So far all of our efforts have been positive, here is where we are:- working, really nice wallet (except for the warning message at the bottom - need to fix)
- easy to access coin details for people to review
- a plan and initial connection with exchanges to let them know what is going on
- coingecko has been contacted with new information
- coinmarketcap has updated our information and followed sprtsjr on twitter
- all exchanges have been added to twitter
- facebook has been created and ready for updates
- reddit user created - pending 30 days of positive mojo on reddit we should be able to create a sublet
- twitter is in full effect
- block explorer has been contacted - I asked if there was a way we could pay monthly and have a donations address at the bottom.
(its .1 per year - this should be easy for the community to come together and handle)
Next steps....- Ensure the block explorer is running
- initiate blogging / social campaigns
- Run a tipping campaign on Cryptopia to reintroduce Sprouts
- Collect a bounty for a developer to assist in upgrading core code and security on the wallet (annual cleanup)
- Submit a Poll to the community on wallet upgrade musts (narrow down based on amount collected)
- Create a nice little bounty and recruit a fellow developer to implement changes
- Once the wallet is upgraded (while the wallet is upgrading)
- create a market plan / budget - start collecting / recruiting new talents to assist with implementation
If anyone would like to support our efforts on twitter - please retweet: