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Author Topic: [Unofficial] - new microwallet  (Read 101007 times)
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July 14, 2018, 12:21:21 PM

I have used coinpot for so long and have not had any problems besides the usual downtime. I made a withdraw of 214 doge yesterday and received my coins this morning. this is the doge payments sent out by coinpot this morning.

I was also getting the 404 error on but seems to be working now for me.
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July 14, 2018, 01:46:42 PM

Did 5 Withdraw request yesterday and all paid today !
i don't have any problem with mail confirmation (may be the problem comes from your email and not coinpot), i do 5 withdraw every wednesday.
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July 14, 2018, 02:30:09 PM

Withdrawal (14.07.2018)
0.00013482 BTC ($0.84)
0.00012273 BTC ($0.76)
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July 14, 2018, 04:16:12 PM

scam, I feel no good right now about susspended account.hope for good somehow

Clearly not a scam - see above. Get over it.

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July 14, 2018, 05:21:45 PM
Last edit: July 14, 2018, 05:38:52 PM by nathan566

I have been a coinpot user and member of all their faucet sites since a long time. I've made plenty of withdrawals and deposits before.
As usual, I made a withdraw 2 days ago, but this time they have cancelled it after about 48 hours saying they will neither pay it nor credit it back to my account. It's a scam

Please note I have not violated their terms of service to the slightest. I made a small dogecoin deposit and convered it to BTC and asked for a withdraw. They cancelled the withdraw and stole my Dogecoin / BTC.

I can still use my account and it's not suspended. This means that they can still accept deposits from me just fine without any problem.

Stay away from this SCAM!

Just to know, I attempted to withdraw few days ago, the withdrawal was cancelled with a message stating that I have violated the terms and the account is blocked. Of course this is not true, I never violated the terms and the account is not blocked (claims from faucets still goes into it and i can login without problems). The money were not given back so as of now they stole about 40 dollars from my account.
To be honest, I did another withdraw in january and all went well.
Maybe they loose too much with the tokens that have to get the money back somehow. - NOW IS 100% SCAM!

Blocked all my payments without explanation and any reasons, support service is not responding about 10 days.

They stole all the coins.


100% not a scam.

Oh not..?
So what do you call blocking and losing payments left right and centre without so much as a 'Fuck you very much!' in reply to Emails and queries here?

Either they pay everyone and explain why those blocked or lost or whatever payments violate their TOS, or they are a big fat fucking scam!
You know it.  I know it.  Everybody knows it!
The fact that you may be getting your payments does not change the facts and only makes you and similar posts sound like paid plants.

That said; everyone complaining about it here and then going off to sulk isn't helping.  A plan needs to be made.

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July 14, 2018, 08:44:40 PM

Crap they also canceled my withdraw

Withdrawal of 111.02717621 doge to ....

Withdrawal of 0.003 ltc to .....

those withdraw send to FH  i have no problem withdraw till now

why i not call them SCAM ?
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July 14, 2018, 09:02:35 PM

The exact same happens to me after begin long timer user since before coinpot

I have to called scam !!!!!

There cancel my account without any explanation and do not reply the 4 emails what i send asking why my account is suspended !!!! 
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July 15, 2018, 07:45:11 AM

Definitely turned into a SCAM, withdrew 200k sats a few days ago and just realized it was cancelled just now for "violating terms". Even though I've been doing the same routine the entire time.

If you aren't suspended yet, withdraw everything and don't look back. Wasted so much time.
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July 15, 2018, 10:04:12 AM

Withdrawal of 0.00637951 btc to 1MtfjqgrEPYG1gLpP8tjqLzAvTvjJvWgr
0.00637951 ($40.27)
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July 15, 2018, 11:28:54 AM

is still safe using faucets? my computer detected virus and had to stopped it because of the risks
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July 15, 2018, 12:30:51 PM

is still safe using faucets? my computer detected virus and had to stopped it because of the risks

there are many old major faucets out there like the faucet s all trusted and without viruses o0 ?
Also  is totaly safe !

kidn regards
LTU_btc (OP)
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July 15, 2018, 09:20:56 PM

is still safe using faucets? my computer detected virus and had to stopped it because of the risks
Are you talking about Coinpot? Well, there are no viruses on their faucets. You may get warning from antivirus because they have hidden Monero miner.
Talking about other faucets - yes, there are some risks to get virus, some faucets have malicious ads.

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July 16, 2018, 06:49:56 AM

Not getting confirmation emails again.
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July 16, 2018, 10:38:55 AM

I deeply and highly encourage the webmaster of moon* sites at looking into a potentially dangerous campaign that is running on their popunders that manages to make to download a "crypto_blocker_.bat.exe" (or similar name). This is not a fake HTML/DIV layer as already seen in fake Notification popups or fake reCaptchas. This is a file download popup and also automatically executes itself somehow, at least on Firefox, but Windows manages to block it fortunately.

This is very dangerous and should be looked into it asap.

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July 16, 2018, 11:32:29 AM

Call me a cynic, but all those posts above from alleged newbies with one post to their name all shouting the same negative message about CoinPot suggest one idiot who's probably set up multiple accounts here who got caught breaching the Coinpot Ts&Cs (perhaps by setting up multiple accounts) and is now crying about it.
Please, get over it and move on. Maybe don't do the same thing at the next site you sign up to and then you won't have any problems?

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July 16, 2018, 12:28:47 PM

If coinpot was a scam I doubt any of us would be getting payed. I've been continuously making withdraws all week with no problems. Never had a problem with coinpot besides the downtime. Makes me think the problem is on the users end and not coinpots.
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July 16, 2018, 05:16:08 PM

Call me a cynic, but all those posts above from alleged newbies with one post to their name all shouting the same negative message about CoinPot suggest one idiot who's probably set up multiple accounts here who got caught breaching the Coinpot Ts&Cs (perhaps by setting up multiple accounts) and is now crying about it.
Please, get over it and move on. Maybe don't do the same thing at the next site you sign up to and then you won't have any problems?

im no idiot
no have double or triple account on coinpot
but my withdraw is cancelled and my account suspended (in active with no problem)
my bitcoin is gone
no reply at mail
this is call idiot users......

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July 17, 2018, 01:24:52 AM

This is posted on CoinPot:

An update about increased fraud/cheating
Posted: 2018-07-16 09:00 UTC
(Please note: the post below applies to CoinPot and to the 7 faucets that make up our network)

We have been running faucets succesfully for over 4 years now and one of the biggest time-consuming challenges is fighting back against fraud/cheating. We classify fraud/cheating as many things, including (but not limited to) any of the following...

Bots, and any other kind of automated claiming
Our main source of funding is advertising, without this funding we cannot maintain out high payout rates to users. Automated claiming bypasses our adverts and if we allowed it would mean we have much lower funds available.

Multiple accounts
Cheaters will often try to create multiple accounts, using different email addresses, IP addresses etc. This is against our rules - we allow one account per person. Fortunately this is actually very easy for us to detect - but it still goes on and means we have to spend time and money fighting against it.

Abusing the system
In other words trying to work around our rules, or find loopholes in how it works to attempt to claim more. Obviously any time we discover any such loop hole we will close it, but again this is time consuming and often we can only spot this after it has happened.

The current situation
Unfortunately over the last few weeks and months we have seen a significant increase in all these types of fraud/cheating. Its not hard to find evidence (on forums etc) that other big faucets and faucet networks are facing the same problems. In fact one of the biggest faucets around,, has significantly changed their model recently because of these problems - away from advertising revenue and now depend on gambling and users holding account balances, to prove they are genuine users. has been around on the faucet scene as long as we have, so for them to take these steps is proof that this problem is serious. Also another big faucet network, faucethub has also created an internal system to detect and fight against fraud.

We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure that CoinPot (and our faucets) can keep running. If we allow fraud and cheaters to be successful then we would very quickly go out of business. We have faced a choice to either continue fighting cheaters, or close up shop so that no-one can use our systems any more. Hopefully you will be happy to hear that our decision is to continue, but we need your help and support with this.

This is the current process...

Users register and claim via our faucets and use CoinPot to manage their "pots"
When users request withdrawal they are told that this can take up to 48 hours (the average turnaround is actually around 10 hours and often less)
During this time we run our automated CPFA system (see below) to detect any fraudulent patterns of use.
Any accounts that are detected by CPFA, are then MANUALLY double-checked to make sure we havent made a mistake. If we confirm and agree that the use is fraudulent/cheating then the accounts are suspended - which means withdrawal is cancelled.
For everyone else (i.e. our honest users), we make the payouts as requested.
More about CPFA (CoinPot Fraud Analysis)
Our bespoke, background CPFA system has been gradually developed over the last few years and currently consists of over 140 scripts and pattern detection utilities. It is continually growing and being refined, as we discover new ways for people to try to cheat! We have a huge amount of confidence that this system is accurate at separating the good guys from the bad guys. Obviously we cant go into a lot of detail about what these 140 odd scripts actually do, as this would give a big advantage to scammers who could try to bypass this system - but in most cases it should be fairly obvious.

How can you help?
So in summary, we are simply asking you to stick by the rules and then we can ensure CoinPot continues its success, and that you can benefit from that. We would also be very happy if you could post about your positive CoinPot experiences (including successful withdrawals) in reddit/forums etc - simply to counterbalance the negative stuff posted by the fraudsters and cheaters who we have caught out!

Our promises to you
In return we will make the following promises...

If you are a genuine, honest user who sticks by the rules...

We will keep CoinPot running smoothly - making improvements and increasing claim rates as often as possible
We will pay out any withdrawals within 48 hours when requested
We will promptly respond to any support questions you might have via email (
If you are a scammer/cheater/bot...

We will detect your abuse and suspend your account.
We will not payout any withdrawal requests to you - meaning loss of funds and that you have wasted a lot of time claiming and using the system.
We will not enter into any correspondence (email etc) with you as this is just a waste of our resources. If you are a cheater and you try to contact us, please dont be surprised that we dont reply, and please take this a sign that we have detected your abuse and we don't want you to further use our systems.
We hope that this clarifies the situation as much as possible, and gives you confidence to continue using CoinPot. If you play nice then we want you here! Smiley


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July 17, 2018, 05:07:49 AM

We will promptly respond to any support questions you might have via email (

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July 17, 2018, 05:12:02 AM

Ok ok, I read this post, but they still not credited my 0,42 LTC DEPOSIT to my coinpot account and I still not understand why ?

LTC address : 32d6j8dofPD5uGVw6r2wDwb1652VeqD4qh

I’m waiting since more than 2 weeks and transaction is confirmed ...

Any idea ?
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