So I've been mining for about 6 hours now and no blocks. Using two Sapphire 7950's. I just noticed, in the command box, I'm showing:
Speed: 5s: 2.70MH/s
2.70MH/s is about the average 5s speed, but why is Speed: remaining blank? Is that normal?
And so far 0 accepted, 0 rejected, and 0 hardware errors. I know I'm kind of late in the game and difficulty is up there now, so is that normal or should I see something by now? What is the average number of blocks I should see every 24 hours?
Here's my command line:
smelter -o
http://localhost:18450 -u 1 -p x -w 256 -g 2 -i 60 -a F8yQzna8fo3Vf33NPTF24A3MXKMUjveJxM
Do I have anything wrong there? I think the only thing I changed in the command line was -g from 1 to 2 and -w from 64 to 256. I have confirmed username and password in command line matches that of my client config file.
Downloaded GPU miner from OP.
Switched on debug mode, and getting a lot of this between the hash reportings:
Share hash above the target
Found something... nCandidates==1
Pool::SubmitSolutions() vWork.size()==1
Share hash above the target
Also seeing a lot of "Discarding stale work" messages. All normal?
Excuse ignorance - first time mining with smelter, or this algo for that matter.
Long story short: smelter sucks. Really, it's that simple. It's alpha software that takes 10% of mined coins, plus I'm not at all convinced it's actually fully non-GPL code. Certainly it's using stuff like JSON libraries, but whatever. Anyway, the dev only had access to Radeon HD 5800/6900 hardware it seems, and basically smelter is tuned for VLIW4/VLIW5 architectures. It will run on newer GCN cards, but it won't run very well. I found that once difficulty was more than around 1000, mining with GCN didn't make much sense. At present, I have only one system doing GPU mining on Frozen, because it has a couple 5800 series cards and seems to do reasonably well -- even my dual 6970 system doesn't find many FZ blocks at 5MHash, where the dual 5800 at 5MHash usually finds about the right amount compared to my 8.8MHash of CPU mining. Add in the lack of pool support, and smelter just isn't worth much IMO.