1)the reason why should pick you andI'm fascinated with this feat of engineering more than I am in it for anything else, you have my word on that; in my spare time, I have been researching the makings of your Pandaminer. While it would completely solve all of my mining woes, I am more interested in the bigger picture. What I have discovered thus far, is that the Pandaminer is the solution to large state institutions in hotter climates becoming involved in crypto mining. That said again, those large institutions, universities, prisons, etc closer to the equator that are on the fence about mining cryptocurrency with a portion of their computer programs would be convinced to make the choice to have a crypto program, if shown something like the Pandaminer, as 99% of the reason they would say no to such a thing would be the heat generated by armies of standard 6 card rigs.
I run a small baby farm with 18 R9 Sapphire Nano cards on 3 rigs, (Ubuntu 14.04.3, fglrx 15.30 drivers) I just got a degree from a local college, and likely won't even use this degree because of how cryptocurrency has taken over my life and my interests. Cryptocurrency has changed my goals. When I got started, I was running a pressure washing / painting business while going through school to get a better job. I've changed my plan and at age 34, potentially see myself becoming a millionaire before age 40, provided I play the cards right. I'm choosing to invest in mining operations; fiance is worried about stability, but I'm not. I'm not, because I'd rather try and fail, then be afraid to ever try.
Literature from the era of piracy in the Caribbean shows that many of the best pirates have had the dilemma of their loved ones giving them grief for participating. "You are insane, for building such an immense pirate ship!" Their wives would say. I am quite certain all of my fellow brothers and sisters involved in cryptocurrency have dealt with this, because it's different and our families love us. It is human nature to be afraid of the unknown, it is ominous especially considering a loved ones future. I have chosen to go with my gut and continue forward with this path; my gut has yet to fail me in the making of any such decision, including the one I made last year to jump in Ethereum mining with both feet in early March. Should've been going with my gut long ago - it's screaming at me to buy as many of these GEN II models you're willing to sell me. After all, I have some extra money now.
I'm willing to purchase the unit you want me to run the tests on, if you'd like. I would like to purchase between two and ten of these rigs.One thing that holds constant among those pirates is that the best ones stayed true to their visions regardless of their situations at home, they ended up doing what they wanted because they couldn't face going to sleep at night without trying. Whether it was joining a pirate crew or building their own ship, they all had to make the choice to go after their vision. That era, just like the gold rush, undoubtedly had many men arguing with their loved ones about pursuing the treasures ahead. My response to them was, and always will be, that you cannot hit the bullseye unless you throw darts. My next dart will be comprised of some Pandaminer GEN II's!
2)how you can make a perfect review of PandaMiner GEN II.Before I touch on how I will present my perfect review of the PandaMiner GEN II, I must tell you what I foresee for such technology. The PandaMiner GEN II is a marvel of engineering and has yet to be fully properly received, and this is because cryptocurrency mining is not as commonplace as it should be. Just like search engines weren't as commonplace in 2004, when Google was founded. This technology is what will solve the equation of major American universities in hot climates being hesitant to be participating in cryptocurrency mining projects. As an individual who has daily first hand experience with a local large universities' staff members and regularly talks to the top head of the physics department there, I can assure you that this technology is what will make large crypto operations acceptable to fund at these large universities. By largely solving the heat portion of the equation, especially in southern universities (I am from Louisiana, a very hot mining climate.) you really exceed your bargaining power in any kind of a deal with the treasury department. I am actually participating in a summer research program and will be exposed to these people at this university, these same people that have the power to green light any such mining operation. Imagine selling 200 or 300 Pandaminer GEN III's if you were making them in bulk for major US universities. ( Like LSU ! ) They have funded many inferior projects, and that's exactly how it would happen.
I have a Youtube channel pertaining to my former business and have experience evaluating within a small timeframe. I know what you need to tell people to get their attention, and am very familiar with cryptocurrency, ubuntu and linux. I will touch on all the important talking points I plan on elaborating on in video 2, during video 1, briefly. Along with a well-done text and photo review, you can expect 2 video reviews, I recommend letting me do something around 90 seconds to 2 minutes for one video, and maybe another five minute video for people who are 'really' interested. This would be the video that locks in a potential buyer, it would be treated as such. In the video review, I will have a complete power/temperature chart corresponding to each test. I will be presenting in-box temperatures as well as direct card temps, I am able to do this with usb powered thermocouples. If you wanted to test Ethereum and Zcash mining processes, at 0 - 15 - 30 - 45- 60 minute intervals, I will document the changes in temperature, hashrate, etc. You can expect charts, and I would also like to undervolt the GPUs and run another test to compare the average hashrates to. I will condense the 5 minute video's conclusion to a point where both large and small customers would both be sold on the tech.