A way to possibly revive Primecoin.
Distribution is poor and starting from scratch with improvements might help shift the crypto economy away from turdcoins.
1) Hardfork with all of the current coins reduced down to 1/10,000th of a primecoin. This will clean up the richlist within a few weeks and make it have a more fair history
https://chainz.cryptoid.info/xpm/#rich2) Emission slowly should increase as time passes in order to discourage financial predation. That's the opposite of most coins and the big thing that lets gangs hijack turdcoins like bitcoin. Every several years the coin would need to lose a zero or two if emission is increasing, 10 coins would become 1.
3) Have the 'prime number search' be a module within the wallet that anybody can fiddle with i.e., create a new algorithm for. The obvious problem would be validating the primes that were found. The obvious benefit would be new techniques for finding primes. All of these modules should be open source, but maybe pay a small fee to the person who designs the module, for a few hundred blocks.
4) If the 'prime search' module could be replaced with algorithms unrelated to primes and if the process were simple enough for an 'almost graduated high school' crowd, then anybody could clone or fork the coin to develop or search for whatever they want. When more complicated 'sciences' are involved then small gangs would be needed to develop modules that worked on more complicated things than simple prime searches.
This would help jumpstart the ai economy and make people more aware of the difference between fake ai which is software and real ai which is using a network to accelerate a science.
It's a terrible thing to wipe out the value of all the primecoins that exist already but it's probably the only way to move primecoin into the future as a viable coin. Coin squatting, buying up and hoarding coins to sell when the value goes up is the same as domain squatting, except that domain squatters only make money from the wealthy while coin squatters bleed money from everybody.