May 21, 2018, 11:59:54 AM Last edit: May 21, 2018, 12:34:49 PM by BitBustah |
So what do we do? You should understand that I am not mining with a few rigs but sending high amounts of hashpower from Nicehash, what guarantee do I have that this won't happen again? Because when it happens it's hundreds of dollars that evaporate.
Why don't you keep a small fund to cover for when you make a mistake like this? (Because a fork is a scheduled event, you should have known about it. If I were mining a particular coin I would have done the job of staying up to date but I am mining an algo on a multipool that controls where the power is sent and when).
You are not entitled to your earnings, especially when you are mining highly volatile coins. Too bad that this happened, but there is nothing you or the pool owner can do. The coin forked, you were on the wrong side of the chain, you lost your earnings. Shit like this happens all the time, get over it and perhaps try a different strategy next time. Don't expect for the pool to reimburse you for something that is out of their control. That's strange and funny in a way too. Because other pool owners (like the amazing owner of HashRefinery) will always announce forks, disable the coins, and/or will warn users. And this, weeks in advance. Edited to add: This message is currently displayed at HR: "Machinecoin (MAC) is undergoing a hard fork - there may be orphans and other problems until the chain settles down"

Activity: 413
Merit: 17
May 21, 2018, 04:58:54 PM |
That's strange and funny in a way too. Because other pool owners (like the amazing owner of HashRefinery) will always announce forks, disable the coins, and/or will warn users. And this, weeks in advance.
There are unexpected forks on which the pool operator can't react fast enough. Yes, it is good when they catch it fast enough, but shit like this happens regularly. I've lost days worth of mining because of such forks on nearly all pools, but there is nothing the pool operator can do except to get warned within minutes/an hour.
May 21, 2018, 07:12:30 PM |
That's strange and funny in a way too. Because other pool owners (like the amazing owner of HashRefinery) will always announce forks, disable the coins, and/or will warn users. And this, weeks in advance.
There are unexpected forks on which the pool operator can't react fast enough. Yes, it is good when they catch it fast enough, but shit like this happens regularly. I've lost days worth of mining because of such forks on nearly all pools, but there is nothing the pool operator can do except to get warned within minutes/an hour. And yet I have never lost a SINGLE cent at HashRefinery, Zpool, Ahashpool or MPH.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
May 21, 2018, 09:45:00 PM |
in version 5 there are errors with the algorithms x16r and x16s at the place of the put megahexes for unknown reason determines how GigaHeshi correct please!
в вepcии 5 ecть oшибки c aлгopитмaми x16r и x16s в мecтo пoлoжeнныx мeгaxeшeй пo нeизвecтнoй пpичинe oпpeдeляeт кaк ГигaXeши иcпpaвьтe пoжaлyйcтa!
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
May 22, 2018, 06:01:47 AM |
mining AIRIN but at some points I guess the wallet goes down and it starts mining another altcoin (feathercoin) which I don't even have a wallet for?
pinpins (OP)
May 22, 2018, 09:07:24 AM |
Hello Pinpins,
A substancial amount of money (about $700) has disappeared from my unpaid balance yesterday without explanation, it's basically all the Deeponion that I mined that day.
Please PUT BACK MY MONEY on the balance or send it directly to my address.
When you take that much money from one of your biggest miners at least an explanation is due. For all I know my money was STOLEN by the pool.
If for some technical reason on your side your pool has mined incorrectly (I am not aware of any fork) I expect a reimbursement and proper communication like proper pools do.
I have suspended my operations on your pool until this is sorted.
My BTC address: 33tQFU4HVR7rhsUxKHxkPDXmhQzAeY9qiE
Yeah, some explanation at least would be nice. I lost at least .001 BTC on this as well. Very disappointing. hello, unfortunatelly Deeponion got forked at time you mined :/ So what do we do? You should understand that I am not mining with a few rigs but sending high amounts of hashpower from Nicehash, what guarantee do I have that this won't happen again? Because when it happens it's hundreds of dollars that evaporate. Why don't you keep a small fund to cover for when you make a mistake like this? (Because a fork is a scheduled event, you should have known about it. If I were mining a particular coin I would have done the job of staying up to date but I am mining an algo on a multipool that controls where the power is sent and when). Trying to keep up to date on all wallets all the time, takes quite an effort, especially if some coins devs don't dare to announce the swaps and have limited communication on to it.
pinpins (OP)
May 22, 2018, 09:54:19 AM |
mining AIRIN but at some points I guess the wallet goes down and it starts mining another altcoin (feathercoin) which I don't even have a wallet for?
Hi, if you could PM your wallet address, will be happy to help pinpin
Activity: 167
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 11:20:26 AM |
is RVN coin down? Just disappeared from the x16r list, was there 1.5 hrs ago ?
May 24, 2018, 03:49:05 PM |
I'm getting a lot of "pool rejected share - reason: invalid job ID" on the Lyra2v2 port... whether I use ccminer or CryptoDredge.
Any ideas? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Not using any special parameters...
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
May 25, 2018, 12:10:53 PM |
there is no connection to the pool on the xevan algorithm! what are the forecasts for the restoration of communication? and what is the cause of the problem?
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
May 25, 2018, 12:43:36 PM |
Futuro (x11) no autotrade?
May 25, 2018, 04:39:27 PM |
Seems like a lot of things going wrong at this pool?
pinpins (OP)
May 25, 2018, 06:06:44 PM |
Futuro (x11) no autotrade?
we will enable it tomorrow for auto trade
pinpins (OP)
May 25, 2018, 06:07:03 PM |
there is no connection to the pool on the xevan algorithm! what are the forecasts for the restoration of communication? and what is the cause of the problem?
Could you please specify command line you use
pinpins (OP)
May 25, 2018, 06:08:00 PM |
1. There will be short downtime for 15mins on Saturday 26.05.2018 from 11:00-11:15 CET associated with HW maintenance
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
May 25, 2018, 07:42:47 PM |
Running Lyra2z algo with autotrade to BTC ,making profit 
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
May 26, 2018, 04:40:23 AM |
Hello! Algo x13, coin amount speedcash - 0.02 error, need amount 2!
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 476
Merit: 1
May 26, 2018, 06:32:00 PM |
Hello pool administrator! Add Azart coin! The X11 Algorithm. PoW+MN. The project started a few days ago, at the moment very profitable mining and masternodes! The main topic of the project here.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
May 26, 2018, 11:26:08 PM |
there is no connection to the pool on the xevan algorithm! what are the forecasts for the restoration of communication? and what is the cause of the problem?
Could you please specify command line you use already everything is in order. did not work for 20 hours
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
June 01, 2018, 11:23:06 AM |
Hi! Please unlock me at Discord! My PC was be compromised and sending a SPAM on the channel. Discord tag g0ldie#1707. Thx.