Activity: 4018
Merit: 11833
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
July 12, 2019, 03:03:07 AM |
I'd like to ask other thread members here a question. I've been in bitcoin since early 2013, and through all those run-ups followed by 75%+ crashes I've held my bitcoin. But after the 2013 runup/crash, and long wait afterwards, I don't want to be holding most of my bitcoin on the next market peak. I have seen various multi-year log charts showing a high and low line, and a line in the middle. Sometimes these lines are drawn straight, sometimes curved with it flattenng out more as time goes by. On one there was a website witn a mathematical calculation telling you what the 'fair market value' of bitcoin was on any given day. I have seen these posts in this wall observer thread over the years. if any of you have links for this, can you post in this topic https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5164354.0 ? thanks Seems to me that you have to find your own price points, rather than going by charts that are made by other people. So, you should figure out how much BTC that you would like to sell at various price points in order to make you feel more comfortable. You can choose your price points in terms of amounts and/or in terms of time, so you could decide to sell a certain amount of BTC at certain price points, and also to sell a certain amount after a certain passage of time... and each of those should specifically be tailored to your circumstances that includes but not necessarily limited to your cash flow, your other investments, your views of bitcoin, your risk tolerance, your timeline and how much time and skills you have to manage your portfolio.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1595
July 12, 2019, 03:04:01 AM |
Anyone need kidney?  " There are no excuses to be a nocoiner.
The biggest-ticket organ you can legally sell in the U.S. is your heart: They're going for a cool $1 million. Livers come in second, worth about $557,000 and kidneys fetch about $262,000 each.
That's like 200 BTC right there." https://twitter.com/CryptoBull/status/1146115603469623296Do you accept BTC? Yes Sir, offer available only in BTC But will charge extra from market price because of my Pseudo believes/advertisement  I treat my body as a temple, 2-3 time Alcohol consumption in my all life, zero drugs, not even single drag of cigarettes or hookah. Sex is good for your health, JSRAW. Thanks for heads up Bhai , i follow kamasutra 
Activity: 4018
Merit: 11833
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
July 12, 2019, 03:06:09 AM |
Anyone need kidney?  " There are no excuses to be a nocoiner.
The biggest-ticket organ you can legally sell in the U.S. is your heart: They're going for a cool $1 million. Livers come in second, worth about $557,000 and kidneys fetch about $262,000 each.
That's like 200 BTC right there." https://twitter.com/CryptoBull/status/1146115603469623296Do you accept BTC? Yes Sir, offer available only in BTC But will charge extra from market price because of my Pseudo believes/advertisement  I treat my body as a temple, 2-3 time Alcohol consumption in my all life, zero drugs, not even single drag of cigarettes or hookah. Sex is good for your health, JSRAW. Thanks for heads up Bhai , i follow kamasutra  Whatever floats your boat. 

Activity: 256
Merit: 62
July 12, 2019, 03:15:43 AM |
Trump tweets are like earthquakes to the MSM, great day for Bitcoin.
July 12, 2019, 03:21:06 AM |
Anyone need kidney?  " There are no excuses to be a nocoiner.
The biggest-ticket organ you can legally sell in the U.S. is your heart: They're going for a cool $1 million. Livers come in second, worth about $557,000 and kidneys fetch about $262,000 each.
That's like 200 BTC right there." https://twitter.com/CryptoBull/status/1146115603469623296Do you accept BTC? Yes Sir, offer available only in BTC But will charge extra from market price because of my Pseudo believes/advertisement  I treat my body as a temple, 2-3 time Alcohol consumption in my all life, zero drugs, not even single drag of cigarettes or hookah. Sex is good for your health, JSRAW. Nice advice sir really need for health.
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
July 12, 2019, 03:22:03 AM |
If you have no bitcoins, you are essentially a huge fan of Trump.
Hmm, I wonder what the next world reserve currency will be?   
infofront (OP)
Activity: 2660
Merit: 2920
Shitcoin Minimalist
July 12, 2019, 03:35:46 AM |
Ever notice I'm the only person in this thread that knows what they're talking about? Here's Zerohedge front page news today:  Then here's the post I made yesterday: Reply I sent to Anonymint earlier as to why I think the system is probably real close to implosion. He seems to think this will be a long drawn out thing with a "strong dollar" for an entire 8-10 years from now. I don't really see it as possible as I explained below: strong dollar vortex peaks circa 2024 to 2028
I HIGHLY doubt the dollar can possibly stay strong that long. Very implausible. A few weeks ago I was talking about how things like gold have been in bull markets hitting near or record highs in all other currencies like Australian Ponzi dollars, Canadian Ponzi dollars, etc. The US dollar is the odd man out in all these charts and is obviously way overvalued even more than it's normal overvaluation. Out of all the currencies in the entire world, it's the US dollar that needs to devalue the most at the moment. I expect massive dollar devaluation soon-ish.
as they see interest rates start to rise after 2021
Seguing from the above comment, there's a reason why the dollar is currently so overvalued. Interest rates will skyrocket as soon as dollar devaluation occurs and collapse the entire system. So from my assessment, the system is probably far closer to an end/reset than you think it is. You're talking about having "strong dollars" for another entire decade here, but as I talked about earlier, the dollar is the clear odd man out and must devalue.
Read up on your Marty Armstrong. The dollar is strong because it's the only game in town. It's the least worst currency. Devaluation doesn't occur from printing more dollars. it occurs due to lack of confidence. They can bring on the negative interest rates and we'll still have a deflationary dollar over the next several years because it will still be the least shitty currency with the least shitty economy behind it.
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
July 12, 2019, 03:37:27 AM |
Took roach off ignore for a moment to give him a chance. Chance back off. Get the fuck outta here Jew shill. The Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking ring is nothing more than a Jewish intelligence network to try and blackmail leaders of white, western countries into being slaves of Israel and it's moneychangers:   Odds Jews are not completely expelled from every white nation on earth = 0%. USS Liberty, 9/11, the human trafficking rings, organ trafficking rings run by the actual rabbi themselves, the enormous financial scams everywhere and millions of other things; when is enough of the demonic Jew enough? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/219093007/
Activity: 4116
Merit: 5737
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
July 12, 2019, 03:39:19 AM |
I just looked it up.
And it was written in the holy White Paper, That one day the saviour would return. And he would sayeth unto us Just give me 50, or 100 , or 150 coins, And I will take you to a new life.
Jeez - was it HIM?
The number thou shalleth count to shall be 100. Thou shall not counteth to 50, unless proceeding henceforth to 51, 52, and so on until the number of 100 shall have been reached. Thou shall not count to 150, for the proceeding of the count shall be terminated upon reaching the number of 100. 200 is right out. 
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1595
July 12, 2019, 03:42:56 AM |
Sex is good for your health, JSRAW. Nice advice sir really need for health.
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
July 12, 2019, 03:47:14 AM |
Read up on your Marty Armstrong.
Martin Armstrong is a disinformation agent just like Harry Dent. There is no reason to read anything he says. Also, this "short dollar vortex" buzzword Anonymint keeps using is not a 'thing'. There is no short dollar vortex, people will simply DEFAULT on those debts. If you default, there is NO DEMAND for the instrument in which you borrowed in. It's all ODIUS, UNPAYABLE debt. There is no synthetic short. Technically it is a synthetic short, but not when nobody plans to honor any of those agreements. @unwashed, thanks for your contribution on pointing out that Armstrong mis-led SO MANY in his WEC conference on the gold.
Armstrong told everyone to literally sell the bottom in gold at $1050 and claimed it was going to "below $800 to the abyss" even though it's not even possible when AISC was something like $1050-$1100 on average (meaning some produce for cheaper, some more expensive, but the price is more set at the margin than at the lowest cost producer in the entire world, especially if the lowest cost producer doesn't fill all demand). Harry Dent is a US govt asset/disinformation agent and says the same garbage claiming gold can somehow go far below cost of production, so Armstrong is probably some kind of disinformation agent too. Both of these fucktards basically tell people to 'HODL' US dollars & stawks, and that everything else is bad to hold, so seems like the only purpose of these two disinformation agents is to defend the Jewish Ponzi dollar and Jewish Ponzi stock system.
Activity: 4116
Merit: 5737
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
July 12, 2019, 03:54:10 AM |
Sex is good for your health, JSRAW. Nice advice sir really need for health. Actually they are promised 72 white grapes. LOL https://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/04/opinion/martyrs-virgins-and-grapes.htmlFor example, the Koran says martyrs going to heaven will get ''hur,'' and the word was taken by early commentators to mean ''virgins,'' hence those 72 consorts. But in Aramaic, hur meant ''white'' and was commonly used to mean ''white grapes.''
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1595
July 12, 2019, 04:19:10 AM |
^ If this statement even 1% authentic then terrorists, who lost their pee pee after a suicide bombing. Must be laughing their ass off on other terrorists. 
Activity: 4116
Merit: 5737
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
July 12, 2019, 04:28:00 AM |
^ If this statement even 1% authentic then terrorists, who lost their pee pee after a suicide bombing. Must be laughing their ass off on other terrorists.  
Activity: 3836
Merit: 11111
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
July 12, 2019, 04:57:04 AM |
Just saw the anti bitcoin Trump tweets. I’m surprised the price didn’t dump due to weak hands, I guess it just shows us that the market has matured so much. A couple of years ago that tweet would have made the price crash 30% or something.
Keep HODLING gentlemen!
July 12, 2019, 05:05:10 AM Last edit: July 12, 2019, 03:10:29 PM by savetherainforest |
If the orange idiot is against it; it must be a good thing
HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF F***ING US OF A !!! HE CANNOT DO FREE PROPAGANDA FOR SOMETHING THAT MAKEs HIM LIABLE FOR TREASON !!! Advertising another currency against or in detriment of the national currency is by default an undervaluing and undermining of the state he is ruling. Just be complacent and be happy of the free publicity for those who are asleep but see him as an idol. At least they got schooled on new information! They might have not even knew wtf "a bitcoin" is. 
Activity: 3458
Merit: 4902
diamond-handed zealot
July 12, 2019, 05:14:23 AM |
There truly is no such thing as bad publicity.
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
July 12, 2019, 05:35:15 AM |
 SegWit-enabled spends recently touched 56% of daily transactions despite some major services still not supporting it. If your wallet / exchange / other service is still giving you deposit addresses that start with a "1" it's time to ask them "when SegWit?" https://twitter.com/lopp/status/1149406946224680962
I have seen a few post, interesting investment conversations of "high level", WO never disappoints. 
Activity: 1909
Merit: 3215
All good things to those who wait
July 12, 2019, 05:43:29 AM |
Just saw the anti bitcoin Trump tweets. I’m surprised the price didn’t dump due to weak hands, I guess it just shows us that the market has matured so much. A couple of years ago that tweet would have made the price crash 30% or something.
Keep HODLING gentlemen!
Nobody is expecting Trump to say he is a fan of Bitcoin and is going to buy some  The fact he is tweeting about it with a negative tone is actually a good advertise. Not many people like Trump in USA and especially abroad. And even his fans are aware of his economic ignorance. On the other hand, what the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said, comparing Bitcoin with gold as a store of value, has a much bigger significance. In short: he is an expert, while Trump is a n00b. Everyone knows it 
Activity: 3122
Merit: 1538
July 12, 2019, 05:57:53 AM |
In a tangential development...
My in-flight reading lately had been 'Life After Google' by George Gilder. While not his most significant work, it is certainly his most timely. Gilder -- should you be unfamiliar with him -- is one of the world's foremost prognosticators of near-future technology and its subsequent effects upon society.
Recommended, but that's not my point.
I found life after Google very interesting but hard to read. Still haven’t been able to subtract the 30s elevator pitch from this book. I really hope he will straighten his thought and presents this in a structured manner some day.