Sr. Member
Activity: 501
Merit: 250
SSF Games - Redefining Blockchain Gaming
February 19, 2016, 08:15:03 AM |
Hello c-cex I like using Night Mode maybe this is stupid request but can you change this text to others colour?..LoL 
February 19, 2016, 06:03:09 PM |
I will OFFICIALLY be opening up a SCAM ACCUSATION THREAD against C-CEX very soon if I do not receive my DOGED COINS ASAP.
Erasing this message "2160687.58895635 DOGED to DHwDhRmVpWUipRqDqtpfXWvvdgogJua74b instant withdrawal failed. DOGED wallet failed to create transaction and Your withdrawal queued. It will be processed manually and Your history will be updated with valid transaction ID." from my info messages history will NOT STOP ME!
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 19, 2016, 07:44:19 PM |
I will OFFICIALLY be opening up a SCAM ACCUSATION THREAD against C-CEX very soon if I do not receive my DOGED COINS ASAP. Erasing this message "2160687.58895635 DOGED to DHwDhRmVpWUipRqDqtpfXWvvdgogJua74b instant withdrawal failed. DOGED wallet failed to create transaction and Your withdrawal queued. It will be processed manually and Your history will be updated with valid transaction ID." from my info messages history will NOT STOP ME!
New verge wallet has issues with our doged wallet.dat. We are working on solution right now. No worries, once we put it back online you will have your withdrawal.
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 19, 2016, 07:44:47 PM |
Hello c-cex I like using Night Mode maybe this is stupid request but can you change this text to others colour?..LoL
Yes, thanks. Will be fixed 
February 19, 2016, 07:50:25 PM |
I will OFFICIALLY be opening up a SCAM ACCUSATION THREAD against C-CEX very soon if I do not receive my DOGED COINS ASAP. Erasing this message "2160687.58895635 DOGED to DHwDhRmVpWUipRqDqtpfXWvvdgogJua74b instant withdrawal failed. DOGED wallet failed to create transaction and Your withdrawal queued. It will be processed manually and Your history will be updated with valid transaction ID." from my info messages history will NOT STOP ME!
New verge wallet has issues with our doged wallet.dat. We are working on solution right now. No worries, once we put it back online you will have your withdrawal. It's been almost 48 hours man! No other exchange is having this issue that I'm aware of and I purchased over 4,000,000 DOGED from YOBIT and had them in my VERGE wallet within 30 minutes! 48 Hours is UNACCEPTABLE! This smells like you're selling coins you didn't have, but we will see!
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 19, 2016, 07:55:21 PM |
It's been almost 48 hours man! No other exchange is having this issue that I'm aware of and I purchased over 4,000,000 DOGED from YOBIT and had them in my VERGE wallet within 30 minutes! 48 Hours is UNACCEPTABLE! This smells like you're selling coins you didn't have, but we will see!
Yes, sometimes issues happen when no other has them. 48 hours is much, we know. Unfortunately we will need another 48 hours or even more. Blockchain resyncs extremely slow... No abuses please.
February 20, 2016, 12:47:53 AM |
It's been almost 48 hours man! No other exchange is having this issue that I'm aware of and I purchased over 4,000,000 DOGED from YOBIT and had them in my VERGE wallet within 30 minutes! 48 Hours is UNACCEPTABLE! This smells like you're selling coins you didn't have, but we will see!
Yes, sometimes issues happen when no other has them. 48 hours is much, we know. Unfortunately we will need another 48 hours or even more. Blockchain resyncs extremely slow... No abuses please. You know, a site like could really help in these types of situations. Instant sync, no more waiting 48 hours or more!
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1007
February 20, 2016, 03:15:28 AM |
Ohh and the fun begins.... Yuri is running a fractional reserve exchange..... He's a dirty ass scammer, and I got the proof of his shady shit. I told you yuri, dont fuck with me, but you never listened and thought you were bigger then everyone. You're lucky that I been outa town for the last few weeks, but next wekk im back in action and everyone here will know the truth. Fuck it, I'll start the ball rolling now..... I was you, and I had money on ccex, i'd be moving it out as fast as possible. He's running low on funds, uses client deposits to fund his travels and then makes deals with the devil and fucks up. See yall in a week or so. I'm missing something I think... I don't understand what the image is supposed to be showing/proving?
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 20, 2016, 07:20:31 PM Last edit: February 21, 2016, 03:43:16 PM by c-cex |
Here is my story about Bobsurplus's "friendship". Bobsurplus guy came to me about a year ago and offered to run several ICO's; our relationship developed from there. Several months ago Bobsurplus offered to be C-Cex's marketmaker; the image you see in his tweet is an interface which was developed for him to monitor balances and orders in all of his accounts. It is a monitoring interface for only accounts he own, nothing more than that; it does not have the capability to alter anything (balances, coin counts, etc) on the exchange. We spoke all the time like friends and never had a single issue with each other. We had many voice chats times over skype, discussing many topics like real life, wifes, travel etc. Then he told me that he is on vacations and don't have access to his wallet. So I lent him, like I would to a friend, 10 BTC. He promised to return it within in 3 days. But after that weird things started to happen. The same day he asked me to give him 35 BTC more. Of course I refuse and start to suspect foulplay. Once I refused, he started to blackmail me. The worst he can honestly say about C-Cex is that twice, at my responsibility, I released ICO funds before the ICO holding period had completed and that I developed the interface which he posted on Twitter. He has no other inside information about C-Cex and never had access to any manager's or admin interface of it. As you may guess, the 10 BTC I lent him as a friend where never returned to me. C-Cex is not running on fractional reserve and we can process any and all withdrawals which users have on their balance. I would not be surprised if more lies and attempted blackmail were to come from Bobsurplus given the character he has shown to be. Please be aware that all legit news from C-Cex are released on our Twitter feed: and that Bobsurplus does not represent C-Cex in any way, shape or form. By the way, same thing happened with Linhan (Bter creator) whom he tried to blackmail previously; you can find some info about that incident on the internet through google. Sincerely, Yuriy
February 20, 2016, 07:29:07 PM |
It's been almost 48 hours man! No other exchange is having this issue that I'm aware of and I purchased over 4,000,000 DOGED from YOBIT and had them in my VERGE wallet within 30 minutes! 48 Hours is UNACCEPTABLE! This smells like you're selling coins you didn't have, but we will see!
Yes, sometimes issues happen when no other has them. 48 hours is much, we know. Unfortunately we will need another 48 hours or even more. Blockchain resyncs extremely slow... No abuses please. Well please explain to me how I'm able to compile the entire VERGE wallet and blockchain in under 10 hours on my server? But you're not able to? 
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1001
To weird to live To rare to die
February 21, 2016, 01:35:34 AM |
I forgot my access code his do I reset it?
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 21, 2016, 01:18:06 PM |
I forgot my access code his do I reset it?
Of course. This and any other questions are resolved via our support system: need to write here because we can help you with tickets only.
February 21, 2016, 05:45:15 PM |
If you didn't noticed - VERGE is back online. Generate new address to deposit.
February 21, 2016, 08:25:30 PM |
Received my VERGE Coins Today THANKS!
It did take 4 days but at least I was NOT scammed by C-CEX.
We'll see what happens in the future. The community for the most part seems to have a good overall opinion of this exchange even though I do NOT share that opinion, it looks like they can be trusted. It might take some time, but at least they did deliver as promised.
February 21, 2016, 10:16:40 PM |
So is there anything we can do about @Support randomly banning many of the regulars in chat for no apparent reason? I've seen it too many times now, including myself. If he has a set of rules to follow, have him list what they are. But that doesn't happen and the random bans continue to happen. It appears he isn't in chat much, and only stops by to ban a few regulars before moving on when there are people there actually asking for support help. This is a great way to kill business in my opinion. I've been the director of support for an online business before, so this isn't necessarily some random advice. I've been there before without being ban crazy. It isn't hard to do the job handed to you when it's just support.
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 21, 2016, 11:07:28 PM |
So is there anything we can do about @Support randomly banning many of the regulars in chat for no apparent reason? I've seen it too many times now, including myself. If he has a set of rules to follow, have him list what they are. But that doesn't happen and the random bans continue to happen. It appears he isn't in chat much, and only stops by to ban a few regulars before moving on when there are people there actually asking for support help. This is a great way to kill business in my opinion. I've been the director of support for an online business before, so this isn't necessarily some random advice. I've been there before without being ban crazy. It isn't hard to do the job handed to you when it's just support.
Completely agree. We have chat rules posted in our rules page: but it's possible we need to improve it. If you think that you were banned by mistake - please, kindly open a ticket and tell us about that. We will bring apologies and fix it for future.
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 21, 2016, 11:08:38 PM |
Received my VERGE Coins Today THANKS!
Apologies for delay. We really had problems with verge wallet and indeed require that time to fix it. Thanks also goes to dev who helped us.
February 22, 2016, 12:18:06 AM Last edit: February 22, 2016, 12:32:36 AM by JCJr222 |
So is there anything we can do about @Support randomly banning many of the regulars in chat for no apparent reason? I've seen it too many times now, including myself. If he has a set of rules to follow, have him list what they are. But that doesn't happen and the random bans continue to happen. It appears he isn't in chat much, and only stops by to ban a few regulars before moving on when there are people there actually asking for support help. This is a great way to kill business in my opinion. I've been the director of support for an online business before, so this isn't necessarily some random advice. I've been there before without being ban crazy. It isn't hard to do the job handed to you when it's just support.
Completely agree. We have chat rules posted in our rules page: but it's possible we need to improve it. If you think that you were banned by mistake - please, kindly open a ticket and tell us about that. We will bring apologies and fix it for future. I was originally banned for posting 2 funny youtube videos, which isn't disallowed by the rules at the link you provided under Chat Rules. Aside from this, I have personally witnessed several other users banned by the user know as @Support without previous warning nor any explanation once said users are banned. This seems unacceptable. If needed, I'd be happy to place a resume on file to replace @Support since he clearly isn't doing his/her job (from the level of complaints in the trollbox lately claiming their issue has gone unnoticed/no response) and would be happy to deal with all of the support tickets myself, as I have managed myself before with an exchange of this volume. I also know the trollbox well and will offer to not rule that territory unwarranted. I have done this before, and with the current volume I could easily handle the current level of complaints without a necessity to access any crucial systems, which is how I prefer to operate in these deals. I never want ANY access to user accounts other than to see incoming/outgoing transfers. EDIT: I should add I've seen users go over 24 hours without a response to their ticket/requesting assistance in chat. I can ASSURE this would not be an issue if I had access to deal with thier issues. I have the luxury of working from home and have time each day to ensure this will never occur in the future.
c-cex (OP)
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1001
CryptoCurrency EXchange:
February 22, 2016, 04:09:00 AM |
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 22, 2016, 05:11:30 PM |
i can't withdraw my fund. it's always withdraw error. please contact support?