Innosilicon support is sending me a MicroSD slot for my A5 so I can flash it. Until it arrives I have found a way to mine through telnet.
1. telnet port 8100
2. login root, password innot1t2
3. cd /home/inno_tools
4. vi
5. change innosilicons pool to your pool settings.
Note: if your password has spaces in it such as N=5 D=16 then in the text put "N=5 D=16" that way the spaces aren't recognized as a new command
6. type: ./
The script should fire up and start mining to the pool you chose. You have to leave telnet open on the computer you used to access the device or it will stop mining. I am using a raspberry pi to hold the connection so it isn't to much of a problem.
DASH: Xb8zzkSS8pz2bjW3g8njXcZTcPsxYj67Wi
BTC: 153uddffSCJY2uWCF2NNF8Q9rH4BRZtZke
LTC: LPxaqFC2EtwWsMC5MRmSFo9F5fGK395oar
no need for the Pi
just run the command with nohup
example " nohup sh /home/inno_tools/"
or you can set the miner script to autostart vie crond
Enable crond for scheduled tasks
telnet to your Miner IP and port 8100 with root and your new password
cp /etc/init.d/rcS /etc/init.d/rcS.bk
type "vi /etc/init.d/rcS"
press "i" to enable edit mode
add a line at before the telnet line "crond -c /home/inno_tools/Crontab"
presss "esc" then ":wq" to save the changes
type "mkdir /home/inno_tools/Crontab"
type "crontab -c /home/inno_tools/Crontab -e"
press "i" to enable edit mode
add your scheduled tasks in the cron format
example "@reboot sh /home/inno_tools/"
presss "esc" then ":wq" to save the changes
type "crond -c /home/inno_tools/Crontab"