Dear programmer of the miner
For you next updated version, there is a wishlist / bug-report / feature-requests:
(1) cgminer.conf You seem to have introduced new parameters
--sj-nfmin 4
--sj-nfmax 30
--sj-time 1388361600
BUT they don't appear in the cgminer.conf file which is written when you press
Please add them.
Will they be read & understood if I put them in a .conf file instead of a commandline switch?
Are there more new parameters?
(2) documentationThere is no scryptjane-README.txt
There is no ultracoin-README.txt
There is no API-README.txt
There is no AUTHORS.txt
There is no GPU-README.txt
You have deleted all the original manuals?
(3) name of the executable and CGWatcherFor being able to continue to use CGWatcher (which e.g. with vertcoin (VTC) works perfectly) the executable cannot be called ultracoinminer, but needs to keep the old name cgminer.exe, but inside it's own folder that's no problem at all:
ultracoinminer\cgwatcher.exe(4) nameinside the running programming, headline, first line - what about calling it "3.7.2.ultracoin.v02", so:
cgminer 3.7.2.ultracoin.v02 - Started: ...
You are a working for a rich premined coin, it shouldn't be a problem to implement these few wishes
Thanks a lot!
P.S.: EDIT if you want to say thank you: UQ3eqjGqBycgLKuaMeA6kKnoTHp4eENYuo