citronick and Phil,
Topic is quite a mess of Panda Miner review, Unix build, Win 10 Ent etc
Could you please summarize on first page some important parameters:
Mining speed/Power used/Noise level
Also, which PSU do you use with miner? If use platinum PSU - will it positively affect the efficiency?
Is it possible to use WiFi dongle (not for Phil with AFB nearby) instead of cable? Upgrade possibility?
For the record, this thread and review is Phil's own initiative. My comments below are from my own personal evaluation criteria with slight bias on my own group's requirement. I leave the technical and speed measurement to Phil.
Chipping in my non-techie findings and conclusions listed below:
1. I used Claymore for ETH, XMR and ZEC. Of recent, sgminer-gm for XMR. optiminer for ZEC.
2. I am particularly interested to use the Pandas for XMR mining mainly, and a system having ability to "profit switch" to ZEC, etc. ETH maybe....
3a. Over time (more than an hour), all my Claymore runs with ZEC v10 and XMR v9.7 have ended in reboots. However, sgminer-gm XMR mining can mine longer but still reboot backs to mining. Unlike my current open DIY 5-6 GPU rigs that can run for weeks without reboots with Win7, Win8.1 and Win10 Pro.
3b. The mash-up of Win10 and Enterprise licensing to get the 8-GPU config may have something to do with the overall stability of the system, IMHO, hence #3a.
3c. For example, after many reboots, it will get stuck or shutdown page and manual power reset is required to fully power off and on the Panda - this is a Windows thing, even for so called Enterprise edition.
4. The PSU, I used is an old Bitmain 1600w server PSU that I bought together with S7. I have a few of them still and used it to good use here without any problem. Eventually, the planned Phase 1 PandaRack (10 x Pandas per rack) will ship to Labrador and they use EVGA 1300 and EVGA 1600.
5. The ultimate expectation for the PandaRack is 24x7x365 XMR mining - so I need custom and hardened Linux as OS for best results without the worries of Win10-Ent/Licensing/Good old Windows Memory Leaks/Virus/Hacks/etc. Also, "lights out" and good monitoring/mgmt/alerts operation just like my BTC, X11 and Scrypt farms.
6. As far as build and product construction is concerned - thumbs up to Panda. It is certainly above average and definitely have my A rating for the "hardware". They should leave the "software" to other parties who understand mining and programming in general. Marry these two sides and I think we have a winner here.
Disclaimer: I am a recent retiree, and manage small BTC, X11 and Scrypt mining farms for my group hosted in Cryptoboreas Inc. Labrador-NFL Canada. My group has agreed to deploy the first 10 Pandas and will be making the purchase for direct shipping to Labrador as soon as we test Eliovp's OS.