Full Member
Activity: 219
Merit: 121
Lethean Developer
August 18, 2017, 05:30:17 PM |
Font made slightly larger to enhance readability vs standard posts from the community: Yes, as noted by many, our pool is DEAD again. Perhaps this was actually something best left alone. The code update that got the pool running again appeared promising, but clearly we still have issues. We did warn you that this pool was still considered experimental so hopefully that bought us some understanding from you all. I've spent the last several hours trying to debug things without having great success. There are many moving parts between the pool, the daemon, the wallet, etc.
I'm going to reiterate at this point that pool operations may be something best left to the pros. The Intense hosted pool forked around block 1509 because it, once again, produced a bad payment transaction. Anyone now mining on other pools, or solo, will be moving aside our pool fork - which got up to block 1591, but the bad transaction in 1509 means nobody else will 'recognize' those coins in the blockchain.
I'm really sorry for anyone that used hashing power from blocks 1509 to 1591 on our pool because those blocks are more than likely never going to confirm due to the bad transaction. I did put another request out to the dev that helped rectify the pool previously, so perhaps he can be of assistance again.
At this time the smart thing is for the Intense team to adopt our previous position and say, "We are clearly not good at hosting a pool and need to move on to other things."
I'll try to reinstate the pool if I hear back from the other dev but please don't count on mining at the Intense hosted/sponsored pool.
Activity: 97
Merit: 10
August 18, 2017, 05:30:51 PM |
I am trying the new pool posted above with a few workers to test it =)
It fake. I tried for 1 hour, did not intense FAKE pool ? Seriously that's so boring, i tried 3 pools, when it's not the coin, it's the pool broken. Let's go on ZEC again, shitcoin You can see that for the first block mine on pool "1521 35 to go 22214680" So after 35 blocks mined on network you will see balance update.
August 18, 2017, 05:45:56 PM |
Hi, I am trying to mine using pool However getting error messages that API bind to port 4048 failed and startum connection failed to port 4444. Is the pool currently down? Thanks
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
August 18, 2017, 05:48:55 PM |
Hi, I am trying to mine using pool However getting error messages that API bind to port 4048 failed and startum connection failed to port 4444. Is the pool currently down? Thanks yes. it is closed
August 18, 2017, 06:06:17 PM |
Ah ok. Hopefully the issue with pool and wallet gets resolved soon. I am still not able to launch wallet because of missing dll even though I have 2017 visual c++ redistributable package. I was install wallet using command line though.
I like the idea behind this coin. VPN coin is kinda similar if I remember correctly but it is POS only.
Full Member
Activity: 219
Merit: 121
Lethean Developer
August 18, 2017, 06:09:21 PM |
Ah ok. Hopefully the issue with pool and wallet gets resolved soon. I am still not able to launch wallet because of missing dll even though I have 2017 visual c++ redistributable package. I was install wallet using command line though.
I like the idea behind this coin. VPN coin is kinda similar if I remember correctly but it is POS only.
Did you install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the VS2017 runtimes?
Also, there were some concerns about inaccuracies displayed in your 'to be paid' amount in the compensation page. These incorrect values have been updated. Just re-submit the page to see the new value, but even if you don't resubmit, you will still be paid the correct amount.
Sr. Member
Activity: 580
Merit: 253
August 18, 2017, 06:19:49 PM |
any pool work for this coin?
As of this moment, Solo mining or configuring your own pool are your two options. solo mining is too heavy for me Hi guys, Would you like to try our pool: happy mining! Just received first payment thank you
Activity: 60
Merit: 0
August 18, 2017, 06:25:31 PM |
any pool work for this coin?
As of this moment, Solo mining or configuring your own pool are your two options. solo mining is too heavy for me Hi guys, Would you like to try our pool: happy mining! Just received first payment thank you me too! -TC
August 18, 2017, 06:43:41 PM |
any pool work for this coin?
As of this moment, Solo mining or configuring your own pool are your two options. solo mining is too heavy for me Hi guys, Would you like to try our pool: happy mining! Just received first payment thank you me too! -TC Does the pool list on the wallet? Or just a balance on the pool?
Ho, вoт, чтo интepecнo, были y ниx дeньги, и кoличecтвo этиx дeнeг нe yмeньшaлocь и нe yвeличивaлocь. Cдeлaны oни были дaвным-дaвнo из мeтaллa нepжaвeющeгo и тяжeлoгo. И были oни пo фopмe в видe пиpaмидoк, и нe былo нa ниx ни цифp, ни бyкв, тoлькo блecк. Oтлил иx зoлoтыx дeл мacтep, пo зaкaзy cтapeйшин oпpeдeлeннoe кoличecтвo. Пpи этoм, кoличecтвo пиpaмидoк былo тaкoe, чтoбы вceм xвaтaлo. И cтapым, и мaлым, и, ecтecтвeннo Зpeлым. Macтep yмep, a ceкpeт изгoтoвлeния дeнeг был yтepян. Taк чтo в этoй cтpaнe, кoличecтвo дeнeг ocтaвaлocь пocтoянным. И нe былo coблaзнa иx yвeличивaть или yмeньшaть.
Cтяжaтeльcтвo зa этим нapoдoм cкaзoчным нe вoдилocь, и дeньги xpaнилиcь в дeтcкиx кoмнaтax. Дeтвopa любили c ними игpaть, нe ocoзнaвaя, чтo этo мepa oбмeнa, и чтo в кaждoй пиpaмидкe ecть дoля тpyдa иx poдитeлeй. Чтo в пиpaмидкe зaключeнa нeкaя энepгия, кoтopyю мoжнo oбмeнять нa eдy, oдeждy и пpoчиe цeннocти. Ho oднaжды cлyчилocь нeoбъяcнимoe… У ceмьи xлeбoпёкoв дeньги в нoчь oднy иcчeзли caмым cтpaнным oбpaзoм. Beчepoм eщё были, a yтpoм иx нe cтaлo. Cнaчaлa дyмaли, чтo кpaжa этo, нo дeньги эти тaк и нe вcплыли нигдe. Hиктo нe cтaл пoкyпaть пpoвизии и oдeжды бoльшe, дa и y тpaктиpщикoв выpyчкa нe yвeличилacь.
Из oбopoтa гopoдcкoгo пpимepнo чeтвepть дeнeг иcчeзлa, чтo cкaзaлocь нa дeлax тopгoвo-финaнcoвыx. И cocтoялcя cxoд cтapeйшин, и былo пpинятo peшeниe yпpaзднить дeньги. Paз тaкoe пpoизoшлo oдин paз, тo этo вeдь мoжeт и пoвтopитьcя? И cтaли люди жить бeз дeнeг. Heпpивычнo этo, кoнeчнo, нo cтaли. A имeющиecя дeньги-пиpaмидки y вcex coбpaли, пepecчитaли, дa и пoд aмбapный зaмoк.
И нaчaлcя тoвapo-ycлyгa-oбмeн. Oбмeнивaли oни peзyльтaты cвoeгo тpyдa дpyг y дpyгa, нo кaзaлocь им, чтo oни, кaждый в oтдeльнocти, yпycкaeт “cвoю выгoдy” в oбмeнe. Кaждый cтapaлcя paбoтaть пoмeньшe, a пoльзoвaтьcя peзyльтaтaми чyжoгo тpyдa пoбoльшe. И нaчaлcя yпaдoк.
Bидя этo, cтapeйшины нa oчepeднoм cxoдe peшили cлeдyющee: pacпилить пиpaмидки имeющиecя нa poвныe чacти и paздaть из в тoй пpoпopции, в кoтopoй oни были изъяты из oбopoтa. Taк и пocтyпили, тoлькo вoт ceмья xлeбoпeкoв ocтaлacь ни c чeм. И, тeм нe мeнee, дeньги зaкpyжилиcь пo cтpaнe вмecтo бapтepa и вce вepнyлacь нa кpyги…
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
August 18, 2017, 06:46:48 PM |
Claymore CPU Miner doesn't work, "invalid wallet adress".
Which software do you use guys please ? (CPU, not GPU)
Activity: 97
Merit: 10
August 18, 2017, 06:55:52 PM |
Claymore CPU Miner doesn't work, "invalid wallet adress".
Which software do you use guys please ? (CPU, not GPU)
Do you have Windows X64? If it is, I recommend you
August 18, 2017, 07:05:23 PM |
Ah ok. Hopefully the issue with pool and wallet gets resolved soon. I am still not able to launch wallet because of missing dll even though I have 2017 visual c++ redistributable package. I was install wallet using command line though.
I like the idea behind this coin. VPN coin is kinda similar if I remember correctly but it is POS only.
Did you install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the VS2017 runtimes?
Also, there were some concerns about inaccuracies displayed in your 'to be paid' amount in the compensation page. These incorrect values have been updated. Just re-submit the page to see the new value, but even if you don't resubmit, you will still be paid the correct amount.Would it be possible for you to just include the two DLL files in the zip you provide for the windows wallet? I think that would be enough to make it work (I'm really not sure, but all I did was copy and paste the DLLs from another computer and it worked for me), and it might save a lot of headache in explaining the need to install the VS2017 runtimes to people. Anything that makes it easier to use is a good thing!
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
August 18, 2017, 07:11:19 PM |
I am also receiving invalid wallet with Claymore GPU Miner when trying to connect to pool. I am able to open wallet fine.
August 18, 2017, 07:14:32 PM |
The new pool seems to be working great... if it remains stable all weekend I'll kick in a big chunk more hashing power on Monday.
August 18, 2017, 07:15:18 PM |
Ah ok. Hopefully the issue with pool and wallet gets resolved soon. I am still not able to launch wallet because of missing dll even though I have 2017 visual c++ redistributable package. I was install wallet using command line though.
I like the idea behind this coin. VPN coin is kinda similar if I remember correctly but it is POS only.
Did you install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the VS2017 runtimes?
Also, there were some concerns about inaccuracies displayed in your 'to be paid' amount in the compensation page. These incorrect values have been updated. Just re-submit the page to see the new value, but even if you don't resubmit, you will still be paid the correct amount.Thanks that worked. Sorry must've have missed the instruction on installing both the packages for 64 bit and 32 bit. Now wallet is up and running. Thanks again
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
August 18, 2017, 07:21:44 PM |
Thank you, perfect
Activity: 97
Merit: 10
August 18, 2017, 07:22:55 PM |
I am also receiving invalid wallet with Claymore GPU Miner when trying to connect to pool. I am able to open wallet fine.
For CPU miner I recommend CPUminer-multi Verify that you are config correctly the miner cpuminer -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOURADDRESS -p x
August 18, 2017, 07:25:47 PM |
The new pool seems to be working great... if it remains stable all weekend I'll kick in a big chunk more hashing power on Monday.
same here, running smoothly and I'm receiving consistent payouts let's wait it out for a few more days then get into real gear
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
August 18, 2017, 07:26:57 PM |
NsGpuCNMiner.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet_add -p x
August 18, 2017, 07:28:48 PM |
The new pool seems to be working great... if it remains stable all weekend I'll kick in a big chunk more hashing power on Monday.
same here, running smoothly and I'm receiving consistent payouts let's wait it out for a few more days then get into real gear You guys are mining? On the official pool?