December 07, 2017, 05:50:53 AM |
of course bitcoin has future, now it use as currency and to buy goods and services you need to make bitcoin transaction through connected by internet. it's the only one the best cryptocurrency among other coins, bitcoin still be the best and it will be the best forever eventhough now from news that i heard that bitcoin will be forked into some other bitcoin platform.
It's very evident it's the best currency because it has dominated the market, with the current price increase it makes the altcoins sleeping as most of the money are going to bitcoin. Those who have invested early are very satisfied with the price now, bitcoin has already made them reach and that is because they took a risk and trust bitcoin by holding it long term.
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Activity: 264
Merit: 11
December 07, 2017, 06:21:05 AM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? It seems that you are not believing to the bitcoin. Do you know what is the market capitalization of the bitcoin today? It is now reached $247,000,000,000; you can see that the capitalization is huge amount. Bitcoin will have a bright future.
December 07, 2017, 11:01:23 AM |
Yes, Bitcoin have really Bright future because the demand of bitcoin is increaing day by day and their price is unexpected growing and there are so many Big names of companies are accepting bitcoin as currency and in recent days Amazon start accepting bitcoin, So there are lot of ways to check the movement and upgrade of the technology of the bitcoin that are the proof of the future of the bitcoin.
Only a fool or newcomer to crypto market can doubt the bright fur true of bitcoin otherwise old bitcoiners are very much sure about the amazing and epic future of bitcoin because of the trend bitcoin is following in the market at present. Those who want to be really millionaire with bitcoin are working day and night just to make good amount of bitcoin when it is not being sued worldwide because later one, bitcoin will be very hard to earn. Well, this complete crypto market is on the whole very much profitable and it has very promising decent future. As far as bitcoin is concerned, since it is the oldest crypto currency in the market and is so far the most profitable digital coin, so the future of this coin is very much secure as compared to other digital currencies. I am not sure about altcoins because most of them are just to waste your money and time.
December 07, 2017, 12:54:37 PM |
Yes .Bitcoin can change anyone life easily and quickly.I was seen many people who related bitcoin and he is become rich man.Just hold your bitcoin for 1 year you recevied double profit from it
absolutely, now bitcoin prove its power. actually someone can be rich in a month by invest in bitcoin, but some people have no capital and begginer dont know how to start with cryptocurrency. in 3 months, bitcoin getting double its price.
December 07, 2017, 01:17:04 PM |
As for my knowledge is concerned i will suggest that the future belongs to bitcoins because each day more people are getting interest in investing in bitcoins which in returns give them handsome amount as it is the only decentralized crypto so the world is trending towards it which seems like in near future the world will changed their digital transaction into bitcoins.
People are using in Bitcoin because they consider it as a way to earn ample amount of profit I don't think it is of some digital currency that can be used for micro payments. This way the truth of Bitcoin being lost. But the good thing is the number of investors is increasing rapidly. And maybe these people will use their Bitcoin in daily purchases when they will live in a cashless society.

Activity: 102
Merit: 10
December 07, 2017, 02:39:59 PM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? I think so. I mean bitcoin has been more and more popular everyday, so the best thing to do is to keep holding on some of our bitcoin because in the future there is a chance that it's demand will be great and a lot of people would want to acquire some.
December 07, 2017, 07:05:51 PM |
As for my knowledge is concerned i will suggest that the future belongs to bitcoins because each day more people are getting interest in investing in bitcoins which in returns give them handsome amount as it is the only decentralized crypto so the world is trending towards it which seems like in near future the world will changed their digital transaction into bitcoins.
People are using in Bitcoin because they consider it as a way to earn ample amount of profit I don't think it is of some digital currency that can be used for micro payments. This way the truth of Bitcoin being lost. But the good thing is the number of investors is increasing rapidly. And maybe these people will use their Bitcoin in daily purchases when they will live in a cashless society. The only thing which you can analyze in order to answer this question is to study the past record as well as the present record of bitcoin. The way bitcoin has gained this much of popularity and fame in this world and that too being a new crypto currency is really a very convincing thing. I am very much hopeful that bitcoin will flourish more in the future. Bitcoin for sure does hold a very bright future and it is going to make this world a completely new place.
December 08, 2017, 11:04:21 AM |
Absolutely bitcoin has a future not only as an investment because it enables us to earn but also as a form of online currency. Bitcoin i believe is here to stay, the high demand of online activities makes this digital currency highly useful as form of payment which ease the traditional payment with bank as the middle man. That being said, this matter has made the people experience a big change in their lives.
Yes, Bitcoin is a bit difficult to use as a payment method, because 9 of the 10 people I know use Bitcoin just to make money, and that's what it will always be. Nobody will survive when the price of bitcoin is fixed  Unfortunately I say the truth. No one wants to use Bitcoin as a method of payment because there are free transfer technologies.
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December 08, 2017, 06:51:29 PM |
As for my knowledge is concerned i will suggest that the future belongs to bitcoins because each day more people are getting interest in investing in bitcoins which in returns give them handsome amount as it is the only decentralized crypto so the world is trending towards it which seems like in near future the world will changed their digital transaction into bitcoins.
People are using in Bitcoin because they consider it as a way to earn ample amount of profit I don't think it is of some digital currency that can be used for micro payments. This way the truth of Bitcoin being lost. But the good thing is the number of investors is increasing rapidly. And maybe these people will use their Bitcoin in daily purchases when they will live in a cashless society. Sadly, it is the truth. I do not know Satoshi Nakamoto want this situation happens for Bitcoin or he just wanted Bitcoin become a currency normal and will replace FIAT system in future. But honestly, if Bitcoin does not do that, it will never have chance to become famous in the world.
December 08, 2017, 06:58:14 PM |
From OP's topic, bitcoin is the future of crypto currencies, when it comes to the blockchain technology and AI currency, bitcoin is seen as the number 1 amongst all.
December 09, 2017, 10:05:43 AM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? I think so. I mean bitcoin has been more and more popular everyday, so the best thing to do is to keep holding on some of our bitcoin because in the future there is a chance that it's demand will be great and a lot of people would want to acquire some. Not only chance, rather it is hundred percent confirm now that the demand for bitcoin in the near future is further going to increase furiously and this is because people are gradually getting aware about bitcoin and its characteristics. The increase in investors is automatically going to increase the value of bitcoin. In short, hold bitcoin as long as you can for there are maximum chances for bitcoin to become the most expensive asset.
December 11, 2017, 07:01:05 AM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? I think so. I mean bitcoin has been more and more popular everyday, so the best thing to do is to keep holding on some of our bitcoin because in the future there is a chance that it's demand will be great and a lot of people would want to acquire some. Not only chance, rather it is hundred percent confirm now that the demand for bitcoin in the near future is further going to increase furiously and this is because people are gradually getting aware about bitcoin and its characteristics. The increase in investors is automatically going to increase the value of bitcoin. In short, hold bitcoin as long as you can for there are maximum chances for bitcoin to become the most expensive asset. Right. So probably you shouldn't base btc's future on btcjam solely as there will probably be more that will tske advantage of this popularity and demand of btc. This is something that may very well secure bitcoin's future
Report to moderator . ██████████. .████████████████. .██████████████████████. -█████████████████████████████ .██████████████████████████████████. -█████████████████████████████████████████ -███████████████████████████████████████████████ .-█████████████████████████████████████████████████████. .████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ .██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████. .██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████. ..███████████████████████████████
December 11, 2017, 07:39:21 AM |
Yes, it does. Some people just don't see it because they are pessimistic and easily manipulated by the news. Me and those other crypto supporters as a whole see the future where bitcoin has ended that financial system where corruption is very minimal and trust is always present.
December 11, 2017, 08:10:12 AM |
Does bitcoin have future if you try hard but it depends on us if we want our future become success.Bitcoin is also the good opportunity in every people who is unemployed but they have talent in their life.
Sr. Member
Activity: 499
Merit: 250
December 11, 2017, 08:29:02 AM |
Your information was old. As you can see that, Bitcoin future contracts have released. This shows that the acception of big financial corporations for Bitcoin. And for sure, Bitcoin has a bright future.
█▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄▄▄ | | | CHAIN JOES | | ▀▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄█ | █▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄▄▄ | ✨ | | | | | | | ✨ | ▀▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄█ | 📝 | |

Activity: 263
Merit: 10
December 11, 2017, 09:13:23 AM |
I tried to bring my family and friends to crypto world, but they dont believe me  . But Ive never lost my confidence Bitcoin have a bright future because now large number of big investors are taking interest in bitcoin and in future the rate of bitcoin will be more increased due to increased in users and in last bitcoin will become a unique currency of the world most probably.
December 11, 2017, 09:16:57 AM Last edit: December 11, 2017, 09:30:00 AM by bamb |
Does bitcoin has a future? I need to break it to you that bitcoin is the future! How does any currency compete with a currency that is fully decentralized, immutable and unchangeable in it's supply! There is no other currency on earth that has these attributes! Does bitcoin has a future?
December 11, 2017, 09:38:29 AM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? I think so. I mean bitcoin has been more and more popular everyday, so the best thing to do is to keep holding on some of our bitcoin because in the future there is a chance that it's demand will be great and a lot of people would want to acquire some. Not only chance, rather it is hundred percent confirm now that the demand for bitcoin in the near future is further going to increase furiously and this is because people are gradually getting aware about bitcoin and its characteristics. The increase in investors is automatically going to increase the value of bitcoin. In short, hold bitcoin as long as you can for there are maximum chances for bitcoin to become the most expensive asset. No doubt in it brother. Bitcoin will be the super currency of the world in upcoming few ears. Just wait and watch the charismatic aspects of bitcoin among all the crypto currencies and still it is making the mark up. International market is just waving at crypto currencies right now because technological attributes of world economy are attached with them now. Good luck bitcoin.

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
December 11, 2017, 10:08:04 AM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? In my opinion, there is a future in bitcoin because if there's no future in bitcoin then it won't reach $15,000 today which is a good sign to all of us. Another thing is that, this bitcoin gives future to the individual especially to those students who's looking forward to earn money. For me, Bitcoin itself is a future.
December 13, 2017, 01:35:16 AM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? I bet back in year 2009, people were asking the same questions. The good thing about them is some of them tried it, and look at where they are now, a bunch of millionaires. So, if we just keep asking, we'll end up regretting. Now, is a good time to do it because bitcoin and the other crypto currencies as well are gaining people's interest. Yes this is an opportunity we should make the most of it. do not be too focused to see the condition of others because it can make us hampered. if we believe in bitcoin then we should keep trying to invest in Bitcoin, it is proven that now more and more people become successful after knowing Bitcoin. If there is any negative news then learn it first and once again that it should never be easy to be affected. es of course bitcoin have a bright future and we can judge this by the demand rate as we are judging that the rate of bitcoin is increasing and this is because of increasing demand of bitcoin and in future the demand will be increased more and more.