Good point. (And thanks for the input.)
We've got in the works for a mobile site. (It's live, but not "ready".)
The problem with the "optimal" solution is that it isn't general. The purpose of How to Doge is to introduce people to Dogecoin AND the broader world of crypto currencies. Sort of using Dogecoin as a "gateway", if you will.
We've tried to limit any complexity and keep things as basic and as general as possible. With specific online wallets, you run into the problem that every site is different, and people then run into the problem of "oh, this is different than..." The QT client is common to every currency (or the vast, vast majority at a minimum), so while the QT client may not be the best, it is the foundation wallet that people can expect.
Hopefully we'll get more information up on the site and rework some of the content to allow more techno-savvy people to hop on to more advanced paths, like using an online wallet, etc.
So while an online wallet might be easier, it's still not a general feature of most currencies, and the dilemma then rests in how to balance general principles/features of crypto currencies with the easiest/optimal solution for most people to use.
In any event... the project is ongoing, so we'll add more as time permits.