Refund received. Thank you c-cex.
Please consider requesting ID's and/or video conversations from future ICO/crowdfund 'devs', only for your own records. Just a suggestion but I think it would help. Not only to give extra insurance for investors but to eliminate pickles we found ourselves in, and I think it would strengthen your legitimacy.
Please think about this option:
Wow, the CleverBot-Dev is deleting my posts. What I wrote was this, to a post (also deleted) from C-Cex:
If you would put up an average price buy wall and give the fees C-Cex made out of it to Syntaks,....
- investors would be lucky to get their money back, and Syntaks protected them all from being scammed
- it would be great for your credibility, because Syntaks protected you from losing credibility
- it would be a good sign for crypto itself that honesty still means something and is rewarded
- it would be a warning to all potential scammer, that there is a risk
Just as an idea. I did not invest, but I know Syntaks. And I know that he could make so much easy money if he wouldn't be what he showed. Crypto needs more Devs like him.
Think about it... It could be a win-win-win and one lose not just for this scammer.
If it's possible. syntaks deserved it.