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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 5 (3.4%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.1%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.6%)
>$100K - 86 (58.1%)
Total Voters: 148

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26741168 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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October 05, 2014, 02:15:33 AM

new speculation : the fall the past few days has been due to circle users sending there bitcoin there to easily top off their bank accounts.

Lol. I would love to see their volume and stats. It would be pretty interesting since it's so easy to convert either way with them. In a bear market more people are converting BTC to fiat right?
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Activity: 1176
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October 05, 2014, 02:16:08 AM

Huobi support has moved up. 6K to 2000. 6k to 2340.

Just need a bit of buying..
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October 05, 2014, 02:18:53 AM

Well it was an interesting ride--learned a lot, and hopefully spared from future speculations that would have gone bad.

Will still have my eye on BTC, but full fiat now.

--2011, the year I learned about BTC
--2014, the year I bought and mined BTC, but obsessed about it, lost money, etc.

Perspective is a funny thing.

"Perspective is a funny thing"

and if you give it a few more years....(you do not have to obsess about it) and then the perspective may be totally different again.

--2016 Things got interesting.
--2017 xx

--2022 HOLY shit! (x,y,z good bad )


How did you lose money if you do not mind me asking? through mining equipment/ not hitting ROI or are you talking unrealised as of yet loss?  did you hold from 2011? are you sitting on profit now?

or do you more mean you think

--2015 RIP?

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Activity: 1904
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October 05, 2014, 02:22:03 AM

new speculation : the fall the past few days has been due to circle users sending there bitcoin there to easily top off their bank accounts.

Lol. I would love to see their volume and stats. It would be pretty interesting since it's so easy to convert either way with them. In a bear market more people are converting BTC to fiat right?

it would be very interesting, i suspect they have some kind of mechincum that allows then to settal trades internaly, and then the rest of the trades spill over onto stamps, or something.

In a bear market more people are converting BTC to fiat right?

that makes sense.
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Activity: 1904
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October 05, 2014, 02:22:41 AM

the wine is helping

price is moving up!
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Activity: 1176
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October 05, 2014, 02:23:19 AM

little nibbles..might see a slow drift upwards if we are lucky
some twat on stamp with a 1k wall at 340
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Activity: 1092
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October 05, 2014, 02:24:47 AM

little nibbles..might see a slow drift upwards if we are lucky
some twat on stamp with a 1k wall at 340

yeah total twat.
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Activity: 1176
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October 05, 2014, 02:25:16 AM

Smiley sorry..revealing my bull side there
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Activity: 1456
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October 05, 2014, 02:28:23 AM

Smiley sorry..revealing my bull side there

chart looking good, more sideways and upside likely now. 
are we hitting floor ?
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Activity: 238
Merit: 100

We must become the pitiless censors of ourselves.

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October 05, 2014, 02:28:44 AM

Well it was an interesting ride--learned a lot, and hopefully spared from future speculations that would have gone bad.

Will still have my eye on BTC, but full fiat now.

--2011, the year I learned about BTC
--2014, the year I bought and mined BTC, but obsessed about it, lost money, etc.

Perspective is a funny thing.

"Perspective is a funny thing"

and if you give it a few more years....(you do not have to obsess about it) and then the perspective may be totally different again.

--2016 Things got interesting.
--2017 xx

--2022 HOLY shit! (x,y,z good bad )


How did you lose money if you do not mind me asking? through mining equipment/ not hitting ROI or are you talking unrealised as of yet loss?  did you hold from 2011? are you sitting on profit now?

or do you more mean you think

--2015 RIP?


It's OK. All in all lost between 7-9k between buying on the downtrend and buying mining equipment with BTC and cash.

This loss is realized.

I did not buy in 2011--was thinking about investing around 2k then, but of course it seemed very risky and ethereal at the time to me...

Like I said, perspective is a funny thing.

I make twice as much, however, as I did in 2011 through a couple promotions, so there's solace in that.

I'm not necessarily out of BTC, but I just don't see up from here, and I'd rather cut loss/feel safer on the sideline than hold ATM.

There seems to be tremendous pressure from all sides for the near term with respect to selling.
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Activity: 84
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October 05, 2014, 02:29:42 AM

Smiley sorry..revealing my bull side there


Chances for a bull run are very good. But if it will be a sustainable recovery...that's another thing.

Meanwhile I won't care now and better go to bed, good night you all bulls and bears  Cheesy
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Activity: 1176
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October 05, 2014, 02:31:47 AM

huobi trying..

yeh time for bed. hopefully the chinese drag us up over 340 over the next few hours.

EDIT: stamp not moving up bid walls..grr
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Activity: 1624
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October 05, 2014, 02:33:59 AM

the wine is helping

price is moving up!

I did sacrifice 1 btc on the alter of coinbase to appease the gods today.

we shall see Undecided
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Activity: 1904
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October 05, 2014, 02:34:50 AM

the wine is helping

price is moving up!

I did sacrifice 1 btc on the alter of coinbase to appease the gods.

we shall see Undecided

lol me too!
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Activity: 1008
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Dumb broad

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October 05, 2014, 02:40:21 AM

One problem I have with this is the assumption that big miners are in it for BTC and not fiat. I don't know everyone's motives but I am sure that for some it is an opportunistic business model (ie buy ASIC's, mine, sell, profit). As such what gives is price and it's a race to the bottom in terms of who has the cheapest electricity. Hardware is a sunk cost now, so it makes sense to continue to mine as long as your electicity costs less than than you can sell the BTC for, even if that means just minimising losses (on sunk costs), for all those miners whose goal is not to accumulate BTC.

We hear many times that miners will just hoard or switch off and buy instead. IMO only those that are true believers and not in it for fiat will do so. The rest will get what they can out of their equipment while they can. Many a bad investment decision has been made in the past and will be in the future in many industries. Why this mythical illusion that BTC is so different?

It looks very much like mining bubble to me

EDIT : In conclusion is it not a perfectly reasonable proposition that difficulty could nosedive to match current price as inefficient miners who are in it for fiat simply switch off their hardware at some point and exit the game or wait for their equipment to become profitable again, if ever? The assumption that they will simply buy BTC instead seems deeply flawed. Meanwhile the BTC inflation rate (supply) will remain constant. In the absence of new demand where does price go ?

I agree that the idea that miners 'start buying' is deeply flawed but when mining becomes unprofitable they will stop mining, supply will be reduced and the price will stabilise.  Is this not part of the big "Satoshi Plan" of checks and balances for the functioning of BTC anyway; at the moment we have a confluence of negative factors: too much supply and negative sentiment due to Gox, Neo et al.

When the miners stop the flow of coins the price will find equilibrium and sentiment will return with a stable price.


No ... until the next halving, supply is a constant no matter how many miners mine or what the hash rate is. The unprofitable miners will stop mining, maybe, but that has no effect on the BTC inflation/emission rate, which remains a constant until the next halving regardless of how many miners there are. Whatever the hash rate, the same number of BTC will be mined in the same time (excluding small variance between difficulty adjustments). This is a fundamental part of the BTC protocol - the emission rate is a constant until the 'halvings'

Supply is fixed in this equation, re how many BTC are mined. The variables are difficulty and hash rate, but these have no effect on supply, just on profitability of miners.

If every other miner shut down and you and I could mine the (approx) 3600 BTC per day on laptops once the difficulty rapidly adjusted downwards.

Sure, the network would be massively open to a 51% attack, but I am taking it to en extreme to demonstrate what I believe is a poorly understood function of the BTC supply/demand equilibrium

We'd better get the entire 21M of the buggers mined then and get things simplified then.

And therein lies the problem ... the emission rate is mapped out in advance and an intrinsic part of the protocol ... no way to speed it up without a hard fork. Actually, speeding it up would make things worse right now. Hence the focus on the block reward halving in 2016 (from 25 to 12.5 BTC per block I believe) as a catalyst for the next rally ... LESS SUPPLY !!

Well then, we're screwed.  If these big mining operations don't believe BTC is worth anything as an investment and simply want quick USD profits (or as has been suggested are using it as a way of getting funds out of China) then we are going to have an over-supply which will lead to even lower prices and even fewer people buying or using.  Another year of this and I can't see there being any positive sentiment around BTC.

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Activity: 1904
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October 05, 2014, 02:43:10 AM

One problem I have with this is the assumption that big miners are in it for BTC and not fiat. I don't know everyone's motives but I am sure that for some it is an opportunistic business model (ie buy ASIC's, mine, sell, profit). As such what gives is price and it's a race to the bottom in terms of who has the cheapest electricity. Hardware is a sunk cost now, so it makes sense to continue to mine as long as your electicity costs less than than you can sell the BTC for, even if that means just minimising losses (on sunk costs), for all those miners whose goal is not to accumulate BTC.

We hear many times that miners will just hoard or switch off and buy instead. IMO only those that are true believers and not in it for fiat will do so. The rest will get what they can out of their equipment while they can. Many a bad investment decision has been made in the past and will be in the future in many industries. Why this mythical illusion that BTC is so different?

It looks very much like mining bubble to me

EDIT : In conclusion is it not a perfectly reasonable proposition that difficulty could nosedive to match current price as inefficient miners who are in it for fiat simply switch off their hardware at some point and exit the game or wait for their equipment to become profitable again, if ever? The assumption that they will simply buy BTC instead seems deeply flawed. Meanwhile the BTC inflation rate (supply) will remain constant. In the absence of new demand where does price go ?

I agree that the idea that miners 'start buying' is deeply flawed but when mining becomes unprofitable they will stop mining, supply will be reduced and the price will stabilise.  Is this not part of the big "Satoshi Plan" of checks and balances for the functioning of BTC anyway; at the moment we have a confluence of negative factors: too much supply and negative sentiment due to Gox, Neo et al.

When the miners stop the flow of coins the price will find equilibrium and sentiment will return with a stable price.


No ... until the next halving, supply is a constant no matter how many miners mine or what the hash rate is. The unprofitable miners will stop mining, maybe, but that has no effect on the BTC inflation/emission rate, which remains a constant until the next halving regardless of how many miners there are. Whatever the hash rate, the same number of BTC will be mined in the same time (excluding small variance between difficulty adjustments). This is a fundamental part of the BTC protocol - the emission rate is a constant until the 'halvings'

Supply is fixed in this equation, re how many BTC are mined. The variables are difficulty and hash rate, but these have no effect on supply, just on profitability of miners.

If every other miner shut down and you and I could mine the (approx) 3600 BTC per day on laptops once the difficulty rapidly adjusted downwards.

Sure, the network would be massively open to a 51% attack, but I am taking it to en extreme to demonstrate what I believe is a poorly understood function of the BTC supply/demand equilibrium

We'd better get the entire 21M of the buggers mined then and get things simplified then.

And therein lies the problem ... the emission rate is mapped out in advance and an intrinsic part of the protocol ... no way to speed it up without a hard fork. Actually, speeding it up would make things worse right now. Hence the focus on the block reward halving in 2016 (from 25 to 12.5 BTC per block I believe) as a catalyst for the next rally ... LESS SUPPLY !!

Well then, we're screwed.  If these big mining operations don't believe BTC is worth anything as an investment and simply want quick USD profits (or as has been suggested are using it as a way of getting funds out of China) then we are going to have an over-supply which will lead to even lower prices and even fewer people buying or using.  Another year of this and I can't see there being any positive sentiment around BTC.

you think all the bitcoin market put together can't handle 25 BTC every ten mins?

speculation is the thing that makes all these other things completely irrelevant to price.
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Activity: 1176
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October 05, 2014, 02:44:11 AM

A few more dollars and we get above the earlier dead cat..
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October 05, 2014, 02:50:03 AM

do you believe 2015 will be a good year for btc?
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Activity: 1904
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October 05, 2014, 02:54:34 AM

do you believe 2015 will be a good year for btc?

i think 2016 will be " the year of bitcoin. "

after this bear is done

we'll have CHEAP coins for a full year easy

this bear is insane
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Activity: 1008
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Dumb broad

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October 05, 2014, 02:59:02 AM

One problem I have with this is the assumption that big miners are in it for BTC and not fiat. I don't know everyone's motives but I am sure that for some it is an opportunistic business model (ie buy ASIC's, mine, sell, profit). As such what gives is price and it's a race to the bottom in terms of who has the cheapest electricity. Hardware is a sunk cost now, so it makes sense to continue to mine as long as your electicity costs less than than you can sell the BTC for, even if that means just minimising losses (on sunk costs), for all those miners whose goal is not to accumulate BTC.

We hear many times that miners will just hoard or switch off and buy instead. IMO only those that are true believers and not in it for fiat will do so. The rest will get what they can out of their equipment while they can. Many a bad investment decision has been made in the past and will be in the future in many industries. Why this mythical illusion that BTC is so different?

It looks very much like mining bubble to me

EDIT : In conclusion is it not a perfectly reasonable proposition that difficulty could nosedive to match current price as inefficient miners who are in it for fiat simply switch off their hardware at some point and exit the game or wait for their equipment to become profitable again, if ever? The assumption that they will simply buy BTC instead seems deeply flawed. Meanwhile the BTC inflation rate (supply) will remain constant. In the absence of new demand where does price go ?

I agree that the idea that miners 'start buying' is deeply flawed but when mining becomes unprofitable they will stop mining, supply will be reduced and the price will stabilise.  Is this not part of the big "Satoshi Plan" of checks and balances for the functioning of BTC anyway; at the moment we have a confluence of negative factors: too much supply and negative sentiment due to Gox, Neo et al.

When the miners stop the flow of coins the price will find equilibrium and sentiment will return with a stable price.


No ... until the next halving, supply is a constant no matter how many miners mine or what the hash rate is. The unprofitable miners will stop mining, maybe, but that has no effect on the BTC inflation/emission rate, which remains a constant until the next halving regardless of how many miners there are. Whatever the hash rate, the same number of BTC will be mined in the same time (excluding small variance between difficulty adjustments). This is a fundamental part of the BTC protocol - the emission rate is a constant until the 'halvings'

Supply is fixed in this equation, re how many BTC are mined. The variables are difficulty and hash rate, but these have no effect on supply, just on profitability of miners.

If every other miner shut down and you and I could mine the (approx) 3600 BTC per day on laptops once the difficulty rapidly adjusted downwards.

Sure, the network would be massively open to a 51% attack, but I am taking it to en extreme to demonstrate what I believe is a poorly understood function of the BTC supply/demand equilibrium

We'd better get the entire 21M of the buggers mined then and get things simplified then.

And therein lies the problem ... the emission rate is mapped out in advance and an intrinsic part of the protocol ... no way to speed it up without a hard fork. Actually, speeding it up would make things worse right now. Hence the focus on the block reward halving in 2016 (from 25 to 12.5 BTC per block I believe) as a catalyst for the next rally ... LESS SUPPLY !!

Well then, we're screwed.  If these big mining operations don't believe BTC is worth anything as an investment and simply want quick USD profits (or as has been suggested are using it as a way of getting funds out of China) then we are going to have an over-supply which will lead to even lower prices and even fewer people buying or using.  Another year of this and I can't see there being any positive sentiment around BTC.

you think all the bitcoin market put together can't handle 25 BTC every ten mins?

speculation is the thing that makes all these other things completely irrelevant to price.

Clearly it can't.  

Pretty much everything is irrelevant to you with regard to BTC Adam, and while I'm very happy you have such great faith in it, its important to realise that most people clearly have the inverse opinion.

I recall Jorge made a prediction long, long ago that as BTC dwindled in price the market would comprise of fewer and fewer adherents, desperately selling back and forth to each other. That is what seems to be happening at present: there are no new buyers.
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