Democracy is an oxymoron. Demo-cracy mean power of people, but power over whom? Over themselves? It makes no sense, like horse riding on itself.
In reality it's state having power over people. By force and deception. Police is the force, democracy is the deception. As for relations between judges and police, it may be true, but it doesn't matter. They are parts of single entity: the state, and this entity is your collective owner. They are ultimate owners of your money, freedom and life. They can take it from you, if they decide to.
Hi again Wary,
But how would you suggest that society should arrange itself?
Through contract jurisdictions. Cancel territorial monopoly of states. States currently form a cartel, they divided all land (along with people that live on this land) between themselves. We should break this cartel, force them compete for us, the customers, and let us, the customers, choose (choose for themselves and themselves only). Any state should be able to provide their services to everyone, and everyone should be able to subscribe to services of any state, without relocating. Just like you subscribe to an internet provider.
Results of such arrangement:
-No "cracy". Nobody will have power over honest person. If your "protection provider" leans on you, you just go to their competitor.
-Fees instead of taxes. You pay not % of your income, but $ for services provided.
-"Save and protect" (i.e. police and judges) becomes real service, rather than hypocrisy.
-Apart from protecting you from thugs&crooks, no other services from states. They won't mess with health, education, currency, pension, religion, sex, marriage etc etc etc.
-States will be doing the only thing, but will be doing it much better than now, and much cheaper (as always happens when forced monopoly is replaced by free competition).
To see the scale of possible improvement, try to imagine how would it look if we were choosing boots the same way as we are choosing presidents: one size/shape/color for the whole country, elected from just two options once in 4 years.
tl;dr; Let market forces improve the states, like they improved other sides of life.More details - in numerous ancap writings. Like old, but still good D.Friedman's "Machinery of freedom".
EDIT: men and women, rock climbers and ballet dancers, in sea and mountains, in restaurants and beaches, in snowfields and rain-forest - everybody wears the same standard people-elected boot. And the standard size - too big for the half of electorate and too small for the other half. And the price that is determined by salesmen examining your pockets. No, by you reporting on yourself, under threat of strict punishment. That's how feels being the masters, served by bunch of servants