Bitcoin2014 Conference Amsterdam 15-17 May Update....I would like to request a
logo and maybe
a short intro text.
The conference organisers need to have a
high-quality NXT logo for their conference website/guidebook/app: down to "Contributing Sponsors" , 70% to bottom of page, for examples of other logos)
We already have some logo resources, and I'll post a few here soon, but if there is anything I miss, or if someone wants to create something new (keeping within our current branding material, no major changes, please) please post it and help choose the best.
A short introduction text for NXT would also be useful. 2 or 3 lines of text that completely cover what NXT is....get writing.
There are a lot of other interesting developments on the conference front, but I'll let Damelon cover the RHOS story.
My contact for speaker slot organisation wasn't available today, I'll be trying again tomorrow (thursday) to get her on the phone.
I'd like to have some more info from Damelon about RHOS, if possible, see what needs to be added to our conference package to cover their activities.
Logos, please....that is my current priority for the next 12-24 hours.