You mentioned that a part of your NxtCommunityfund will be paid on marketing....you should initiate this immediately....we run two separate marketing campaigns.
Let both marketing campaigns compete to product more results for Nxt.
IMHO there needs to be
one consolidated NXT marketing plan and it needs to be written out on a Google spreadsheet and it needs to have cost per thousand impressions (CPM) estimates for each line and this spreadsheet needs to be out there and commented on before any treasurer issues another NXT for marketing expenses. IMHO. However, if James directs this, then I will disburse as authorized.
Can I please see some +1s ?
The respective committees decides on expenditures. The treasurers for the three committees performs escrow function. So, if you are on the marketing committee you will be able to influence marketing expenditures
I think we are getting very close to some clarity in the budgeting process. Now, we need to focus on the Process as proposed by Pouncer.
Pouncer's Proposal
This is my simplified suggestion.
Select 3 founders to be treasurers for the unclaimed funds.
One to hold marketing, tech & infra respectively.
Treasurers will not sit in any committee
Make this selection simple & fast by putting up 3 names and waiting for no objection (1-2 days) period. Any objections should be followed by a good reason. I suggest jl777 propose the 3 names.
Once this is settled, we can do the nomination/election process for the 3 committees.
What this will solve:
1. Unlikely for founders to "run away" with the trusted funds.
2. They will be in for the long haul
3. They voluntarily give up their right to decide on the usage of funds. Founders will not be seen as monopolising the decision making process, thereby pleasing the opponents of 1NXT = 1Vote to a certain extend.
4. Gives more opportunities to other stakeholders to participate in building up Nxt.
The slate of treasurers is: klee, bybitcoin, neer.g with pouncer as alternate. One treasurer for each of the three committees.
Lets table any discussions about specific funding decisions that were made in the past or proposed, we MUST come to consensus on Process. Without this consent, there are no funds to debate about.
I suggest that the selection process for the three different committees starts right away, those are the decision makers. Merit based for each committee. Details on size, etc. to work out but that is up to each committee.
One step at a time. Current step is to get consensus on the Process