January 31, 2015, 12:09:52 PM |
your project is great but please do yourself a favor and overthink the distribution model.
there was this mini blockchain model which was also quite a good idea which was also years of work and was solely killed by the wrong distribution model.
I understand your sentiments regarding pump and dump but if your project is valueable the market does not really care for pump and dump, what it cares for is riks/reward and the core principles of these wonderful technology: they are decentralization, neutrality and innovation.
with a distribution model in which you control 98% of the coin you at least fail with the first and probably also with the second.
January 31, 2015, 12:45:46 PM |
None of the developers want to deal with issues for windows builds.
Sounds just like a coin and a team than will go mainstream surely. 
January 31, 2015, 01:35:35 PM |
Running mint in virtual box i got stuck on the following step :  Can anyone advise how to fix this ? I'm not familiar with this OS so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
January 31, 2015, 02:10:48 PM |
Nem is the best distribution so far Why not do the same 4000 Sky stake distributed to the community
January 31, 2015, 02:32:46 PM |
Running mint in virtual box i got stuck on the following step :  Can anyone advise how to fix this ? I'm not familiar with this OS so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks You lack the libgmp-dev dependency. See the wiki for instructions.

Activity: 118
Merit: 10
January 31, 2015, 03:18:34 PM |
Half of the coins ? In the next five years ? Seems like you ignored my post ... At the end of the five years, we will have 25x the initial distribution (from the first ipo) which is a 2500% inflation. The market will never be able to afford it... You'll kill your coin with this distribution model. I don't understand why you HAVE to sell only 2% during the first ipo... Even with 10 or 20% you are still able tout control pumps.
And no this is not inequal. We are the first to invest, this is us who are taking all the risks, so that's normal if we get the best profit.
I agree, you are just killing your own coin with this kind of IPO, most of the people here disagree of the kind of IPO you are doing, if the coin succeed its because of the community, its the community is against your idea of IPO then you will be on your own, I am sure there are other ways for an IPO where you don't lose control of the coin, Also you need to make the IPO more appealing, it seems you are doing an IPO only for technical people so not open to all kind of people so that will make also less people and only a few whales to invest on this, reflect what you are doing, Nobody will wait 5 years to see how your coin is doing.
January 31, 2015, 04:13:48 PM |
Next year there will have more promising projects I can't imagine in 5 years Just make a normal ipo and raise the max of btc dev Investors will be happy and your pocket too
LISK Develop Decentralized Applications & Sidechains in JavaScript with Lisk!
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
January 31, 2015, 05:43:23 PM |
Next year there will have more promising projects I can't imagine in 5 years Just make a normal ipo and raise the max of btc dev Investors will be happy and your pocket too
if u read all of thread, someone said that in the oldest post that op is a 14 year old that posts on some hacking forums. this explains why they dont care about windows. so far, there is no proof of more than one develper
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
January 31, 2015, 05:46:00 PM |
It seem like most of these proposed features (enforceable contracts, distributed trust-less exchanges, reputation systems etc) all come from the core feature of cross chain transactions. Cross chain transactions allow adding other currencies/goods to the economy that can be securely exchanged. This is a very powerful feature which solves tons of problems including the scalability ones (you can shard the currency if the distributed consensus becomes too expensive, or even add ultra low transaction cost centralized sub-currencies that can be converted back to any other currency)
I've looked into cross chain transactions before: the idea is not at all new. I've just never seen anyone claiming they had a way to do it (If I missed one, please direct me to it. ZeroCoin seemed kinda close, but didn't solve the general problem as far as I could tell). I tried to design some solutions myself, but I was unsuccessful (No surprise since I'm not an expert). If Skycoin really does solve the cross chain transaction problem, then I think we really have something here. I hope this is the case.
However I have a couple of doubts: Skycoin appears to claim supporting cross chain transactions involving existing currencies that have their own block chains already that are not effected by skycoin's. This means that actions on the skycoin side (such as a transaction failing to get included due to being involved in a double spend) can not effect the other block chain. If one version of a skycoind/bitcoin trade transaction gets accepted on the bitcoin side, but a double spend is issued on the skycoin side, I don't see how both sides would be guaranteed to reach the same consensus. Even more confusing to deal with: suppose bitcoin forked, what happens then? A block chain forking is a perfectly valid and acceptable thing (if there is a legitimate disagreement about some transaction's validity, then its forked. Usually one side is mostly abandoned (but still existent), but thats not guaranteed)
Secondly: I don't see how these problems could be solved, even within skycoin one block chains. Solving it there seems more likely to be possible, but I still don't see how it can be done. I won't say it can't be done (cryptography does pretty amazing things), but the explanation for how that works is the main thing I'm looking for.
To be clear though, even if Skycoin fails to deliver a cross chain transaction solution, it still looks like it has a lot of potential, but I'd start to be more suspicious if such a significant claim ended up being false.
You can add to the list of notably important claims the fact that they found another solution to the byzantine generals problem without the need of (PoW) mining. That's also pretty impressive and unique (AFAIK). It also seems that any questions relating to these features aren't being answered. Also I suspect the coder is a young teen from Hackforums (he's a bronnie and coupled with his writing style fits the demographic of an intelligent 12-14 year old scrypt kiddie from this forum)
skycoin (OP)
January 31, 2015, 07:16:31 PM |
Running mint in virtual box i got stuck on the following step :  Can anyone advise how to fix this ? I'm not familiar with this OS so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev

Activity: 103
Merit: 10
February 01, 2015, 02:46:33 AM |
Using the latest ubuntu...
cloned skycoin from github successfully
Then ran the script ./ build
Had the same problems that I had with windows; and I remembered your suggestion to install GO separately. So I did this.
sudo apt-get install golang This installed golang onto my ubuntu.
Then I ran sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev (because of the above post) This seemed to install.
Finally Now I ran ./ build from inside skycoin again. Different problem
witsky@witsky-P31-DS3L:~/skycoin$ ./ build Compiling with go ../../cmd/skycoin/skycoin.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT) ($GOPATH not set) ../../cmd/skycoin/skycoin.go:21:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT) ($GOPATH not set) ../../cmd/skycoin/skycoin.go:22:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT) ($GOPATH not set) ../../cmd/skycoin/skycoin.go:23:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT) ($GOPATH not set) ../../cmd/skycoin/skycoin.go:24:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT) ($GOPATH not set) go compilation failed witsky@witsky-P31-DS3L:~/skycoin$
skycoin (OP)
February 01, 2015, 05:13:26 AM |
Next year there will have more promising projects I can't imagine in 5 years Just make a normal ipo and raise the max of btc dev Investors will be happy and your pocket too
if u read all of thread, someone said that in the oldest post that op is a 14 year old that posts on some hacking forums. this explains why they dont care about windows. so far, there is no proof of more than one develper This account is share by some core developers of skycoin. I wish I know some 14 years old teen who can do all of the existing work, and then I must persude him to join us.
Activity: 2124
Merit: 1013
February 01, 2015, 07:57:40 AM |
February 01, 2015, 08:04:53 AM |
Looks good, great job dev.
February 01, 2015, 08:05:06 AM Last edit: February 01, 2015, 08:33:12 AM by Bitseed |
Wallet looks nice in browser but getting error message in command window: image linking not working on BTT now, posted link.
Bitseed - dedicated full node hardware
skycoin (OP)
February 01, 2015, 11:29:52 AM |
Wallet looks nice in browser but getting error message in command window: image linking not working on BTT now, posted link. All is fine in your screenshot. The msgs is just logging. For example, if some peer is offline, you can't connect it successfully.
February 02, 2015, 08:50:59 AM |
Wallet looks nice in browser but getting error message in command window: image linking not working on BTT now, posted link. All is fine in your screenshot. The msgs is just logging. For example, if some peer is offline, you can't connect it successfully. Thanks for taking a look. Nice, easy install.
Bitseed - dedicated full node hardware
skycoin (OP)
February 02, 2015, 11:19:51 AM |
The button for loading deterministic wallets from seed is now in interface. I need to switch the wallet generator to the deterministic wallet and confirm now.  The wallet backend needs to be refactored, but can happen later. Wallets have an id field, a name field,filename and a seed. This should probably been "filename" as id. The name field should be renamed "notes" or removed. The json storage format needs to be improved later. Just general cleanup in future. When the wallet format changes, you need to go into ".skycoin/wallet" and move the folder. Then open the wallets with a text editor and extract the seed. Then run client and reimport it.
February 02, 2015, 02:29:27 PM |
Running mint in virtual box i got stuck on the following step :  Can anyone advise how to fix this ? I'm not familiar with this OS so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev Thank you  worked.