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Author Topic: [ANN] 💰⛏ 💰⛏ 💰⛏ ICE ROCK MINING ICO2 - LIFETIME PROFIT  (Read 37157 times)
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March 03, 2020, 11:55:28 AM
Last edit: March 03, 2020, 08:24:00 PM by btcsnippers

WOWWWWWWW so much LOL is going on here!
Haters go to Hell.
As usually ))))

Lie to people, rip them off, then laugh at them.

only at you LOL

Laughing at me? If you like.
Actually, you're laughing at all the misguided investors who gave $10m to a bunch of incompetents to play at mining, in the hope that they might actually get a return based on trusting you. What a mistake that was.
Your scheme has been a comedy of errors and underperformance, from which you personally have done alright (got yourself some crap motorbikes and a few Rolexes) but your investors victims have just turned into bagholders of a wash traded token now worth a few cents.
The only thing you got right was timing, and that was by accident.
Two years ago the crypto world was a different place, perfect for some amateurs like you to put a scheme together, with a fictional White Paper (which you abandoned almost immediately) to part FOMO sufferers from their money.

I simply pointed out (as did others) the overwhelming likelihood of what's happened since actually happening, by commenting on your more obvious complete lies.
Remember a few of the more ridiculous ones? Probably not, you've told so many.

ROI of 439% per year is easy to explain
In case of S9 miner we expect nearly 10-15$ per day, but very likely we will get much better miners that will deliver us more than 35$ in a day!
Ice Rock can be the first project using industrial new generation miners on its farm. ROI 700%

By the way, have you heard of something called the "halving"?

well there is that and awhole bunch more But .. where is the Detailed finacial report ?  how much is Left where money has gone  you know little things like that. 10 million isnt pocketchange so where did it all go ?

And you Pass on the biggest lie of all thats still part of the name ?? come on  Mining in a Ice Cave  No cooling needed ,  pretty much everyone called bullshit on that one right away and they where right.
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April 16, 2020, 04:00:01 PM

"😷😷😷Cнaпшoт бyдeт 13 aпpeля в  13.00 +6GMT

Snapshot of ROCK2 holder wallets will be in the 13th of April at 13:00 GMT+6😷😷😷

имeннo в этo вpeмя вaм нeoбxoдимo:

1) Дepжaть вce вaши тoкeны ROCK2 в вaшиx кoшeлькax, к кoтopыми вы имeeтe дocтyп (y вac ecть пpивaтный ключ)


2) Ecли вы дepжитe тoкeны ROCK2 нa биpжax, и т. Д., Пoжaлyйcтa, oтпpaвьтe тoкeны  в cвoй личный кoшeлeк (к кoтopoмy ecть пpивaтный ключ) и дepжитe иx тaм.

exactly at this time, you need to:

1) HOLD all your  ROCK2 tokens in your wallets that you own (you have a private key)
2) If you are holding ROCK2 tokens on, and etc. balances, please withdraw them to your personal wallet and HOLD them there.

Пoжaлyйcтa пoймитe вcю кoмaндy IRM, ceйчac cлoжнoe вpeмя из-зa кapaнтинa вo вceй cтpaнe и вo вceм миpe, бepeгитe ceбя и cвoи ceмьи😷😷😷, мы пpилaгaeм вce ycилия чтoбы быть нa плaвy.

Haм нeoбxoдимa вaшa пoддepжкa и пoнимaниe.  Mы нaдeeмcя вce oбpaзyeтcя.

Please understand the whole IRM team, now it’s a difficult time because of quarantine throughout the country and around the world, take care of yourself and your families😷😷😷, we are working hard to stay afloat.

 We need your support and understanding.

We hope everything will be ok."

Working hard to stay afloat  Right Right you mean you burnt through the 10 mil in investors funds and now you are having a hard time staying afloat ?  maybe its time to go around with the Hat ask for some DONATIONS .. or maybe Sell your Bikes .
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August 02, 2020, 08:52:27 AM

WOWWWWWWW so much LOL is going on here!

Haters go to Hell.

As usually ))))

Have to agree there are a lot of people here who can not separate market altcoin  moves with ROCK2 coin prices.
To all those who think Ice Rock is doing a poor job please go Google search  all the other group mining ICOs (excluding cloud and hash contract ICOs) . There have been several but so far Ice Rock Mining is one of the few true successes. One of the few projects of this type to move their project this far with miners and dividends. While you may not be happy with returns the IRM team have worked a lot to make their farm a reality.
If you are complaining about IRM can you imagine how investors of Swissalps mining, Hydrominer, Moonlite or Terraminer feel. All crypto miners with no dividend payouts (and all these projects started before or at the same time as Ice Rock but where are they now?) .

"Dear holders!

 Due to the lack of profit on the s9 miners, we were forced to turn them off.  The electricity bill came out with a negative value. There are also costs of wages for farm operators and other repair costs.  85% of the team is currently sick with Covid in various forms.  The situation with medicines is very difficult , there are no basic medicines. We are in a quarantine.  We hope everything will be fine."

85% has covid i guess they where showering together uh all the miners turned off due to lack of profit Just when btc is going up.   .. How much did they payout per token over the its life span ?
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August 11, 2020, 04:07:49 PM

"Dear holders!

 Due to the lack of profit on the s9 miners, we were forced to turn them off.  The electricity bill came out with a negative value. There are also costs of wages for farm operators and other repair costs.  85% of the team is currently sick with Covid in various forms.  The situation with medicines is very difficult , there are no basic medicines. We are in a quarantine.  We hope everything will be fine."

85% has covid i guess they where showering together uh all the miners turned off due to lack of profit Just when btc is going up.   .. How much did they payout per token over the its life span ?

The electricity bill came out with a negative value? Good thing the miners are installed in an ice cave, which negates the need for cooling fans and drastically reduces the electricity bill, and in Kazakhstan which has extremely cheap electricity, am I right???

I'm ashamed to say that I was conned by the promised profits which were posted on their website, but I'm so glad I sold out of this project at the beginning before I lost too much money. I would be surprised if anyone sees a return of even 1% of what they invested. What are they going to do with a warehouse full of miners that are too expensive to operate?
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August 14, 2020, 10:30:49 AM

"I want to say "THANK YOU" to anyone who has supported our project in the ico period and for the whole time. Please share your thoughts and ideas on how we can renovate our company and build a sustainable cashflow. The team is ready to do all kinds of tasks."

lol .. you should have done this Right after you got the money not when it runs out ..
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August 14, 2020, 03:39:00 PM

Not because you disagree with me its the things you disagree about.
ok you tell me you do the math what does 1000 s9 pay today after this btc spike and how much do you get divided by 15.000.000 tokens.
I know the answer do you ?

A single antminer S9 can currently yeild  ~0.02341693 BTC. So 1,000 s9's running without any down time, in theory should yield 23.4 BTC each month.  

This BTC is split between the team and token holders.  With token holders supposedly getting 50% as the "investors profit share".

23.4 / 2 =  11.7 BTC
So 11.7 BTC for the token holders  each month.
11.7 x ~11,000 USD  = $128,700

Coinmarket cap shows a circulating supply of 15,724,272 ROCK2  tokens.

If we assume that all 15 million are held by retail  and get a portion then

128,700/15million =  0.00858 cents USD per token held

Assuming you hold 1,000 ROCK2 then the dividend yeild is $8.58.  

How is my math?  

The fact that IRM used "puffery"  (its is a legal term) in its ICO is nothing new. Many over promoted their ICOs to generate interest. Not saying it was right or ethical (from a business viewpoint).  And lots of mis-information as I do not ever remember IRM PROMISING massive ROI.  There calculation was correct based on a series of (flawed) assumptions. If anyone actually believed their ROI calculator that was not set up in real time then they were not thinking very much about their investment (ie. they clearly "cherry picked" the best numbers to vastly inflate the predicted static ROI).  There is the old saying, "If it seems to be too good to be true, it probably is".  

Does all the BS and questionable management from IRM matter to me.... Not really as all the other coins I hold pay me nothing.  For me this is a longer term hold, I will exit with a profit eventually. Simply by buying more ROCK2 with each month with my earned dividend I am slowly  dollar cost averaging down. I will eventually escape this crypto trade with minimal losses. Other than constant complaining what is your strategy to leave this trade with profit?  If you are focussed on everything the company is doing wrong then you are a poor trader as you aren't focusing on your money and your exit strategies... nothing else matters.  Good luck.

You where good a math right , How long will it take for 1 rock to payout one usd in the current situation ?
Leif D
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August 24, 2020, 11:17:16 AM

The website is down. No updated on their YouTube channel, only one reason man. Forget about your investment.
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August 30, 2020, 08:51:46 AM

The website is down. No updated on their YouTube channel, only one reason man. Forget about your investment.

combination of outright lies and incompetence .. well at least the "team" paid themselves nice salaries for a few years. and has a ton of "free" miners now if you dont have to share with investors its decent money.
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