Hodling sure ... I copied the text from a comment from
Read more:
http://www.businessinsider.com/williams-bitcoin-meltdown-10-2013-12#ixzz2np1O4HvS Like most one-sided 'Hey Look - BitCoin Crashed Again' articles (from 1200% this year to only 700%), that only arrive during a BitCoin price dive, (as I noticed total silence over the period since last week as the price recovered - TOTAL SILENCE), the author failed to mention, or is just unaware of, a few recent news events, which would undermine his entire premise of 'get out now to avoid the panic' piece.
- Bitcoin Is Recognized As "Legal Tender" In Germany, specifically as 'private money'
- The CEO of Russian Sberbank ‘Endorses Virtual Currencies’
- 12,000 US restaurants accept Bitcoin
- ZipZap will offer 28,000 Cash-to-Bitcoin outlets in the UK by next year
- BitCoin transaction volume has caught what it took Western Union 160 years to accomplish
- eBay Latin American divisions are already using BitCoin
- Apple is running scared, possibly under threat, by pulling BitCoin apps from the app store
- JP Morgan decided to dust off their 'virtual currency', all of a sudden, as a 'BitCoin Killer' (I'm still waiting on that 'iPhone killer', too). (this bank is scared shitless)
- Other banks have also hit the panic button, by sending out letters and cancellations to account owners who have yet to violate any policies or laws, except to threaten the existence of the post office, i mean, the bloated, keep-your-money-for-a fee, move-your-money-for-a-fee banking infrastructure. Can class action lawsuits be far behind? (other banks are scared shitless)
- Not one point in the author's text refers to the fact that BitCoin is also an open source, network protocol specification, providing secure transmission of it's digital transmissions and contents, to any point on the globe, all verified by multiple independent points, or nodes, and already running on the equivalent of 500 supercomputers, rather than
the simplistic and misunderstood description as an attempt at a digital currency option.
I'll leave it at that.
I've already made significantly and substantially more valid points that lead to longevity than the author did to his unsubstantiated, but, very specific (I'll just cal it hype) price target.
(On the next price rise of BitCoin, watch again for TOTAL SILENCE from detractors).