[edited out]
Sure got it.
As i'm new to bitcoin and trading in general, wisdom gonna came with time and be a little bit neutral in my talkings on bitcoins and alcoins.
I Played poker real money from 2002 to early 2017 and was a tight aggresive player why my comments are like that.
Poker attitude: raise, reraise, 3bet , 4bet, bluffs and all in For years.
Don't get me wrong because I really love bullish perspectives, and so I will be a lot more tolerant when a bull spouts off bullish predictions without backing them up, as compared to bears, and part of the reason is that frequently bears are merely trolls or shills, even though every once in a while they do have something useful to say.. rare but true.
Also, I do recognize that regular peeps do tend to talk in absolutes, to exaggerate a lot and maybe even there is some gambling mentality that is mixed in there - so when we are on the interwebs, sometimes guys, including myself, might go on the attack, if you are making assertions that do not seem to be very realistic or very backed up by evidence, even if we agree with the direction of your prediction.
Finally, bitcoin (and alts, as you say) can be really fun to learn about and to figure out ways to make money on them or at least to use as a learning tool, and with bitcoin, specifically, there is always so much to learn and even battling the deluge of misinformation to sort out facts from fiction and to filter out propaganda - that even comes from good intentioned folks can be a very decent and ongoing learning experience, so don't get deterred from spreading and fixing up your opinion, even if peeps (including me) might attack them from time to time, because we can frequently learn from batting around ideas, whether related to bitcoin trading, price movements, predictions, fundamentals or otherwise.
Edit:By the way, we have not really experienced any significant correction since $6,700 (unless you want to call this week's about 11% correction from $9,750 to $8,660 as significant and/or sufficient?).
So at our current rebounded BTC prices, of about $9,800, we have a 45% BTC price appreciation without any meaningful correction. The non-existence of a significant correction does not mean that we must have a correction, but there does remain a bit of an incentive for some of the whales to cause some price correction (manipulation or whatever you want to call it) in order to take some profits and to shake out some weak hands and to purge some longs... so sometimes, corrections can have momentum and even we could get stuck in a correction for a while before we would be ready to break above $10k.
Yeah, of course, I am o.k. with breaking straight and directly above $10k too.. so who gives a shit if the poor lily whales get their anticipated price correction or not... I'm just saying.. that ongoing upwards in price movement should create normal incentives for down.
Okay mate, got your point.
So i gonna stay like i'am for now and slowly change my predictions with time or not, Depends on me.
Yes i was a poker player but not a gambler. the gamblers plays casino games with odds againt them, and i dont.
For poker, i turned to be a semi pro player with a very strict bankroll management. For years and years i never get broke unless from my first years.
You have to read some articles about pro poker players that saids, they have already all the mental tools to be a succesful traders.
We know when to bet, how much we bet, with all the probabilities with us in the long run.
We are not affraid to take measured risks and bet big when the odds are with us in the long run. All that are in relation with our bankroll management.
Now i'm new @ trading but @ the same time i make big progress compared to traders who starts at the same time as me, and daily i try to progress more and more.