
I remember buying a license for gunbot back in April 2017 off member Gunthar.
I been off the trading game for past couple of years as I been busy and like to get back into bot trading now!
Whats the difference between gunbot.com & gunthy.org? Which one for existing license holders and is official?
Does gunbot run live off a server now included in the service price or does it require own pc to run or a separate paid for VPS? Is there an alternative to VPS or VPS is the only option available to run it 24/7?
If VPS or own PC required then how regularly does gunbot gets updated except for betas and is the license holder is required to update it manually to stay ahead of the trading game? Also does the constant software updates affect the existing gunbot settings or trades or cause bot errors if old gunbot program files still present? For example if I download and run gunbot now without updating it for years then will there be problems?
What pc or server spec hardware recommended requirements is required to run gunbot with average number of typical trading pairs?
Does gunbot support £GBP pairs at which exchanges?
Whats the most popular exchanges and popular trading pairs everybody is using with gunbot and what are the most popular balanced long term gunbot settings everybody is using where the license holder just leaves it running 24/7 without worrying or without checking or without constantly adjusting settings to suit whatever market cycles?
Lastly which popular VPS everybody is using and I remember using free amazon vps for a year back in 2017? No longer free?
Finally what I do next to get back into gunbot trading

If you have an old Gunbot license that is not tied-up to a gunthy wallet, getting a gunthy wallet would be your first step, in your case since you bought from Gunthar you can contact @exquitas or @NarKotix on telegram and they will help you.
you can read more about how to create a gunthy wallet in the Gunbot wiki here:
https://wiki.gunthy.org/setup-and-general-settings/exchange-and-license-settings/gunthy-walletGunbot.com and Gunthy.org are both Official you can check the list of official resellers here:
https://gunthy.org/resellers/The price will be the same all across the different resellers, the main difference is the support or other benefits a particular reseller may offer.
You can run the bot from your PC or VPS that's also a choice, I got this info from the wiki:
Supported platforms
Gunbot runs from your own Windows, macOS, Linux, or ARMv7 computer or server.
You are free to run multiple instances across multiple platforms and devices.
Recommended system specs
CPU: 64-bit
Disk space: 10 GB free disk space
Network: stable broadband network connection
Since 2017 a lot has changed so in your case would be recommended to run a fresh new install, but after that, you are free to run the latest stable version or even become a beta tester and provided you accept the risk you can use beta versions too if they fix or add a new feature you like to use.
GBP you can trade with if the exchange got it, I believe Kraken and CEX got it so you will be able to use it there
Most popular exchange definitely Binance and USDT-BTC ofc...
Now, "set it and forget it" strategy I will be lying to you if I tell you that exists anywhere or even possible, but what I can tell you is you can learn a lot about trading in the Gunbot Official telegram channels.
We also have a Strategy Marketplace with ready-made configs most free and some paid that could get you back on track in no time.
So, get your Gunthy wallet ready, contact exquitas or Narkotix and you will be taken care of
Hope to see you around in Telegram soon!