Just trying to install/compile directly on OSx. After a couple of minor adjustments which I'll post later, everything worked fine on the initial ./install.sh, run.sh except for a final error about a missing header file.
bash-3.2$ go run cmd/skycoindev/skycoindev.go $@
# github.com/skycoin/skycoin/src/lib/secp256k1-go
In file included from /Users/usr/skycoin/src/lib/secp256k1-go/secp256.go:10:
In file included from ././secp256k1/src/secp256k1.c:5:
In file included from ././secp256k1/src/impl/num.h:8:
In file included from ././secp256k1/src/impl/../num.h:9:
././secp256k1/src/num_gmp.h:8:10: fatal error: 'gmp.h' file not found
#include <gmp.h>
1 error generated.
Thanks for any suggestions...
Try "apt-get install libgmp-dev" or "sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev" first.
On Debian,
1. In the bash script skycoin/compile/install-gvm, there is a curl command to get the gvm-installer. It looks like it piped to the parent? Anyway, it was dropping out with syntax error. So instead, I copied the gvm-installer file from the repository to skycoin/compile/gvm-installer.sh and ran it directly (./gvm-installer.sh)
copy file in
https://raw.github.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer to /skycoin/compile/gvm-installer.sh
in skycoin/compile/install-gvm.sh, comment out the curl and read the gvm-installer file that was just created.
# bash < <(curl -s
That takes care of getting gvm installed.
install 3 more packages:
apt-get install mercurial
apt-get install bison
apt-get instal libgmp3-dev
Add the following lines to the end of your .bashrc (or whereever you think convenient)
export GOPATH=$HOME/.gvm/gos/go1.2/bin
Since a few people seem to be having issues getting SkyCoin running, I'll say what I did. Note: I foolishly didn't take notes while doing this, so something might be missing. I tried using the "setup.sh" script, but it messed with my .bashrc and seemed to need gvm which it apparently failed to install. I choose not to use gvm since it seemed needless and messy, and not to mess with linking directories around: I just added another GOPATH entry.
Setup guide:
Since I haven't reviewed all the code, I'm not going to run in on a computer I care about. Thus I setup a virtual machine (I choose linux mint in VirtualBox). I take no responsibility for what all this does to your computer and/or network. Take the proper precautions!
I installed (via sudo apt-get install) git, mercurial, libgmp-dev, libc-dev. I also installed Go 1.2.1 from here:
https://code.google.com/p/go/downloads/list (You need at least 1.2, and my package manager only had 1.1)
I setup a GOPATH environment variable (
http://golang.org/doc/code.html#GOPATH) in my .bashrc with 2 paths (colon separated), one for third party libs (the first entry on GOPATH where Go get puts stuff be default), and one for the skycoin repo. You can put them both in one if you want.
If you install Go in a non standard location, you need to set $GOROOT.
Add go to the $PATH in .bashrc: "export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin"
create the path: $GOPATH/src/github.com/skycoin/
and in there "git clone
This gives you a path "$GOPATH/src/github.com/skycoin/skycoin" (Note the skycoin/skycoin, you must have both directories)
In there, "go get -u" to download/update all dependencies.
"./run.sh -web-interface=true" will get you a web server you can view at for the UI.
Currently if I run the UI it keeps printing panics, and does not seem to be working, but at least it runs shows a UI and prints lots of things.
If you follow this, please let me know if it works or need and changes/improvements.