is using the translated strings, and the .po file contains the translation string of the "About" box message. Same problem with the "Apply" button in the Settings window.
I need to give an updated .po file. 2. If an transaction's description in the list of transaction in the main window contains a diacritical character (such as "éàèç"), it's not displayed. I suppose the string is not being properly handled as UTF8 somewhere.
OK, this must be a problem somewhere, I'll have to take a look at it or one of the other devs can. 4. About the .po file : - There are a few strings in the .po file that don't needs translation (ie: "Bitcoin"). Maybe those shouldn't be inside _("...") ? - Others shouldn't be split. I can remember one message about transaction fee where the string is split in two to insert the fee value, where you could simply have put a %s. It makes the message harder to translate as I had to go in the source to find exactly what was going on. - Some strings have whitespace at the end or start, which necessity is very debatable, and it's easy to miss in PoEdit.
Many of the strings are in code automatically generated from uiproject.fbp where nothing can be done about these things. I have a program I use to find all the spacing inconsistencies at the beginning and ending of strings in your .po file and manually fix them up before I upload them to SVN.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
July 15, 2010, 06:37:13 PM |
I uploaded an updated bitcoin.po for 0.3.1 attached to this message: use it if you're starting a new translation. If you already have a po file, poedit can update it. - Get the src directory from the 0.3.1 release candidate posted in the development forum, any version will do: Make a subdirectory under src: locale/??/LC_MESSAGES (?? could be anything really, "en" or your language 2-letter code) - Put your .po file there - Open it with poedit - In poedit, Catalog->Update from sources The key is that the src directory with the sourcefiles needs to be 3 directories up from the .po file.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
July 15, 2010, 06:43:54 PM |
I recommend to remove the download links at the bottom of the main page. As you can see the links on the English page points to the new 0.3 release, but the other languages only contain links for the old 0.2 version. There's a download box with the current releases on the right anyway, so why not remove the links from the translated pages.
I updated them to 0.3.0. I am tempted to remove the download links from the other languages and only keep it on English. They will need to be updated for 0.3.1 soon. Perhaps there's a way for someone to manage the updating of the translated drupal pages.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 7647
July 15, 2010, 07:12:14 PM |
Thanks for the Spanish and French translations! The edited and updated .po files are attached.
I uploaded these to the SVN.