The Gunbot V20 Stable is getting closer to be released, and there has been alot goin on since I last updated info here, so please allow me to give you the heads-up on Gunbot Latest News
If you want to keep up to date with Gunthy Latest Developments please Visit for more detailed articles.
There are 3 Ongoing Gunbot Tournaments,
Gunbot Permanent Tournament on Binance Futures, you can see profits made and competitors Live here:
Gunbot Nash Liquidity Mining Competition, including GUNTHY Token listed on Nash Exchange, now you can trade USDC-GUNTHY and BTC-GUNTHY on Nash.
Gunbot Bitget Trading Competition Leaderboard and stats can be found here: you want to test our Market Maker Bot, just get on the Bitget competition and you can Use it for FREE there, the top ten Lucky winners will
Gain Acces to our Market Maker bot for Life that's on top of a share of the Jackpot.
Gunbot Serverless License verification System has begun, (experimental for now) but this new feature will allow our bots to continue trading even if the license server goes down or Gunthar crashes his car

if he got any...
So in the following months or SOON (TM) we will be moving to a Full Blockchain License Verification System
That been said,
Be AWARE, if you are an Old user and have not moved on to the Gunthy-Token License system yet, this is your
Final OpportunityHere I Quote from Gunthar:
"By the end of this process I will NOT be able to airdrop tokens for free to old users anymore. Please if you are an old user and didnt migrate to the token system do it ASAP or in the future if you want to have access to new Gunbot versions you will have to buy tokens at exchanges"
So please Get in Touch with your reseller, in case is not around anymore you can contact @NarKotix directly on Telegram an he will Help you.
Save the Date! On October 20th,
Gunbot Gunthy Package will be ReleasedThis edition will add, TxBit, GUNTHY Exchange and Beaxy Included in Gunbot with Free API Slots, that's 4 more exchanges where you can trade simultaneously on top of what you alreadt have included in your license. (any license type)
Tha's all for now, Have fun!