November 18, 2017, 08:45:07 AM |
Your question was in May 2017. And you can see until now, Bitcoin continues to grow though there are many difficulties. Market cap is more than $120 billion now. Unbelievable!
Well, it will actually end one day but the problem is how and when will it happen. Don’t mind people that says it will last forever. If you have the chance today, you better invest now that it is still new and fresh and when things are getting out of hands. Bitcoin has a limit and that’s 21 million, and I believe about close 16 or 17 million has already been mined. So that means we have about 5, 4 million remaining to be mined. They said it will finish on 2022 (correct if I’m wrong) that means 1 million will be mined every year from now.
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 250
—RUSHMOON — Automatic LP & Yield Farm & AMM on BSC
November 18, 2017, 09:56:50 AM |
Bitcoin have great future coming. Stock investors start to invest to bitcoin, when they FOMO with bitcoin, who know what happen 

Activity: 108
Merit: 10
November 18, 2017, 11:24:48 AM |
bitcoin dont have a future... cause bitcoin is the future! as technology improves, bitcoin will follow! i could not stop thinking about the life ahead with currency that can be accessable virtually, just for example. skipping all the lines to pay your bills, paying your meal without waiting for the waiter, sending money to others, and taking the whole control of your account! well' there is so much to say bout bitcoin
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
November 18, 2017, 12:44:33 PM |
many good news now make all think it will have future amazon , rich men , some trusted sites now try to support bitcoins
Jr. Member
Activity: 53
Merit: 10
November 18, 2017, 01:25:51 PM |
I have always believed in the future development of bitcoin. Currently in the world everyday there are many transactions made through bitcoin. With limited numbers, I think bitcoin will surpass all of the molds that people have set.
November 18, 2017, 01:34:36 PM |
bitcoin dont have a future... cause bitcoin is the future! as technology improves, bitcoin will follow! i could not stop thinking about the life ahead with currency that can be accessable virtually, just for example. skipping all the lines to pay your bills, paying your meal without waiting for the waiter, sending money to others, and taking the whole control of your account! well' there is so much to say bout bitcoin
Bitcoin created this adventure clearly and it will be the dominating one in the future. If governments allows the usage of bitcoin, we'll see much from it. The adoption of the society is getting increasing every single day. We see bitcoin on the news, newspapers, TV, everywhere.
November 18, 2017, 01:46:21 PM |
ofc, bitcoin have bright future always up and up to the moon day by days
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Activity: 378
Merit: 55
Be Good to me!
November 18, 2017, 02:53:16 PM |
I just read on Btcjam blog that they are closing down: https://blog.btcjam.com/2017/05/25/btcjam-is-closing/, now I am just wondering if big players in thebitcoin industry are closing down, is there any future for bitcoin really. I came to know about bitcoin through btcjam when i was introduced there to borrow. Eve in this forum, looks most signature campaigns might close down because of the ever rising price of bitcoin. Most of them have reduced their payout amounts for posting by more than 50%. Is this a good sign or a bad sign for the bitcoin development? Yes bitcoin has the potential to make people change life.Only bitcoin l know that people will make rich easily.Only bitcoin now will give future to all people.Although we all know that earning money is you have to work for it. You can't earn money without effort done."no work no pay" But bitcoin is real even price is volatile.But it's important to monitor the price because that's the way for you to sold your bitcoin and it might multiply 10 times or more if the value of bitcoin is expensive.Thats why many bitcoiners depends on bitcoin price for their future.lf bitcoin promote to all the world this will become the powerful currency.lf United Nations unite to do bitcoin as bitcoin as world currency for orderliness of the world and to implement also the one world government means the world unite for only one world order to control all over the world.
November 18, 2017, 03:39:38 PM |
It has a future because of the movements of bitcoin that keeps giving bitcoin a positive progress. Bitcoin is one of the most powerful cryptocurrency in the internet and that is why a lot of people are thinking of going into bitcoin and if almost all the people in the internet goes into bitcoin then it will result for a huge increase for making the future of bitcoin even brighter.
November 18, 2017, 04:06:36 PM |
According to me it is understating to ask whether bitcoin has a future or not because bitcoin would dominate every other mode of online payment and be the end of all banks. In simple terms the future belongs to bitcoin,it was the websites mistake due to which they had to take such drastic counter measures,which does not affect bitcoins in any way.
Sr. Member
Activity: 440
Merit: 250
November 18, 2017, 04:40:32 PM |
Certainly, Bitcoin always goes up in the long term. It is a future of cryptocurrency. There is no reasonable doubt about that.
Kazi Sajib
Full Member
Activity: 527
Merit: 100
For mistek Stuff i got red trust,not my fault
November 18, 2017, 06:07:33 PM |
yes bitcoin have a good future, day by day bitcoin price is increasing so don't waste your time & work with bitcoin
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1002
November 18, 2017, 06:41:15 PM |
Of course bitcoin has a future and it's a good future, Although bitcoin prices are very unstable but it's a unique character and day by day more and more people are interested in bitcoin and investing in bitcoin.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1010
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
November 18, 2017, 08:01:23 PM |
bitcoin dont have a future... cause bitcoin is the future! as technology improves, bitcoin will follow! i could not stop thinking about the life ahead with currency that can be accessable virtually, just for example. skipping all the lines to pay your bills, paying your meal without waiting for the waiter, sending money to others, and taking the whole control of your account! well' there is so much to say bout bitcoin
At first i thought that you're another bitcoin hater Bitcoin is the future, but it will take many years till we can do all these things, bitcoin has to become even more popular than it is now so that more people would use it. It is impossible to pay for anything right now when fees are 10$!

Activity: 364
Merit: 10
November 18, 2017, 08:11:56 PM |
Bitcoin will be rising to a very high price in the future. See the mainstream adoption lately like CME, institutional traders, universities, restaurants, etc.
November 18, 2017, 11:45:55 PM Last edit: November 19, 2017, 12:29:43 AM by bncbnc |
It has a future because of the movements of bitcoin that keeps giving bitcoin a positive progress. Bitcoin is one of the most powerful cryptocurrency in the internet and that is why a lot of people are thinking of going into bitcoin and if almost all the people in the internet goes into bitcoin then it will result for a huge increase for making the future of bitcoin even brighter.
Bitcoin has a great future and i do not think that there is any doubt about the fact. In fact people are making bitcoin more reliable and trusted currency, because people are currency too much confident about investment in bitcoin, they even investing 100% assets in bitcoin, which is also making bitcoin more trusted, and making its future also too much bright.

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
November 19, 2017, 12:54:42 AM |
Did you say future?, bitcoin has become a global currency and will continue exist.
November 19, 2017, 01:05:19 AM |
Yes bitcoin have future, bitcoin price always increase time by time it is prove bitcoin is really have good future. Personally I believe to put my investment into bitcoin, bitcoin really valuable now and I hope in the future most people will recognize bitcoin as the international currency that dominates the digital and real world.

Activity: 350
Merit: 15
November 19, 2017, 01:11:40 AM |
Yes Bitcoin has a future believe me or not. it will adopt it by any human in the planet for next few years. massive adoptation of central banks will push through. Governments will help their citizen to use bitcoin for transactions
November 19, 2017, 02:17:49 AM |
There is no question in my mind that bitcoin is going to have a bright future because this year alone, a lot of challenges have been put against the bitcoin, but it has recovered beautifully. So assuming a bigger challenge would take place again, for me it will just like the previous attempt on it. Bitcoin will just smile and recovered and can go even higher as the previous price. With that said, bitcoin will have a very bright future.